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Residential Burglary

SGT Dean Hastings

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Gruppe 6
Los Santos Rangers

Before I go into this suggestion, I just want to say, I am a cop main but I want this suggestion to be for crims. I understand their frustrations and would love to see something for them to get their teeth into they'd enjoy.


My idea, is to add a single NPC to the server who when approached gives you a location to burgle a house, this house will be completely random and could take you anywhere, when you break into the property (which will be an NPC house, not an actual players house). The property will be one of a couple of different interiors with an asortment of furniture and storage. Inside the storages will be all kinds of items, nothing too insane, lets say it's about the amount of 10 minutes of panning would give. There's a chance of wads of cash, anywhere from 3 - 10 though, it's random. Maybe an extremely rare chance of something extra special. It's a proper treasure hunt when you are in there, but when you enter there's a chance the police may be alerted immediatly or after a minute of you entering.

I think the NPC should ask for a item, they'll say "keep whatever you find, but bring that trophy/watch/necklace to me!"

For Police this would be extra special, we love doing property breaches but more often then not, no one is in there. This would be very fun for Police searching for a crim, the property layouts could be all kinds of chaos to make the property search and clear extra interesting.

This would give crims an element of mystery, they don't know when police are coming through that door, how much time they have left, how much stuff they can steal before Police turn up, risk it and take more stuff or grab a few things and leg it? Upon stealing the special item, the NPC will pay the player a little money on top of the other items. Again this is all in realms of balance.

I think this can be easily balanced against: Number of cops online required, items needed to breach a property, how quickly the alarm goes off and which items go inside these NPC propertys.

I won't over complicate it too much but I think these basic foundations would give to serve both crims and Police extremely well! I look forward to your thoughts
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100% for this. GTA San Andreas has house burglaries, detailed as this suggests pretty much. It also had where at night the npc was sleeping and you had to sneak around as to not wake them. You would use the Boxville van to store stolen goods and then take to sell. This sounds mint!
Pretty sure this has been a base feature of QBcore for a while now. Obs RPUK works from ESX but this and many scripts can easily convert or already have the ability for both.

Good idea

i think there should be a skill element like a hack to maybe add time, or let you know if the cops have already been alerted - that way crims aren't totally at the mercy of RNG