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Rescuing mate from police. Got banned.

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New member
I just now... Roleplayed with 2 mates and got banned when i shot the cop that restrained him. I dont think that is fair play at all cus our roleplay game was to trick the copper to take one of us and the rest ambush him. Think the coppers name was Nicotin or something. Got Video prof of it all cus everything is recorded and streamed on twitch.

would be a good idea to include that coppers were KOS in kavala and killed all of us. Then we formed a gang to get some payback. Thats how it started.
No :( sry i didnt think you needed that. Been playing on so many servers lately. I'm sorry if thats the case.

If your still wanting to be unbanned please reopen a new topic, Closing this old topic.

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