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Requesting Assistance


The Butler
The Great Britain
Hello all, 

I am thinking of creating a feature length film, now I am planning to release this at New Year but I need help. I need people to help me in writing up the script, I need people to act. I need everything! I am requesting people that want to be in it. On Friday the 14th November we are going to start talking about it. So either PM me in ts, reply to this forum post or message me if you want to be involved.

I hope you do consider this.


I forgot to mention I am also looking for members who have been around for a while and who you would expect to see.

Lot of films planned recently. If you need help, count me in.

Shakespearian theatre is more my sort of thing, but I suppose I could try branching out if you had a suitable role in mind? My curiosity is indeed piqued...

Hey voltz if you need someone to fly in an hummingbird or maybe something bigger? Count me in !!
