I have been reading all the comments yesterday. I really want to clear some stuff, revoloution, if u still dont get it; this is a serious rp community. most of the things that are in game are not 100 % i thought that exile is a retarded rude bastard at the begining, but when i actually joined his teamspeak he was a cool guy. being a rebel means that you should be a serious guy. you cant be a rebel that is funny or does jokes while doing rebel activities. And yeah, i have tried to solve the rdm/vdm issue with revoloution but damn this guy knows how to make excuses, server disync? i mean srsly man? disync does not affect gameplay since the cars that were in the middle of the road empty and no1 is driving them.
Desync is a situation where the game client on your computer and the PoE server don't agree on what is happening in the game, specifically with the position of players and monsters.
So desync is not an excuse since the cars were empty and the video clearly showed that you did not even try to avoid the cars, u left the car while you were laughing and ran away. If you really think that you can get away with these lame excuses, i think you should find a server that welcomes bad players in it (ex: you can kill anyone if you did not like him and this is enough reason to kill him) there is actually many servers that have people rp this way ^^^. if the admins wont ban you and your brother i would highly suggest monitoring you while playing.
Shiny, you do not RDM but your rp is pretty low, to be fair, you try but you actually fuck it up somtimes, i understand that it is caused by panicing and stuff. banning you wont be fair

just try to apply lots of rp just to make stuff more and more fun.
Just to let you know, cops even rp when they get a report that you are going to suicide and they take it seriously. once i joined the server i asked for a 100k or i will throw myself from the roof and a good rp player actually gave me money to feed my kids and wife!
I actually never seen exile rdm and all my situations with him were fun and included good rp but i only ended up dying cz am a cop with 20 meter ranged tazer xD