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Report a player - UNKNOWN - GTA RP

Custard Cream / Jay Macs

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jay Macs
Reported Players: UNKNOWN
Date: Jul 25, 2024
Time: 18:58
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We pulled over this chap as he posted on tweedle with a firearm. We gave him a quick search and all was well and I released him, I realised he may be a wanted suspect, gustavo mendez so I asked him to remove his mask, He refused to do so. so my intent was to arrest him on suspicion of gustavos charges with the neccessity to ascertain his name. A friend of his I presume started commenting and saying we better not cuff him, to which we cuff him and we are then gunned down.

In my opinion this is not high enough roleplay to begin hostile RP like this and gun down the officers there who are simply trying to have some roleplay and do some basic policing, this player just seems like he is here to just want to frag when there was multiple other avenues he could of went down instead of insta shooting me with less than the bare minium roleplay.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ilbOwdo4YlHjmuLlk/d1337FWVfUuk?invite=cr-MSx0WW4sNTI1ODgzMTUs
I would like to say thanks for ignoring the ask to QE to see if you wanted to talk about this

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little crazy how in under 10 mins this situation happened you went straight to the report not even wanting to talk about it was up that fast I bet you was still in pillbox bed recovering

so lets start this then I watched the whole thing from you following him to cuffing him the first time to then talking that is when I came over and spoke to you about it as police will know from the last few days we are a street gang
if we was here to shoot I could have shot you the second you cuffed him for the first time but no I let you do the traffic stop/normal RP I then warned you that if you dare to cuff him or even attempt anything there is going to be a issue
you ignored that and ragdoll him to the floor and instantly cuff him I see that as you wanting to win the situation and not fussed about the roleplay/warnings I have given to you even when he was in cuffs you still ignored the fact and pulled the gun from the police vest and got shot

at 1:46 in the clip you can hear a officer say that car over there by the road is in a suspicious spot again you don't take that in and ignore it

any questions feel free to ask

-You come to our gang area
-Pull over one of our boys
-We let you do your traffic stop / roleplay without fully interrupting and even let you cuff him "once" and search
-We knew he would be fine with the search/stop the one time
-Then when he was going to be cuffed a second time we knew there was a problem
-You were warned multiple times and given a very "stern" warning not to cuff
-You proceed to cuff
-You now know the consequences

If we were "frag" mentality, we would've all been in cars, killing the other police in the area, and making sure they were all dumped, and waiting for more to show up, for a gun fight, no we downed the officers that were near our gang member Tyrone, got him to safety and in the process running over one of ours and got them out of there.

You were all allowed to go to pillbox or w/e purely down to us not wanting to frag every single police and we will deal with the actions the police do to us in roleplay.

We could've and well easily finished the rest of the police in the area, removed all the body cams or whatever and just dumped and faced no consequences back towards us but that's boring, we are a gang and we should act / do gang shit activity ygm

Just really disappointed that you lost a situation (even though in the long run you win the situation with evidence etc) and i don't want to come across as a cunt here, but you run and cry to the forums straight away, and even when Ben was messaging in ooc chat, by what i can see in your video, you turn off ooc chat?

Are you not here to liaise with people from the community to save staff time from these reports that can easily be dealt with in liaison ?

Or do you like spinning a narrative your way and leaving out context?
I would like to say thanks for ignoring the ask to QE to see if you wanted to talk about this
After I was picked up I logged off as i had to deal with my child Ir
little crazy how in under 10 mins this situation happened you went straight to the report not even wanting to talk about it was up that fast I bet you was still in pillbox bed recovering

so lets start this then I watched the whole thing from you following him to cuffing him the first time to then talking that is when I came over and spoke to you about it as police will know from the last few days we are a street gang
Not to my knowledge
you ignored that and ragdoll him to the floor and instantly cuff him I see that as you wanting to win the situation and not fussed about the roleplay/warnings I have given to you even when he was in cuffs you still ignored the fact and pulled the gun from the police vest and got shot
Gave him around 3 chances to surrender himself before cuffing him. You saying "Gonna be big issues" Gives you and your gang right to shoot 2 Police for a simple arrest that was gonna be dealt with at the roadside.
at 1:46 in the clip you can hear a officer say that car over there by the road is in a suspicious spot again you don't take that in and ignore it
Okay? So Its suspicous, 80% of our arrests in the server baldies get involved.

If we were "frag" mentality, we would've all been in cars, killing the other police in the area, and making sure they were all dumped, and waiting for more to show up, for a gun fight, no we downed the officers that were near our gang member Tyrone, got him to safety and in the process running over one of ours and got them out of there.
2 Officers were killed on a simple traffic stop with below bare min Rp
We could've and well easily finished the rest of the police in the area, removed all the body cams or whatever and just dumped and faced no consequences back towards us but that's boring, we are a gang and we should act / do gang shit activity ygm
100% Thats fine do all the illegal shit and shootings you want. I could care less. fact is, it was cut short and ended other the stupidest thing, Couldnt be more obviously looking for a gunfight.
Are you not here to liaise with people from the community to save staff time from these reports that can easily be dealt with in liaison ?

Or do you like spinning a narrative your way and leaving out context?
All the "Context" is provided in the video. I liase with most my reports but when stuff liek that happens on a server thats meant to be more about roleplay and not a frag server sure im gonna report.

"Spinning a narrative your way and leaving out context"

Jesus how the mighty have fallen. Forgot the name of this server is "Roleplay.co.uk" and not arena. I report when its shit roleplay and ruins things for both sides. We could of been held up. Ambushed on a transport. Hostage sit'ed. Multiple avenues. But no its "Gonna be issues" Bang with a marky.

I wont be replying to this unless instructed my staff. Have a glorious rest of your day x

I gave you multiple warnings that if you were to cuff him again then there would be consequences. I shouldn't have to explicitly say "Mr Officer if you cuff him I am going to shoot you" You boxed in a member of my gang for a "routine" traffic stop with 3 cars where's the necessity You knew the risks involved and you took your chances even though you knew I was there and was already called out for being "suspicious" before coming over and communicating with you giving you multiple warnings that you would face consequences if the person were to be cuffed again You decided to tackle them and cuff them so you faced the consequences that I warned you off the traffic stop was done the first time stop and searched and we was happy with that as a gang and then cuffing him again is where we stepped in as it was a unknown reason

i am still more then happy to have a chat in QE as I feel this can be resolved so easy on both sides but you are not willing to take that but the offer is there
Gonna make 1 last comment on this report

I would also like to add this video to my side of replies as I think it shows something similar-ish to what happened between us This was sent to me by a friend and actually is from your own medal account I would like to ask what about roleplay in the video is poorer than the roleplay what I gave you? The officer done the exact same as you by tackling and cuffing the suspect you gave literally no warning to the officers as you can hear they are so surprised you pulled a gun whereas in our situation I told you there would be serious issues and I also asked you the question "are you sure you want to do that?" I made sure to communicate and give you the choice before shooting From what I can see in your clip before pulling your weapon and killing 6 officers over a simple protest is that you think it's okay to do this as a civilian but when you're Police there's a problem? My gang member and I gave more RP than you and your friends did and I only killed the officer I needed too not every single one on scene Poor case of double standards from yourself if I'm honest It seems to me that you are reporting this because you have lost the situation in the short term You have all the evidence you need of body cams pictures and eye witness accounts of other officers to go further with this in roleplay but instead you have decided to bring it to the forums with no liaison to try and get the “win” because it hasn't gone your way

One last thing I would like to add about your roleplay in this situation is the fact that in your own words you "tell porky's" to get my friend out of his car terrible roleplay and borderline powergaming. You use this line "your rims are going a little bit too far outside of the thing" What thing? No explanation, making stuff up on the spot, and quite frankly stupid there's no possible way for him to change how far out his wheels sit so you're basically telling him a car from stock isn't road worthy which is beyond ridiculous On the other hand you could have repaired his car and checked his window tints? Something that is possible to change in RP but you didn't you ask him to leave his car for something he can do nothing about and then say you have been telling porky's and that he's being detained for a search It's just poor and is power trip RP in my honest opinion Let alone uncuffing him and then cuffing him again to try and identify him which you should have done when he was first cuffed It all seems a shambles and it's disappointing to see this from a firearms Very last point I'd like to make is at the end of your clip, as soon as you go down the first sentence to leave your mouth is "ok.. hah.. marvellous roleplay." You do not bother to keep roleplaying, you are instantly upset that you bit off more than you could chew

I will no longer by saying anything unless asked by staff
Gonna make 1 last comment on this report

I would also like to add this video to my side of replies as I think it shows something similar-ish to what happened between us This was sent to me by a friend and actually is from your own medal account I would like to ask what about roleplay in the video is poorer than the roleplay what I gave you?
Did Say I wasnt gonna reply but might aswell here,
Completely seperate situation here. Roleplay was provided to officers here before the video began and about 10 minutes prior, Difference was here I was tackled and rped with, by officers which led to hostile Rp being brought onto by myself. I was then killed, given medical RP and I continued it further in the cells.

Not like it matters as its completely irrelevant
I'm honest It seems to me that you are reporting this because you have lost the situation in the short term
I dont get your mentality on this. Why would I care that I lose? My gears free. I literally go out of my way to lose situations on my police and my crim character all the time. Im reporting because in my opinion we were killed without high quality roleplay when both parties are meant to enjoy it.

and eye witness accounts of other officers to go further with this in roleplay but instead you have decided to bring it to the forums with no liaison to try and get the “win” because it hasn't gone your way

One last thing I would like to add about your roleplay in this situation is the fact that in your own words you "tell porky's" to get my friend out of his car terrible roleplay and borderline powergaming. You use this line "your rims are going a little bit too far outside of the thing" What thing? No explanation, making stuff up on the spot, and quite frankly stupid there's no possible way for him to change how far out his wheels sit so you're basically telling him a car from stock isn't road worthy which is beyond ridiculous
Prior to this all of the units on scene wanted to box him in as you can hear in the video. I wanted to go a different route as I wanted to further the roleplay by speaking to him instead of pointing a gun at him and putting him in cuffs.

Its not Powergaming for me to roleplay with him and de-esculate the situation to then enable a search without hostile Rp. If anything its me expanding on the roleplay and allowing him to roleplay it out.
Let alone uncuffing him and then cuffing him again to try and identify him which you should have done when he was first cuffed It all seems a shambles and it's disappointing to see this from a firearms
We detained him for a search as he was seen on tweedle with a gun. After releasing him I realised he actually may be Gustavo Mendez who had an active warrant and I wanted to ascertain his name. Im sorry your "Disappointed" but this is a game, we are *Roleplaying* as our characters for fun not cos its my actual job so sometimes silly mistakes like that are made sorry I dont have a degree and 6 months training for a video game to make 0 Mistakes.
as soon as you go down the first sentence to leave your mouth is "ok.. hah.. marvellous roleplay." You do not bother to keep roleplaying, you are instantly upset that you bit off more than you could chew
Yes. And? I roleplayed literally the entire way up to the hospital my injuries. I dont say it ingame do I? Me saying it ooc after being killed in a very unfun way. Bit of more than I could chew ye probably but then again I dont go out on patrol conducting arrests on people expecting to be markyed to the head at the barely slightest provocation by someone who clearly just wanted to shoot not to mention we had other officers on the scene backing me up.

Overall your attempts here are trivial at best you are bringing up points that have literally 0 relevance to the report. Out of all the rdms I experience on the pretty much regular Ill resolve or just ignore a good 90% of them because its just not worth the time or it didnt ruin my gameplay and I can normally chalk it down to a mistake or a me problem. Fact is I was on patrol for all be it 10 minutes. Stopped your friend, was polite, was courteous and tried to expand RP the best I could. It was shut down and I was killed with less than the bare minimum of roleplay that should be required and as a result ruined the enjoyment of that patrol for me as at that point if we cant do simple roleplay and arrests why are police even a thing.

If there was good roleplay provided and I was killed or something happened on transporting that guy to PD or prison and the roleplay was there and it was good I honestly couldnt give a fuck if I was killed. I load this game up on my free time from work and a newborn to have fun, not to win, not to power trip and not to ruin anyones days. Half the time Ill go against policy give people a game or two and give them a slap on the wrist or a fine for even some of the worst crimes. I have always played to lose, I will continue to play to lose and give 0 shits about dying in a roleplay game as long as its fun for both sides. Because in the end of the day the server is meant to be about serious roleplay.

If the report is denied its denied and I would be wrong, ill hold my hands up and say I made a mistake like I always do, this report is done in my opinion of the situation and the RPUK staff will have a better understanding of the line that needs to be met for hostile RP like this to be met. If you were justifed hey ho we move on with our day, if not then we also deal with it and move on.

Will not be replying unless asked by staff.
Completely seperate situation here. Roleplay was provided to officers here before the video began and about 10 minutes prior, Difference was here I was tackled and rped with, by officers which led to hostile Rp being brought onto by myself. I was then killed, given medical RP and I continued it further in the cells.
So what about these other 2 videos that are also on your medal https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ifXQBmKrKsLoG8Hxr/PE7H8qgPg5hs?invite=cr-MSxPc3osNjY4NTM5MjIs https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ifY0Y0ARQWBePADB-/NAZlhKaZC6Od?invite=cr-MSw3TWssNjY4NTM5MjIs that clearly show you doing what I can say is the same sort of situation and providing worse RP than what was given to you I gave you multiple warnings and told you there was going to be trouble if you proceeded to cuff my member whilst it is shown in these clips that you about do the same thing and tell them if they do not stop they would be shoot, after my warning I awaited for you to either listen to the threats or carry on with what you was doing, in which you proceeded to get shot the exact same way that you shoot the police in these clips only seconds after you gave them a warning you are very much trying to call people out for bad rp when yours is just as bad if not worse.

I dont get your mentality on this. Why would I care that I lose? My gears free. I literally go out of my way to lose situations on my police and my crim character all the time. Im reporting because in my opinion we were killed without high quality roleplay when both parties are meant to enjoy it.
Because, the situation that you was put in was a win or a lose situation and it very much seemed like you was trying to get the win out of the situation due to you tackling and cuffing and ignoring the calls on your radio about people been suspicious about you but I will not comment on this much further.

Yes. And? I roleplayed literally the entire way up to the hospital my injuries. I dont say it ingame do I? Me saying it ooc after being killed in a very unfun way. Bit of more than I could chew ye probably but then again I dont go out on patrol conducting arrests on people expecting to be markyed to the head at the barely slightest provocation by someone who clearly just wanted to shoot not to mention we had other officers on the scene backing me up.
You can never expect anything to happen, roleplay is a wide street things can happen that take everyone by suprise you also need to put the bigger image in that you are a police officer pulling over a member of a gang that you have seen with a gun on tweedle after stating it multiple times, there is going to be a danger you was warned of the danger and still proceeded to put yourself in the line of the danger its not that we just wanted to shoot we was given no other opportunity as you had listened to the warnings and carried on it was our way to get out member out alive and away safely without the risk of him going to prison if we was there just to shoot, we would of attacked the rest of the officers you were the only one who was attacked and was then left afterwards to get taken to hospital by your fellow officers.

If there was good roleplay provided and I was killed or something happened on transporting that guy to PD or prison and the roleplay was there and it was good I honestly couldnt give a fuck if I was killed.
This also makes me go back to my previous statement, my character has been around long enough and has the previous knowledge that if someone is seen as dangerous they can be transported to prison in all sorts of ways this was our opportunity to make sure we could get him safely and this is what we did.

still a chance for QE if you change your mind :)
So what about these other 2 videos that are also on your meda
As I said prior to you. There is zero relavance to this report by bringing up my old medal clips. Ill indulge you this final time and inform you that in the clips roleplay was provided countless times before opening fire, and then once again before actually doing it. You are seeing a short clip out a much longer situation. This is my final say on the matter.
My god these reports go way left now dont that. How has it gone from a simple RDM report to someone looking at his other medal videos to see his roleplay.

Its a simple case of RDM and people who are being reported need to be the only ones speaking about the actual rule break here not delving into all sorts of other shit on a report. We shouldn't have to wade through all of that useless info.

So, back to the report. You dealt with the chap with the pipe, you knew he was a risk you searched him and he complied with it all. Seems like a good RP scenario, you did make a mistake in not getting his identity whilst he was already cuffed to actually find out if he was gustavo or not so at the point your trying to re-arrest him with his gang mates near, that was always going to go a bit left because he is not Gustavo and he was already searched and released from cuffs so you are pushing your luck a bit.

Granted, when the traffic stop was going on they did stay away as father said so roleplay could go ahead which is good. I think in this case, you pushed your luck after releasing him they warned you NOT to cuff him again gave you 2 chances and you went ahead with it anyway.

Because of this, i will be denying this report for RDM because they specifically told you there would be problems. My opinion, when you realised it was going to be a bit problematic, you should have let him go on his way and caught up with him/Gus later on at another point.

Please in future just respond about the rulebreak here.