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Report a player - Unknown person (Aztecas/Grove) - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Chris Pasztak
Reported Players: Unknown person (Aztecas/Grove)
Date: Jun 7, 2024
Time: 23:42
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was chilling around the Kraken with Cutlass, Lost MC and a few other people (1 TFA, Claire Clancy). Someone had arrived in a car and starting purposely hitting the Lost's parked bikes. I had ran over to Kilo (Cutlass) and asked him to ram the guy in the car to disable his vehicle. Whilst running over to Kilo, I see and unknown person pull out a gun and start shooting. Instantly thinking this was Cutlass I start saying "No no", only to realise this was in fact not Cutlass and was either and Azteca or Grove member who began firing at Cutlass. After realising I was in the middle of a gang fight I begin to run away, whilst on radio to Donny Donald saying " Get out of here, I'm not sure who's shooting". Whilst running away I take a shot from what I think was a revolver that almost downed me. After saying this on radio, Donny began shooting at the person on top of the car park, to give me some time and cover to make it out of there alive. I then shout to Donny " Feds behind you, multiple feds" After hearing no response of Donny via radio. I call in the rest of the Lost to come help. The firefight is now in full effect, with Police, Cutlass, Grove, Azteca's and Lost MC all shooting. Now I understand that I am blacked out and they could have easily thought I was a Cutlass member, but its more the fact that no words were said, and it feels like they just assumed I was a Cutlass instead of actually confirming the backgrounds or affiliation of myself before shooting.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/idrZZzDnrx2R0uoGM/d1337UwQPGyi?invite=cr-MSxzd2wsMTI3MzE0Njk4LA
I also have Donny's POV of the situation that shows a couple minutes prior to the shootout.
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Im curious as to who you’re actually reporting the one that shot general or the one that shot you? Not got much to say on the situation other than we had a small group of 6 people, got the drop that general was at kraken, he was fully aware that we were there because he just would not leave no matter what because he knows within roleplay lost will give him that good slop, a phone call between Erik and general took place and the rest unfolded. To me looks like wrong place wrong time, I’m not sure who shot you either but since I was involved but didn’t actually get to shoot anyone because my pc was taking a piss I thought I’d come drop in and say hi. Thank you Chris for not asking anyone to discord.

- Edit
I should also mention that as soon as Erik pulled up to talk to general, general started punching Erik but the clips don’t show that.
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Im curious as to who you’re actually reporting the one that shot general or the one that shot you? Not got much to say on the situation other than we had a small group of 6 people, got the drop that general was at kraken, he was fully aware that we were there because he just would not leave no matter what because he knows within roleplay lost will give him that good slop, a phone call between Erik and general took place and the rest unfolded. To me looks like wrong place wrong time, I’m not sure who shot you either but since I was involved but didn’t actually get to shoot anyone because my pc was taking a piss I thought I’d come drop in and say hi. Thank you Chris for not asking anyone to discord.
Your welcome mate, thanks for not checking who your shooting at before shooting. No one was asked to discord because the rp went on for 3-4 hours after that had happened.
Hello I am the person in the white who pulls a gun out and shoots at "General" it was not random grove and cutlass have been fighting for sometime now and before this me and general was on the phone going back and forth and then we found out he was at the kraken we pulled up and when I went to spoke to him he throw a punch but missed so I walked back and pulled my weapon and shot at him. Also can you clarify who you are reporting here me the one in the white or the one who tagged you with a rev ?
Boohoo mate, you didn’t even die. You don’t know who shot you, you didn’t even try to ask. Got caught in crossfire, it happens. The guy Donny starts lighting up in the clip also didn’t shoot at you so how about Donny also checks who’s shooting at you first eh? So do we wanna try the same logic here? Or shall we not because it doesn’t fit ur narrative. We can go back and forth all day fella, I’ve finished work and have all the time in the world. In a gang shoot out believe it or not stray bullets do hit people, wouldn’t be very gangster to come up to you and ask for ur post code, name and national insurance number would it. Clearly wrong place wrong time like I said and you got caught in that, happens unfortunately buddy.
So firstly your telling me you don't know who shot at me and now your telling me it wasn't him, either way it doesn't matter who shot at me, and the bs your spouting about crossfire and stuff like that, yeah id understand if someone was letting an AR or SMG off, but it was a Rev, I was shot in the middle of the road when there was no one around me. You said it yourself you came by to say hi and wasnt the one who shot me, so you go take a step back and enjoy the rest of your day buddy. Ill reply when either staff wanna know something or the person who shot comes through :).
Hello I am the person in the white who pulls a gun out and shoots at "General" it was not random grove and cutlass have been fighting for sometime now and before this me and general was on the phone going back and forth and then we found out he was at the kraken we pulled up and when I went to spoke to him he throw a punch but missed so I walked back and pulled my weapon and shot at him. Also can you clarify who you are reporting here me the one in the white or the one who tagged you with a rev ?
Not you mate, doesnt matter what happened to general this is aimed at the person who shot me with a rev.
I know it’s not the one on the roof because I just asked in my discord x the one on the roof is Ben. Reason the community is the way it is comes down to people like you that treat the forums like a full time job when any minor inconvenience takes place, I’ll make sure the one that shot comes forward don’t you worry about that. Have a blessed Sunday.
I know it’s not the one on the roof because I just asked in my discord x the one on the roof is Ben. Reason the community is the way it is comes down to people like you that treat the forums like a full time job when any minor inconvenience takes place, I’ll make sure the one that shot comes forward don’t you worry about that. Have a blessed Sunday.
Do your research son, first report I've ever put up on here. I had to get help of someone to even find my way to the report a player section mate. Hardly a fulltime job.
Do your research son, first report I've ever put up on here. How many have you done.
0 in nearly 3 years actually but half tempted to report you for disturbing the peace now on a day like today, the lords day. Didn’t think you were gonna reply tbf after you saying it was ur last reply. Goodbye Chris, Big C’s.
Evening Chris mate, I was the one who tagged you with the rev. I don't have a clip as I usually clip when I down people and didn't really see the need seeing as I shot like 4 bullets total and only the 1 at you which was my only hit. So as explained above we were a group of 6 in a temporary alliance, it's well known that Grove has been in war with Cutlass for some while now and Azteca's and Cutlass are always back and forth which is well known too. So onto the shots exchanged, Erik makes a phone call with General and then approaches on foot where it kicks off and the first shots are fired. We knew there was 1 Lost member there which was Donny in his Lost MC Jacket and was prepared for him to return fire after the situation began. Erik shouts to shoot and on first instinct I shot at you because you wasn't wearing any identifable clothing which after I hit you I knew was a mistake because you didn't have a gun out. This is when I stopped aiming for you and took aim at others that had guns drawn. We took General and the other Cutlass member to continue the RP and after that was finished I would of been more than happy to explain the full situation in QE but as we are here now that's how my side of things went down. If you have any questions let me know mate.
Thanks Mazza, staff this has been resolved in QE, I'm happy with what was spoken about and I'm happy for this report to be closed now thank you.
Thanks for the chat Chris

Staff, I was the person being reported here but we had a chat in QE and all has been resolved, I didn't mean to cause the mayhem that occured after the initial shootout by shooting at Chris, thanks
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I'm glad you managed to resolve this in a liaison.

Given the above;

Report Declined