Hi, as I was also involved in this scenario, I would also like to comment on why this report is made.
With the chase not even lasting a minute and you automatically saying "back off or be shot", that's basically saying "hands up or die" or as the RDM rule states " Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)
You then proceeded to say "I don't think there going to follow through he's a pussy"...? I really don't see how that is a viable response to getting threatened to be shot and how you thought we would act to hearing us be called a "pussy"
Also with this quote I find it hard to believe that you heard him say this because of our distance towards ourself and yourself, even if he was shouting you wouldn't of been able to hear him say that.
I would've hoped you joined QE so we could have resolved this easier rather than taking it the forums and educate you on where you went wrong and where you could've improved in that scenario.
Now I think the RDM has been broken here as we had little to none RP from both ends, we just responded to a shop alarm. We then proceeded to take a chase and tried to create a good RP scenario with the chase and when we heard "you will be shot" this is when we backed off as we had a probie in the car - which we did, we had a fair amount of space between each other and thats when you started to slow down and as I was driving I was also reaching for my FTS muscle, which to this point we nearly rear ended you. After this you decided to spin the car 180 and shoot.
In that scenario, you can kind of see how it is low quality and RDM, the only words you said in the roleplay scenario was "back off or be shot".
I hope you can provide us with some better RP next time if we ever come across each other. I understand you having a firearm might be an advantage to you seeing as you don't want to be arreseted and for it to be taken away but for next time, try and come up with a better RP scenario when you're in that situation.