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Revert some of the changes to Pillbox

Doctor Box

Active member
Brief Summary: It has been a while since the pillbox changes and people have had the chance to get a feeling for them and get used to it. I believe some of the changes should be reverted as they have taken away a lot of RP that happened inside of pillbox.

Detailed Suggestion:
Bring back the local doctor at upper pillbox, a lot of people haven't realized that you are still able to clock in at upper through the front desk and now that people have to check in downstairs all the NHS that are usually hanging out at upper pillbox no longer have the opportunity to see someone walk in with an injured person and give them treatment instead of having them go to the local doctor.

And yes you could argue that the NHS should just wait at lower then but you need to remember that it is a cramped space and isn't really designed for treating patients on the spot like the upstairs is.

- Have people be checked into ward A again when incapacitated, one thing I often saw when this was the case was that people would go visit their injured friends that were receiving treatment and would either have a laugh or do some RP whilst they wait to be fully treated by the locals. One of the arguments I was given when I first heard about people not going into ward A anymore was to prevent people from getting kicked/stabbed whilst in the beds. However I believe this is an issue that can easily be dealt with by G6/PD and shouldn't need any changes implemented by developers to fix.

- This one might be a little controversial, but the speed of the CCTV at pillbox is far too slow. As it stands right now you could manage to pull a gun and shoot someone in the head and get away before you're caught by the CCTV, making it go off faster would have people think twice about pulling a weapon and trying to attack someone

I do think that the new public wards should be kept in the case that ward A becomes flooded after a large mass casualty incident (like how people couldn't check in during the purge for example) so it is easier for people to be moved into the local wards when the NHS are low on numbers and incredibly overwhelmed and they should be opened up to the public so when your friends are checked into that ward you can still go see them and RP with them.

The Pros:
The amount of RP in pillbox will increase and despite potentially attracting more trouble to the hospital due to the increased traffic, it would also be a place where staff can easily find trolls who are just here for trouble.
Newer players that are unfamiliar with elevators will also struggle less with getting out of the public wards when they've been treated.

The Cons:
People loitering at pillbox will increase again, however this could be dealt with through RP instead of staff which could decrease the pressure on the staff team and increase the RP you can have at the hospital.

I would love to see your opinions on these points and if you have an idea that I haven't mentioned feel free to bring it up
Huge plus 1/ Pillbox has been fully dead since this. And i understand why the update cause the rules say not to hang around pillbox but to make it so you cant go in check on whos in there and stand around just for a bit to chat to people you know and maybe the NHS /Police then why not. Its a hot spot it creates RP. Now i feel most people dont even give it a 2nd look. Every single member who has been here for a small time or years all drive past there and have a look whos about and now its always emtpy. So i think a revert should bring this place back alive.
+1 As G6, the pillbox changes have made the entire place very boring. A big part of G6 was going to pillbox to deal with the usual knife in the ward or group of people being twats but that rarely happens now. Mostly it's just gangs fighting at the hospital or the occasional one or two guys messing around. Pillbox has turned into a fortress and feels like a server / dev solution to an RP issue. I agree with all the changes suggested and wanna see how this is taken

I think the bollards at upper should be slightly changed as well by moving the first bollard to just after where the parking was. This will allow people to still come to upper and check their mates in and give the ambulances a safe place to park without being rammed or blocked in. This also give G6 a reason to be spread out upstairs as well as I find upstairs is empty so we're all at lower. This would hopefully bring back some life to the area
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I completely agree with you the changes to Pillbox have significantly impacted the RP experience and reverting some of them would bring back a lot of the immersive interactions that were lost.

  • Bringing back the local doctor at upper Pillbox would encourage more dynamic RP between NHS staff and civilians rather than simply relying on the downstairs check-in system the upper floor has always been a more suitable place for immediate patient interaction and treatment
  • Checking people into Ward A again would also restore a lot of the organic RP moments that used to happen there whether it’s friends visiting or simply engaging in conversations while waiting The concerns about safety in the ward should be handled IC by security forces like G6/PD rather than removing an entire RP opportunity
  • Regarding the CCTV speed i agree that it should be increased right now it allows people to commit serious crimes and escape before any consequences kick in a faster response time would deter reckless actions and make people think twice before pulling a weapon in such a public space

    Habibi approve +1
This is a big +1 for me,

I feel since the new pillbox changes have been implemented Pillbox has become a ghost town, leaving G6 with little to no RP at that area. Yes i agree there was a case of people being knobs and loitering too much but i feel that is why the rule is there. This has not only affected G6 but has also made it seem like a 'green zone'. This is due to the amount of security around the pillbox even without G6 being there, reducing the amount of roleplay that can unfold with gangs taking back their own or doing other things that can create a good story.
I'll just say it as it is - the changes were clearly made to stop baldy behaviour, however that was the best part of pillbox.

Can't even be denied when there is literally a mural on the wall dedicated to it.
Real. I miss pulling up to one of the many impound jobs and seeing all the Pillbox mains mingling with the freshies, hopefully a middle-ground can be found.
+1, my character as a cab driver has noticed that Pillbox seems quite baron now. Hard to get work around there
I have tested the cameras in pillbox many times, you can allegedly pull a shotgun out and put it away without being caught by the paparazzi 📸📸

I miss the social gatherings whilst everyone's waiting for people to get healed by the locals, feels like pillbox is now a private healthcare service with a private room for treatment!!