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Report a Player - Viper - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP

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Well-known member
Bentley, West Midlands

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We (Myself, SPC Foxtrott and a PCSO) were attending a report of a stolen truck. We rolled up and a small chase started. We stop and dismounted. The PCSO thought the guy drew a gun and fired 1 rubber bullet at him. We later sorted this out. We tried to tase the guy and he started running around us. Before we hit the guy we came under fire from Viper who was on the hill. The guy we tased said nothing that would threaten us and we got killed. This is borderline RDM and poor RP/Fail RP. We spoke to member support and they confirmed this too. We tried to resolve it on teamspeak but they didnt want to accept what they did. They kept saying it was not breaking any rules and they didnt agree with it.

On the video check from 06:00

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


In my defense he said you were shooting at him, which you were and i'd also like to point out infact i shot way after you started tasing....

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You were rude in teamspeak admitting you had do nothing wrong.

You could have shown this

Please elaborate on being rude? One of the first things i said to you was "He said they were shooting at me". At no point was i any way rude or even swear for that matter the only thing i said was I feel like im in school and even that wasnt rude its called bringing abit of humor into a shit situation you know? Hardly my fault that you had to be so upright about the situation, i thought we were all here to have fun... mistakes happen, communication errors or lack of communication happens.

I'm sure the member support guy could enlighten you.

End of the day you were sure you didn't break any rules. Which is concerning since as you said you have been around for two years

Oh you mean the guy who was your friend? Nice abit of bias to add to the situation.

Whats more concerning is, i never actually said that... did i? That was Dwarf so thats proven how much you've actually taken in from what we have said if you cant even tell apart from who said what.

So, so far you have told a couple of porkypies... first claiming now i quote what you said here in teamspeak "You started shooting at us before we fired"... now as you can see the very first shot which was what a rubber bullet shot 6:48? which can actually be heard or mistaken as a gun shot, Was actually how long before i started shooting 9:28...so thats around 2 minutes 40 seconds... now im no expert on time travel but im pretty sure thats not before.

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I was the member support helping out with the situation.

Viper decided to throw little sarcastic comments during the discussion. I kicked him from the server because both tim and Vipers friend was making a genuine effort to get this sorted and didn't really need a childish attitude slowing/detailing the discussion.

And accusing me of being biased. Bold statement that seeing as I don't really know Tim. Don't appreciate that.

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Now your pluralizing "comments"... And as i have said and admitted to i actually said one comment thats non plural, and was in no way intentional on "slowing/detailing" the discussion at all, in fact i probably said the least and was trying to improve the atmosphere instead of everyone being so serious about it, you know jokes are a good thing an can bring people together  not everything has to be a heated discussion 

Look at the end of the day it was a shitty situation down to bad communication it wasn't intentional as you can clearly see in the video. And In all honesty I didn't really expect you to react like that when I said that comment as I didn't mean to cause offense or come across as sarcastic/childish that wasn't my intention so I'm sorry you felt that way.

TBH this whole argument makes 0 sense. When we came back to play on this server i made sure to read through the rules to see if anything had changed from the last time we had played about 6 months ago, some stuff had changed but there where no new rules which really did not make sense, so when we went about playing we did the normal rebel things of robbing and when i was pulled over by the police and this whole incident happend we were confident that we were in the right about when and how we were allowed to engage the police. So when we are told that after a fight that we were in the wrong because a gang member defended me in the middle of what is clearly a fight. so i went on to read the rules several times after thinking i had missed something and doubting my self but there is not a single reference to saying that taser are not a form of initiation and i feel like there are smaller and less specific rules listed in the rules tab so i would go on to think that something such as this would be specifically stated in the rules but it isn't. so all in all viper is being accused of RDM because according to them a taser dose not count as initiation even though it is not stated in the rules as well as when we were later speaking in the teamspeak the moderator there even went on to say that technically firing a taser is initiation (have a recording if anyone wants it). so i was pulled over for the vehicle not being mine, asked for my name and then went on to threatening me to put my hands on my head or i would be tazed, (rather than just talk about the situation) i ask them no to taze me and then they attempt to and at this point a gang member defended that just seems like a normal fight to me. Regarding how viper was in the teamspeak after the event that is a different thing entirely and i suggest you take it away from here, put it into a new report and be sure to post evidence.     

When we came back to play on this server i made sure to read through the rules to see if anything had changed from the last time we had played about 6 months ago, 
If i remember correctly you said you didn't read the rules when you returned.

I might be able to dig up footage of this.

Approved - Artic_Dwarf - Baiting, Poor role play- Awaiting Action

Approved - Viper - Baiting, Poor role play - Awaiting Action

Now a warning to the police be careful what you did with your tasers, just because your weapons have non lethals shooting with lethals and non lethals without role play is still rdm. But it looked like a mistake so I'm just giving you a heads up.

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Okay fair enough you have to take action in some regard... but can I atleast have another review on the report or an explanation if it leads to a permanent ban? Like dwarf has said we have been playing on here since June 2014 as can see on our profile not once has either of us been banned in that time frame, shouldn't that atleast say something that were not here to intentionally RDM or cause trouble? And it was just a communication misunderstanding and human error 

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I've decided to review the report myself after kicking up a big fuss. Viper what you did was classed as RDM/Fail RP. The officer did not know that they would get shot dead if they tazord the man in question, if the officers knew that then this would have been a completely different situation.

You made the call to shoot and unfortunately it was the wrong call to make. After all this is a seriours RP community right? Action will be only taken upon Viper


Steam ID:76561198066584526


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