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Report a Player - Zein Al Abdoul - RDM

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Romania , Bucharest

Your In-game name

John Smith

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Zein Al Abdoul

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was doing clams with Zein and Oscar , after the second run they pulled guns on me and told me to put my hands up , i complied , they told me to put my backpack on the ground , i tried but i was to close to the helicopter to access my inventory so i took a small step away from it , the second i stopped i was shot without a warning. When i asked him on side-channel why , he said he is ruthless . I just wanted compensation for my gear because i didn't consider they had any motive to kill me .

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


All right. As you can clearly see on that video you started to take a run, what did i told you before was put your hands up, not make sudden movements which will usually get you shot. just your dump and your own fault, not ours.

" the second i stopped i was shot without a warning " Yeah. Don't make sudden moves while being held at gunpoint, also tell people if you want to move i didnt know whether you we're gonna run or not.

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@CursedDid you try and resolve this with the other player before reporting it? Because if you did not and straight out reported this, you are in trouble yourself. I am so fed up with people causing disturbance with reports without properly trying to resolve this..

[SIZE= medium][COLOR= #6b29ee](1.6)[/COLOR] An admin may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.[/SIZE]

I am looking forward to hearing how you tried to resolve this issue.

@ZeinAlAbdoulHe made no attempt to get away, he just stepped out to drop his stuff. Did you ever read this rule:

[SIZE= medium][COLOR= #6b29ee](7.1.4)[/COLOR] Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, put your hands up or i will shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM.[/SIZE]

I feel your RP there was severely lacking and killing him was in no way needed. Calling in a second opinion on if this is RDM or not..

@Edgar Ville would you please let me know what you think

@CursedDid you try and resolve this with the other player before reporting it? Because if you did not and straight out reported this, you are in trouble yourself. I am so fed up with people causing disturbance with reports without properly trying to resolve this..

[SIZE=medium](1.6) An admin may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.[/SIZE]

I am looking forward to hearing how you tried to resolve this issue.

@ZeinAlAbdoulHe made no attempt to get away, he just stepped out to drop his stuff. Did you ever read this rule:

[SIZE=medium](7.1.4) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, put your hands up or i will shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM.[/SIZE]

I feel your RP there was severely lacking and killing him was in no way needed. Calling in a second opinion on if this is RDM or not..

@Edgar Ville would you please let me know what you think
I feel you in this, however it was more like a reflex from me, yes it might have been abit too early but on my screen it looked like he was about to go full sprint. Again, i can't think of his safety while robbing him. I can see now that i might have been abit quick to do this, but if i wanted to execute him i wouldn't have emptied my entire clip on him i never wanted to kill him.

Again, it  was never my intention to say "Hands up" and then shoot him. I thought he was going for a run because he's man looked to go in a full sprint, so i reacted as you could see. My plan was not to kill him, never. I had it all planned with my friend to begin with.

@CursedDid you try and resolve this with the other player before reporting it? Because if you did not and straight out reported this, you are in trouble yourself. I am so fed up with people causing disturbance with reports without properly trying to resolve this..

[SIZE=medium](1.6) An admin may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.[/SIZE]

I am looking forward to hearing how you tried to resolve this issue.

@ZeinAlAbdoulHe made no attempt to get away, he just stepped out to drop his stuff. Did you ever read this rule:

[SIZE=medium](7.1.4) Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, put your hands up or i will shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM.[/SIZE]

I feel your RP there was severely lacking and killing him was in no way needed. Calling in a second opinion on if this is RDM or not..

@Edgar Ville would you please let me know what you think
Sir i did try to resolve this directly with him , i asked him to come to ts , he was very dismissive of me and he told me that if i think he did something wrong i should report him and he will counter my footage with his footage , or something along that line i don't remember his exact words.

This is not a revenge post sir , i reported him because i believe he was in the wrong here and i got a feeling he was quite proud of his actions. It started as a good rp opportunity and i was really enjoying  myself actually , until he gunned me down for no reason , in my opinion. Some days ago i got rdmed like 2-3 times , even a medic got killed along with me in one of those instances , but i didn't had to report it because i managed to solved it with the players in-game (they were new). I'm not trying to get people banned , i love  this community and i'm sure they do too so i won't try to take that from anyone , but in some rare cases when i consider the player is in the wrong and i think he might or he will repeat the mistake i have to report it , so others won't be left with a bitter taste after an experience like this.

I would've retracted my report if he just would've contacted me and try to resolve this with me , i still would if that is still possible , so i'm very sorry @Khandamir/Paul Montana if i was an inconvenience , i know you guys have your hands full.

Is this RDM? 
In my opinion, no. Zein mentions Johns name, I assume this is because you guys traveled for a time together or spoke before this robbery. There's a hint of familiarity "I expected this" that leads me to say that even if the ending was poor, the trip to it had depth.

The shooting, while severe was a result of John moving, while being warned to make no sudden movements. If John had simply said "i have to move away from the helicopter" in any way I would be looking at this in a very different light. As it is, you would have appeared to be running away from a man with a gun.
Had you walked it would have been different , had you spoken it would have been different.

On the other hand; Zein did shoot. He could have made an effort to attempt communication again, which is of course preferable. However simply put it is not 100% necessary.

I'd like both parties here to meet on teamspeak and talk to each other. You can ask any of the member support to sit in and moderate if you wish.
Other than that, back to @Khandamir/Paul Montanato decide on this.

In light of my chat with Edgar and his second opinion given here, I am denying the report of RDM.

I want both parties ( @Cursed & @ZeinAlAbdoul) to take a good read of what Edgar has said here, it reflects a balanced and unbiased view on the situation and has some points of criticism toward both sides. I feel both parties could learn from looking at Edgars view on the situation and encourage you to do so.

Thanks to @Edgar Villefor sharing your view on the sitation.


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