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Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

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Julian Poole

Well-known member
South Wales
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Julian Poole

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/28/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2250

What best describes this incident ?: G1.2 RDM,

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Video 1 - Another officers POV

Video 2- My POV

Video 1 overlaps with Video 2 at 2:50
The reason I have supplied 2 videos is that I had clipped mine to 2 minutes to allow me to upload to medal without considering the rules of reporting. Both videos should supply 4:41 of footage which will show the entire context from my POV. In video one, as it is not my POV, for reference I am the one with Welsh accent.

Firstly, I have not made a report of this nature before and rarely look at the ongoing reports, so I apologise in advance if it's not in the usual style you are used to.

I was booked onto callsign RS-1 with 6-7 other CID officers, conducting community policing duties in the white riot van. We had been having some good RP with other persons throughout the evening when at 2241, PC Max CHASE had activated his emergency button on his radio at PALOMINO AVENUE.
At this point, myself and the other officers I was with, mounted up to attend the panic, making way from BOBCAT, CYPRESS FLATS.
As we we were starting to make way, I could see "Fail To Stop" dispatches coming in from the same location for a SKODA VRS POLICE VEHICLE, which I assumed was used as a reference point.
Pursuit commentary was being provided by a Road Policing Officer stating that they were in pursuit of a BLACK SULTAN heading towards the 229 area and there had been shots fired from the vehicle, with another panic being activated by PC Maxwell SMITH.
There were further panics at BAY CITY AV with there being mentioned that the suspect was on foot, presumably in a foot chase.
It was then confirmed that the suspect had fled the vehicle on foot and had shot at police.
2 minutes and 30 seconds after making way, I arrived at the scene on BAY CITY AV where I could see the suspect running towards the police van, with two other officers pursuing on foot behind.

The driver of the police van then positioned the vehicle to block the path of the suspect, which was effective as the suspect had to run around the vehicle when 4(?) officers then dismounted, one being myself, with tasers drawn due to the perceived risk of the individual.
The suspect was swiftly tased whereby I then placed him in handcuffs.

I then tried to understand what was happening with the person in handcuffs to know how to deal with him, to which it was mentioned that a firearms officer had called out that he had been carrying a firearm. It was my intention to search the suspect under S47 for firearms.
I then placed him in the police van to remove him from the area to avoid any unnecessary risk to him and us, being in 229 turf where they are know to shoot police with little reason, and further panics then being activated.
It was unknown to me at this point if this person was the initial driver of the vehicle involved in the earlier pursuit.

I had not seen any other civilians in the area, apart from Police Officers.

As I jumped into the van with other officers, with the intention of driving to Vespucci Police Station to carry out the search, DS Harry MILLAR had activated his panic, whom I knew was outside the police vehicle but unknown where exactly.
The driver of the van then turned right into INVENTION CT.

My textures had been playing up so I was unable to see if anyone or anything was on the floor, but at this point 3 officers dismounted the van and ran presumably towards the panic activation. As I had the suspect in the back of the van, and I assume an injured officer, I jumped into the driver seat to continue the journey towards Vespucci Police Station.

As soon as I got in the drivers seat, I was immediately incapacitated, taking full health and armour. I had no idea where/who or what this had come from as can be told by my voice and confused speech, "OH WHAT?". It wasn't for a few seconds that I realised that I was actually downed.
Another officer mentioned that it was another person with an UZI.

A few seconds later I could see a white male wearing only shorts and a white cap, emerge from the garages perpendicular to the van pulling out a firearm. I also seen a male wearing a black hart, black t shirt, dark jeans and white shoes standing on top of the garages.
I assume it was one of these persons who had shot and downed me.

The whole incident had unfolded following an attempted compliant traffic stop from PC CHASE and had escalated unnecessarily.

A few points of note I'd like to make:

- Although we were in 229 turf and know that 229 are often trigger happy with police, this incident was in relation to a traffic stop that happened elsewhere in the city and no known links to 229
- No persons at the initial scene, or afterwards, were wearing any known gang related clothing or driving any gang affiliated vehicles
- It is completely unknown who the two persons were at the end of the video. I had never seen them before, have no idea what they were doing in the area, and have absolutely no clue why they shot and downed me and got involved. It is reasonable to assume that they didn't even know that I had a civilian in the back of the van as they weren't even present at the point where he was detained and placed into the vehicle.

Personal Opinion:
I am not one to report others as you can see as people do make occasional mistakes and learning from them is important in changing behaviour, however, over recent months I have reduced my patrol time and the type of incidents that I attend. This is because the RP I have had from certain players/groups is absolutely shocking, especially with an increase in a "shoot first" mentality. I have had so many conversations in the past with people and things just don't seem to change, hence my report today.

Why didn't I go to liaison or report sooner?
Liaison - This incident happened at 2242 and lasted until at least 2330. I was meant to have logged off at 2300 so really needed to go. However, even if I had the time to go to Liaison, I genuinely don't feel that it makes a difference anymore when discussing situations such as this, as I have done so time and time again in the past.
Why leave it to late to report? As above, in addition to being really busy today, now has been my only opportunity to get things typed up. Also, I wasn't initially going to report and was going to put it down as "it's happened again, never mind", but it's been getting to me that I should feel a "never mind" attitude. A lot of people complain about others but take no action, but I don't want this to be me. I have no right to complain and moan if I don't do anything about it myself.

Thanks for your time.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Hello, I am the person you are reporting and I'm quite surprised this has gone this far without a liaison as it would've cleared everything up but I guess that is the norm nowadays.

Firstly, I'd just like to say that the person who shot you, was the person who was being pursued by the police in the Black Sultan with my other friend, I was the original person to fire at the police and the person who you detained had not even fired a bullet so I'm confused on how this is even RDM on my part. I had fully warned the officers previously multiple times that if they are to follow the black sultan they will be met with serious harm, after the officers not listening to our demands and persisting to follow the black sultan i fired at the officers tires to scare him off and possibly slow him down in the chase after being warned as we where not looking to get into a gunfight nor really harm anyone but more officers started to arrive pursue the vehicle, around 1 minute exchanging shots with the police we decided too stop the vehicle as it ran out of fuel and defend ourselves, I ended up shooting at the officers and running into the garden I originally shot you from and take fire at the officers trying to detain my friend which you can even hear in the video you have sent in. 

I honestly think this is a communication issue between police officers and not an RDM rule break as the officers that received the warning shots where given a multitude of warnings and still persisted to chase and fire at my vehicle and also me and others.

Good afternoon Ron & Kina

Thank you for being honest about the role you played as I do not know either of you and I would never have been able to identify you otherwise. I will assume that you are both 229 members for the purpose of my response (please correct me if I am wrong).

I have noted your comments.

Going to slightly digress to give wider context.

For a long while now the norm has been for police officers to be shot at/attacked during the majority of traffic stops, without any quality roleplay taking place. In addition, it had become common for multiple persons/vehicle to turn up at a routine traffic stop which allows immediate violence to escalate with very little RP benefit. That had changed the dynamic within the police, even with the Roads Policing Units not wanting or feeling equipped to stop vehicles anymore. Being a serious RP server, this causes a big issues for 'realism' and creates a less than poor roleplaying experience.

It had been announced to police in recent times (not going to post the SS of the announcement as the intended audience was police) that Organised Crime Groups were not going to follow this lack of RP anymore by having multiple persons showing up in vehicles during a routine traffic stop, which in turn should improve the RP of these types of interactions. Generally this has been working and received positively. Heck, even I have gone back to doing traffic stops. 

As this whole situation had initially started by a Police Officer attempting to initiate a simple compliant traffic stop with the aim of have some nice roadside traffic related RP, it is clear from your comments that the person in the vehicle had driven into their own turf, rather than calling his friends to come and assist at the roadside. 

I just hope that this is not an attempt to circumvent the previous norm of having friends turn up to a traffic stop and instead, people now drive to their friends to bypass this. It should all be about quality RP, in my opinion.

Ok, back on track.

I'm quite surprised this has gone this far without a liaison as it would've cleared everything up but I guess that is the norm nowadays.
This is my second ever report (previous was for a baldie RVDM). I have not made a report like this before, so it is not the norm for me and I do not know you both, so it's nothing personal against either of you.

I hear a lot of people moan about situations frequently, and sometimes I do too, but I always explain that there is no point in moaning if you don't do anything about it. "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you've always got". I have liaised so many times in the past, and this has not worked. I don't know if I have ever spoken to you, I don't think I have, so I am not tarnishing everyone with the same brush, but I keep liaising and getting the same thing happen. The only way for things to change is for reports like this to be brought up and an unbiased review conducted (staff), which sets the precedent. 

police v 229 gunfight at 229 turf,
I do not understand this comment. 2 persons were presumably (as you've stated) being pursued in a Black Sultan, not wearing any 229 markings, but then entered 229 turf. Does this mean any pursuit and/or police interaction that enters 229 turf results in 229 vs police? Remember, we are the police, trying to police. How reasonable is it to assume that when police enter certain parts of the city, they agree to enter a OCG vs police situation? Not very, in my opinion.

as you can see from my pov i was there in my 229 coloured car in full colours - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1lY8rM5VqAGBOY/d1337shh5fz6?invite=cr-MSxIY0gsODUwMzM4NDgs
I am not sure in what context this 14 second clip is in relation to. As you have clips available, I would really encourage you to post them in here to that staff can have a more rounded and complete view of the situation, allowing them to make a thorough judgement.

A few 229 were out of colours because they didn't have time to get into colours for a fight that started in the middle of the road but apart from them 2-3 people (1 being the guy you arrested) most people had colours on even if it was just our mask, I do not see this as a problem at all since it wasnt a planned fight and no one expected it to happen so you cant expect everyone to be in full colours.
Please see below images (These have been captured as images to address the point above, a clip/video is available to staff if required. I will not post it here as it contains operationally sensitive information which could easily be meta'd).

Images (multiple images in the below link):


The above images were taken after approximately 20 minutes? of the initial encounter. It seems to me that not being OCG identifiable is somewhat intentional. As you can see, multiple random persons, some topless, driving local vehicles.

How am I, or anyone else, meant to know that police had initiated a 229 vs police shootout when there were no 229 persons about? To me, and others, it looks like some random people just wanting to shoot to kill police with no specific purpose, reason or any form of RP (let alone quality RP) behind it. Yes there was mention of a firearm, hence me detaining the person running, but because a person has a firearm, in 229 turf (that had been a result of a pursuit) I cannot make the assumption that it's a 229 member and then immediately start shooting at 229 because some topless man had shot at police, right?

It is often the case pursuits end in this part of 229 turf, usually making it to the beach so they can try and get away in water, although I note your comment that the vehicle had broken down so wouldn't have made it that far. 

Unless it has to be assumed, when entering any gang turf, that anyone who shoots at police must be considered as that respective OCG and that police must accept being shot at when crossing a certain line. I hope this isn't the case as personally I don't feel that this would provide any form of quality RP for either parties.

Kind regards,


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Thanks for the responses.

I had viewed this video that had been posted in the police only channel today.

Generally, it is so disappointing to see that traffic stops are still being treated like this. With what should have been a nice chat at the side of the road and some nice RP, turns out to being led into a gang turf and a mass gunfight and killing of police officers by a large number of persons who seem to have randomly joined in. I just hope that this isn't being used as the norm, now that mass vehicles are no longer showing up at a stop instead. 

Anyway, I digress.

not being in colours during the fight is false, the photos you have got of people on the beach is kinda irrelevant to the fight since it is the after math when we allowed police to take you away for medical RP, we took our colours off so new officers arriving couldnt identify anyone as 229 and try and arrest us while police and 229 were on the beach.
See the below footage. This is not my POV but will provide further context. I hope your comment above was just a misunderstanding and not purposeful deceit. 

New video - YouTube

It's a long ol' video, but I think I could only see 1 person in colours.

I can see that the only videos being provided here at police POV, with a 14 second clipped video from a "229" POV.

I believe for a full, fair and thorough analysis to be conducted, it may be helpful for you to provide longer videos. 

I attach another image at the scene of my shooting.


I have the full video of the van being driven to the beach and aftermath as per the images on my previous post too. As I've mentioned already, if needed I'd provide these in confidence as they contain operationally sensitive information which could be easily metagamed. 

Situations like this are really important to be brought up when one believes a rule to have been broken as the outcome generally dictates the understanding of the meta currently in play within the city and what is generally acceptable or not. 

I don't think there's much else to cover off now, but thanks for your responses.

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Thanks for the responses.

I had viewed this video that had been posted in the police only channel today.

Generally, it is so disappointing to see that traffic stops are still being treated like this. With what should have been a nice chat at the side of the road and some nice RP, turns out to being led into a gang turf and a mass gunfight and killing of police officers by a large number of persons who seem to have randomly joined in. I just hope that this isn't being used as the norm, now that mass vehicles are no longer showing up at a stop instead. 

Anyway, I digress.

See the below footage. This is not my POV but will provide further context. I hope your comment above was just a misunderstanding and not purposeful deceit. 

New video - YouTube

It's a long ol' video, but I think I could only see 1 person in colours.

I can see that the only videos being provided here at police POV, with a 14 second clipped video from a "229" POV.

I believe for a full, fair and thorough analysis to be conducted, it may be helpful for you to provide longer videos. 

I attach another image at the scene of my shooting.


I have the full video of the van being driven to the beach and aftermath as per the images on my previous post too. As I've mentioned already, if needed I'd provide these in confidence as they contain operationally sensitive information which could be easily metagamed. 

Situations like this are really important to be brought up when one believes a rule to have been broken as the outcome generally dictates the understanding of the meta currently in play within the city and what is generally acceptable or not. 

I don't think there's much else to cover off now, but thanks for your responses.
"Generally, it is so disappointing to see that traffic stops are still being treated like this" Context is key and I've listed the reasons as to why we acted hostile, I will no longer reply and leave staff to deal with the report.

Thanks for the final response. I do wish I could see the situation from your in-game POV to give a better understanding and more holistic approach.

I am not sure what position you are within 229, but following a leader meeting, the Traffic Stop issues had been fully addressed and guidance issued to all parties.

I will not post that here, as I am unsure if I am allowed to. Ref: 14/07/2023 @ 20:50 Point 1 - Police Announcements.

I'm comfortable with leaving this for staff. 

Thanks again. 


Can I ask, why a traffic stop turned into a gunfight?

Like, what was the reason for you to not stop for a ticket? Can you explain more into that please

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Can I ask, why a traffic stop turned into a gunfight?

Like, what was the reason for you to not stop for a ticket? Can you explain more into that please
Hi Liam, thank you for your response. Here is my reply.

Well to be honest I didn't even think it was a traffic stop, I thought that the car had been called out for a robbery that we had been witnessed doing by a police officer around 10-15 minutes prior, he also told me that I rammed someone when on my screen I had not touched a single person so I had thought it was a lie so that more backup could arrive on the scene while he was stalling, as all this is going through my head and me not wanting to start a firefight and possibly harm the police officer I told him that we aren't in the mood and tried to drive off and that he is not to follow us, instead he decided to follow us which is in all fairness his job until I stopped, told him that he will be harmed if he persists to follow us, he persisted after the warning so I aimed a weapon at him to try and scare him off so we could make a getaway but unfortunately he still followed so as a last resort I tried firing warning shots so that the officers would take cover and then so we could drive and getaway but unfortunately the car barely had fuel left and we had to decamp in the canals.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello @Julian Poole

I am confused. I don't know if I'm trying to make sense on this with lack of sleep or if the report is formatted in a way that is confusing.

Who are you reporting?

  • The person who shot you out of the Riot Van
  • Or the person who sparked the gunfight initially (First shot fired on Max Chase)
Hello @Julian Poole

I am confused. I don't know if I'm trying to make sense on this with lack of sleep or if the report is formatted in a way that is confusing.

Who are you reporting?

  • The person who shot you out of the Riot Van
  • Or the person who sparked the gunfight initially (First shot fired on Max Chase)
Good evening Liam

I am reporting the random person who shot and killed me under G1.2 RDM.

The chat around the whole situation was purely for context and transparency which should also to create awareness of how situation like this unfold. 

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,


Hello all,

I've looked into this quite heavily, watched each POV numerous times and looked through the logs quite a few times.

Whilst yes, @Julian Pooleyou weren't Roleplayed with. This was still an active gunfight between 229 and Police as shown by the "Reported Gunshots" dispatches, "Panic Alarm" Dispatches. At 00:10 in your POV, "Andrew Cullen" is heard to say "Watch that white car, its just ran over a cop" from 00:12 - 00:16 you can hear multiple shots. At 00:33 it is heard by "Tom Newland" that "Shots fired at Police", following his Panic Alarm.

Whilst I agree that you cannot identify who is involved as they aren't wearing their gang colours. This is not against any server rule, that they must wear colours as seen in this report below.

However, LSPS are well aware that this is 229 as stated by YouTube owner name "Boop" "This Range Rover is 229" whom provided this POV: 

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As seen in the provided POV from Max Chase -

A Response officer is attempting to pull over a gang member (Fully aware that he does not know this, either lack of experience in the server or to the fact that he is driving an NPC car and not wearing identifiable colours). Anyway, he attempts to pull him over and is warned to fuck off and not follow him where a gun is pointed in his direction and Max Chase presses his panic alarm. Max Chase continues to chase, @Ronshoots a warning shot and Max Chase alerts other officers to the shots fired and the situation as he should be.

I cannot say that with all these POVs of this situation that it is Random Deathmatch from @Ron as the gunfight had already started before @Julian Poolewas shot and downed. This seems to be lack of communication from the LSPS.

However, that leads us onto the punishments..

@RonI was made aware that this entire LSPS Interaction was due to the fact that Max Chase was attempting to pull you over for Speeding. A gunfight sparked for speeding, this did not need to go this far and it only paints yourself and 229 in a bad light. Just because an LSPS officer wishes to pull you over, does not mean that they will arrest you or put you in cuffs and see whatever you've got on you unless you have broke a law that states you must be arrested but this could've been a slap on the wrist by Max Chase.

This is your one, and final warning to not cause an entire shitfest gunfight with the LSPS over something so small. I hope we don't see you back here again.

Action: Warning

CharID: 58406

Rule(s): C1.7

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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