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Report a player - Unknown discord name Tuna - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Daniel Davidson
Reported Players: Unknown discord name Tuna
Date: Jul 31, 2024
Time: 11:20
What best describes this incident: (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was on duty as G6 at pillbox. There was 2 people in a purple car who were parked outside of pillbox. I walk outside and they say they remember me and that i was rude to them the last time. There was a older person sitting on the pavement outside pillbox front door saying a load of stuff when the passenger from the purple car told him to shut up or he is going to kick him. I tell him to get into his car and leave, he does not and kicks the old guy. He then proceeds to be bean bagged by me as a warning to stop. I tell him again to hop back into his car and drive away which they do. A minute goes by and suddenly i get shot from over the street without anything said to me.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/inkaicITGSU2fACIM/d1337cdA4tev?invite=cr-MSwyS2gsNTcyODU0MSw
I was the guy that kicked the old guy that wouldn't be quiet, despite warning. I'd say this, albeit not high quality roleplay, is not a rule break and is certainly not random deathmatch, Tuna attempted to start roleplaying with you by stating that he knows you and you guys have beef, rather than continue this chat and allow the kidnap & dump scenario happen that was due to go ahead we had the altercation where I and another person got bagged, ultimately it was coming to you... could it have been done in a better way? I speak for myself and Tuna here as we have discussed it, yes, it could've went better, however it was 100% not RDM, the fact you bagged me in the first place opens the opportunity to him shooting you.
Jul 31, 2024
Could you confirm the date this took place, the 31st does not match up, i think i have an idea of on which date this took place, but would just like to make sure.
Heya! I think it might be the 30th? I am 1 hour ahead in my timezone so thats why i put 31st i believe.
Heya! I think it might be the 30th? I am 1 hour ahead in my timezone so thats why i put 31st i believe.
Yup, as suspected, let's break this down then. Was thing RDM? I'd say no, you did attack them with the bean bag launcher, so they are fine to defend themselves. But in this case i see another rule being broken, G1.3, baiting to be specifc. In this video i see them pulling up to pillbox with no specific reason, then they decide to attach someone right in front of G6 with no quality RP and as soon as they get the reaction they want (get bean bagged) they get in their car, drive away a bit and shoot you. From what i can tell all this was clearly done just to get an excuse to shoot you, clearly the intention here was not to create an interesting and fun RP.

On a side note
allow the kidnap & dump scenario
Is that really what your aim was here? If so i will just put this here as a warning, That is a very bad mentality to have, of course, with some long term RP it may be something that happens, but refering to it as a kindap & dump scenario hints at the fact that there won't really be a lot of RP there, rather just a quick win for one side. Keep in mind that all hostage taking have to be carried out with high quality RP, it should be fun for both sides. Kindapping and dumping someone should really be the last resort, as it kills all further RP that could take place from the beef, you could have both sides trying to track each other down, take smaller actions to annoy each other, possibly in the case of G6 getting involved then some RP where you get in the way of their G6 activites, possibly they could get police involved and get an investigation going, there is a lot that can happen. Given your RP in the video above i do hope you take what i said here to heart and focus on providing RP in all situations, rather then taking a quick win for yourselves without considering the other side.

Action Taken

56115 - G1.3 - 2 Day Ban as per FBS
47861 - G1.3 - 1 Day Ban
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