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Rifles in backpacks

Blackie Lawless

Active member
Pittsburgh PA
Can we fix the fact that if you DC or the server goes down and you have your rifle in your pack the attachments don't disappear? or change the law on the rifles in general, I have lost so much money to this stupid and pointless glitch. or atleast get warnings from the police instead of a huge fine and losing your weapon.

Pistols are legal, rifles are illegal, rifles are used in large crimes and generally for bad stuff. Police prevent this by seizing your weapon. Buy a pistol and you won't get arrested pal. Sounds harsh but it is the reality.

But yes I would like that glitch fixed

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Well this has been around for a long time I believe, simply take the time to take off the attachments before you put it in your backpack.

Rifles are illegal bud, deal with it. Buy yourself a pistol and you wont get in trouble. And +1 on fixing the glitch

Also this has been posted in Q & A not report a bug, might wanna ask someone to move it

Fairly sure it's an Arma bug.

Here's a bright idea! When putting your gun in your back pack put the suppressor and scope in separately.  

Pistols are legal, rifles are illegal, rifles are used in large crimes and generally for bad stuff. Police prevent this by seizing your weapon. Buy a pistol and you won't get arrested pal. Sounds harsh but it is the reality.

But yes I would like that glitch fixed

Well this has been around for a long time I believe, simply take the time to take off the attachments before you put it in your backpack.
It's Arma Bug boys, no fix.

@Blackie Lawless

It's an Arma bug and not server side. 

Arma never likes containers stored within containers, so If you put a backpack with something in it, into another crate, when that crate is refreshed/recalled the items of the 2nd container (backpack) disappear. Same here, a weapon with attachments is a container with your attachments inside, you put it into a backpack (another container) when your inventory refreshes/recalled (being tazed or relogging) the 2nd container (the gun) clears meaning your attachment disappear.

Hope that answers your question.

It's Arma Bug boys, no fix.

@Blackie Lawless

It's an Arma bug and not server side. 

Arma never likes containers stored within containers, so If you put a backpack with something in it, into another crate, when that crate is refreshed/recalled the items of the 2nd container (backpack) disappear. Same here, a weapon with attachments is a container with your attachments inside, you put it into a backpack (another container) when your inventory refreshes/recalled (being tazed or relogging) the 2nd container (the gun) clears meaning your attachment disappear.

Hope that answers your question.
Wierd, I've seen other servers where it saves to be fair that was modded so it might have something to do with it. 

Wierd, I've seen other servers where it saves to be fair that was modded so it might have something to do with it. 
Well, even on my phone PIXELS... this bug persists... idk what u on about...

lol ok, i was just curious because its easy to forget and the only time i put it away is when i first log on and have to get my car/truck out of a major city. I HAVE TO ADMIT, its funny a bunch of policemen responded to me, now i gotta be extra careful on dev  streets. i will be voting for the mayor who calls for the 3 warning rules on rifles.

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