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Restrain Glitch from Cutter. (Not glitching)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Cutter.

Time & Date this happened: 12:05 AM 12/30/2014
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:[SIZE=12.222222328186px]  Yes, because this is linked with another ongoing forum report. they failed to resolve this together w[/SIZE]
Description of what happened: 

 (all the story's about wolfie and the hostage situation [SIZE=12.222222328186px][/SIZE][SIZE=12.222222328186px])[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.222222328186px]while being restrained, we have moved the person to check his handcuffs. so he wouldn't break out.[/SIZE]

We have checked the handcuffs by moving him. ( preventing the auto timer would auto un restrain it.)

Blackjack was close by enough to make sure the restrains wouldn't automatically vanish.

Where still waiting on the uncut version of Marmite miners.

- To prove there innocence of not Restrain glitching on us.

Sincerely Tickle ~Goose cartel™

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So, I'm assuming [Gc] Ali is in fact Mattijas in-game?

The evidence is a bit inconclusive, unless you can provide some sort of evidence proving the person who restrained Cutter is not [Gc] Ali, there's not a lot of evidence to prove Cutter glitch the restraints. 

@Mycaelis Do you have any evidence to prove [Gc] Ali restrained Cutter? Anything in side chat at all? Providing that could prevent this going any further.

As I've stated already, if person A restraints person B and person A is later killed, in-game mechanics force person B out of restraints, this is intended and working as normal.


Actually, I've just realised, that GC have already provided the video I need to reject their own report:

Mattijis is [GC] Mattijis, but if you watch the below video, you can clearly see that Mattijis ziptied Cutter and then dies minutes later in his video. Then the other video in this report takes over, as Cutter is released from his restraints due to death of his restrainer and kills one of the GC guys.

@ 1:41 - Cutter is restrained by Mattijis

@ 5:58 - Mattijis is killed by Wolfe.


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Video above does indeed how Mattijas restraining Cutter and indeed does show Mattijas dying. It doesn't however show in the correct timescale. I'm assuming Cutter did not lose his restraints due to Mattijas dying, but in fact lost his restraints due to the 15 minute timescale on restraints. 

@Tickle - Do you feel as though Cutter was restrained for approximately 15 minutes?

@Cutter - Do you also agree that Cutter was restraints for 15 minutes?

If so, that is the reason and not glitching as reported.

The questions I have from the video though, is how Mattijas managed to restrain someone while knocked out?

Video above does indeed how Mattijas restraining Cutter and indeed does show Mattijas dying. It doesn't however show in the correct timescale. I'm assuming Cutter did not lose his restraints due to Mattijas dying, but in fact lost his restraints due to the 15 minute timescale on restraints. 

@Tickle - Do you feel as though Cutter was restrained for approximately 15 minutes?

@Cutter - Do you also agree that Cutter was restraints for 15 minutes?

If so, that is the reason and not glitching as reported.

The questions I have from the video though, is how Mattijas managed to restrain someone while knocked out?

It was my understanding that if the person who restrained you dies, the restraints only takes a few seconds to come undone.

I have experienced this personally when a Bounty Hunter restrained me, was shot, and then I was free from my restraints in about 10 seconds or so...

However, I'll get Cutter to post on here now.

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This is what i exactly mean with that i didn't want to post it to another thread.  

The fact that there here pleading that they know more the well, that if u kill the restrainer u get free, is one of the reasons they abused the fact we don't metagame and that they just wanted to change the hostage RP to a Mexican shootout RP with Wolfie's actions.

Its in my point of view still a breaking of rp...

Gc knows killing the person who restrained someone will not uncuff a person. 

To answers on your question kris, 

Yes we feel like we past 10 minutes so we moved the hostage so the timer of 15 minutes gets reseted.

( because we knew the restraining is a little bugged, so thats why we moved him to fix it for the next 15 minutes.)

To respond towards the fact that Mathijs Ziptied him yes he did  have noticed that now aswell, but still this does not change anything in how later on cutter shot a man in the back.

I wanne pinpoint the fact out that Mathijs knocked someone out, he tryed to ziptie the person who was ALREADY knocked out and while pressing Shift+ R he got knocked out by the person who was knocked out already!

the reported person has Knocked someone out while being knocked out.

so i would wish to add this to the report aswell

Sincerely Tickle ~Goose cartel™

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TBH, I do not know if I was cuffed for the full 15 minutes. From GC's first video from the perspective of [SIZE=13.63636302948px]Mattijis, I was restrained for at least 5 minutes, but I'm not sure how long after this the second video from Blackjack was to make any sort of [/SIZE]judgement[SIZE=13.63636302948px] on how long I had been restrained. I was obviously not released straight after [/SIZE][SIZE=13.63636302948px]Mattijis died, but it seems to me that that is the obvious cause for my release.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]As far as him cuffing me while knocked out, you can see I knocked him out while falling, purely lag and the same was probably happening on his part, he pressed shift+R while going down and it did the animation while apparently [/SIZE]unconscious[SIZE=13.63636302948px]. That's just Arma for you.[/SIZE]

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Okay, so to both sides. From what I see, there's a lot of rivaly going on here, which both of you need to work out. The report a player thread is not to get at each other, we've seen this in the past involving both PLF and another gang. The forums are NOT for hatred and bitching, they're for the community.

Not that we've got this over, there's three ways we can consider this report;

1) 15 minute timer is up on restraints, I don't know the exact timer on them but I was under the impression that once someone is restrained, the 15 minute is solid and does not increase/change to 30 minutes if you move the restrained person.

2) This seems unlikely due to the duration of the video, but Mattijas ziptied Cutter, Mattijas was killed - in the other video posted we can see Tickle kills someone, walks around a bit, moves Cutter and takes cover - during this entire time we don't see anything about Mattijas dying - which is exactly why I firmly believe we've just past the 15 minute restraint timer. If indeed Cutter was freed from his restraints due to Mattijas dying, I would expect him to be free prior to being moved.

3) Cutter did indeed glitch his restraints.

I firmly believe this stage that option 2 is out of the question. We've got one 5 minute video from the moment Mattijas restrained Cutter and another 1:37 minute video showing (after Mattijas was killed) of Cutter being perfectly restrained and moving about. 

From here on-wards, I expect only two people to reply to this report - Cutter and Tickle, any other posts that do NOT provide any evidence to the matter will be removed and warnings/temporary forum bans will be issued.

This, ultimately will be reviewed by an admin - but from the evidence provided that this is nothing to do with glitch restraining or Mattijas being killed but simply to do with the 15 minute restraint issue. Perhaps, @Ciaran could shed some light onto this?

Further more, without the actual evidence of Cutter going prone and abusing the restraint it's a bit difficult to call a judgement. Like I said regardless, a server admin will review this in due time.

No more bickering, no more bitching. Your posts will be edited to remove the shitty, non-helpful comments of 'X Gang is trying to do this' and 'X gang is trying to do that'. It's not welcome here and will only result in both of you being in a world of shit.

Edit: And to further your question, @Tickle - One of you did mention that Cutter was experiencing some lag which could explain to the reason why he knocked you out when you had knocked him out, seems unlikely due to the fact he's surrounded by several armed men, but this could shed some light to the situation. Thank you for pointing this out.

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Just to add, had I simply gone prone and shot as in glitched out of the restraint, I would still not be able to move from my knowledge, I would have a few seconds with my gun out and I would have then be put back into the restraint position. This did not happen. I was completely released and was able to shoot the guy and then move behind cover.

Just to add, had I simply gone prone and shot as in glitched out of the restraint, I would still not be able to move from my knowledge, I would have a few seconds with my gun out and I would have then be put back into the restraint position. This did not happen. I was completely released and was able to shoot the guy and then move behind cover.
That's another good one, I did not think about until now. If you had glitched restraints and killed anyone, you would have got back up and sent back into the restraint position.

I'll leave this thread open, but like I've said already - this report is not valid as no rules have been broken however a server admin will review this and make a decision.

Restraints stopped as Matt was killed. No one exploited here.

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