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Report a Player - WhoisDan - Other

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Your In-game name

Dean Hall

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

As I believe WhoisDan is an admin of Altis Life UK. Who on the date specified was permanently banning players for things that were said in OOC chat. A player who I am in no way related to has banned for saying the phrase 'autistic' in the OOC chat after being called a 'stinky nigger cunt' in game (but I guess because THAT was roleplayed its fine?). However, due to WhoisDan having no concept or understanding of what I can only assume nothing, he decides to ban the player 'Jack' and begin to laugh about it with other players in OOC chat. WhoisDan then tried to defend his actions when questioned by myself about why he did it and banned myself for standing up for another player. In my opinion whoever this WhoisDan is, he clearly has gone power mad with his position on a video game and is taking things far to serious and to heart. Making me question his level of maturity and whether he has the emotional response level of a 14 year old boy in his boxers enjoying his Christmas break from school.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)



This was in reference to the fact that I had banned someone minutes previously for calling someone 'autistic.'

Banning someone for breaking a very obvious rule makes me 'mad with power?' Uh... ok.

I will add, just in case this report is actually being taken seriously (although I doubt it, given his evidence is a very random gif):

  • I did not 'laugh' about banning Jack. As soon as I banned him, Dean started questioning me and didn't seem to understand how joking about autism can offend people.
  • I did not witness Jack being called a racist term, therefore I can't act on it.
  • I wasn't 'defending' my actions. I was trying to make him understand how it can be offensive.
  • As shown in the image above, Dean wasn't banned for sticking up for his friend, he was banned for joking about autism.
That is all 

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My point is the people who are going around in game blurting out racial slurs and profanity (who are in fact members of the police force, supposedly gone through interview processes) are protected from incurring your mighty admin powers because they supposedly RP it and 'Oh its my character, he's the racist'. So Jack calls these people autistic (which they probably are if they come out with things like that) and you my friend take it way to far and get emotional about it. 

And to note in your happy little screen shot I didn't insult you or directly call you a name, if we're going to be as pedantic as yourself in that screenshot I was merely asking you a question, am I not? So I revert back to my previous comment about your level of maturity (perhaps age) and you're ability to control your emotions in the 'almighty Godlike' position you're in.  

If these people, who I am unaware of the names of, members of the police force. Come out with quotes such as 'My character in-game is aggressive and racist meaning that I can actually call you a big black nigger cunt' clearly have issues or are in fact themselves very immature and racists... 

Anyone in their right mind would need to question such individuals well-being if they first of all say such things over an online game and then proceed to create some bullshit up about role-play to cover their arse about being a straight up immature racist? Am I missing something here? 

You did not call them immature and racist. You said they were probably autistic. Sorry fella not here. That makes you just as bad as your friend. 1D ban issued on top of your current ban.

If you have proof of anything you have said please feel free to report. You obviously know how.

[SIZE= 1.3rem]Any other admin can deal with the report against whoisdan.[/SIZE]

Feel free to ban me from in game its not that which is my issue. My issue is the fact I could of ran up in game and called them anything under the sun no matter how offensive (the same way in which they've already done) and that would be fine because Im role-playing it right? No, wrong. There needs to be a point in which a line is drawn, those individuals who were called autistic are let off scot-free with what they said, which in terms of severity of the language said was far greater. 

Yet because what Jack and I said in the OOC chat in response to such people wasn't role-play WhoisDan was able to swing his mighty hammer of Justice down upon my mere peasant status account. 

Of course I respect the rules and the fact that Jack's response wasn't necessary but it would have been impossible to report such people to admins as it was conducted through direct VON. 

You dont get it do you? We cannot ban when we do not witness it. Thats what this forum is for. It is not impossible to report it as people record and upload it here. The things you typed are not permitted here but without evidence it means nothing.

It's clear that WhoisDan wont be dealt with or even spoken to, because admins right? Players who have genuine concerns and issues BUT are causing a hassle, just slam the hammer down, give an excuse and move on. I get it, its easy, you've got stuff to do... But there is a clear issue I've raised here and if nothing it needs to at least be taken into consideration.

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As I've said I have no evidence as I dont feel the need to record everything I do on this game. But what Im saying is truthful and honest, believe it or not its you're choice. But we're members of YOUR player-base and if this isnt an isolated situation then there's an issue.

It's clear that WhoisDan wont be dealt with or even spoken to, because admins right? Players how have genuine concerns and issues BUT are causing a hassle, just slam the hammer down, give an excuse and move on. I get it, its easy, you've got stuff to do... But there is a clear issue I've raised here and if nothing it needs to at least be taken into consideration.
No, that's not the way it works. If I've made an error in judgement, or if I'm thought to be abusing my power, then I will be dealt with just as any other player would be. You keep going on about me 'slamming my mighty hammer down' or whatever, but all I've done is ban two people who were both very toxic in sidechat. Jack called someone autistic, you not only made a subtle joke about autism, but you was also looking for arguments and being foul-mouthed. All I have done here is what I'm supposed to do- to keep the servers clean of those who don't deserve to be there, and you, unfortunately, fall under that category in my eyes.

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I was neither toxic or vile. I only questioned you're judgement. You're judgement which I felt was unfair and unjust in response to the 'role-played' abuse we received from other members on the server. Do not think for one moment that Im defending Jack for what was said, because Im not, I'm purely here to raise an issue about yourself and they way you went about dealing with the issue and to raise the point of 'role-play' abuse. I understand you're here to fulfill a duty to keep the servers clean (especially at peak-times) but not for a second did you consider the context in which why Jack was saying such things in response to the severity of abuse he had received or why I was questioning your judgement.  

I also fully understand the rules and category that Jack falls under for his direct abuse towards someone in OOC chat. But I however, didn't directly abuse yourself or any other member of the server, merely questioned you, for which I was instantly banned. 

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Alright. I am not too happy that this is being dragged out like this .. could have been dealt with much simpler and thats what I am doing now.

Report Denied on WhoIsDan due to no evidence at all.

However a Ban will be issued on Dean Hall not only for trolling with the Report (Invalid evidence) but also for abusing the term Autistic. (Issued by VladicKa)

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