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Report a player - Unknown Cutlass, ID 181? - GTA RP

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Lucy Winters

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown Cutlass, ID 181?

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 01/10/24

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2050

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: At approximately 20:50 I logged onto the server. As you can see in the clip linked I had literally just loaded in when I exited my house and had been running towards the car park as I was waiting for a car being pulled out of another gang members house. As I ran towards the car park an unknown individual blacked out ran at me with a baseball bat screaming "have that you fucking bitch", then he was joined by his other blacked out friend screaming "fuck the Aztecas", I believe this was their very poor attempt at initiation after already attacking me. Once both individuals were downed we learned that they were Cutlass members that thought I was Azteca leader Hayley Mckenzie...I am hoping logs can show who these individuals were, they were downed by Marcus Shekel (ID 603).

I did attempt to liaise with these Cutlass members to hear their side of things (clip can be provided). They justified in liaison that the reason they attacked me was because they thought I was Hayley. The initial Cutlass member who attacked me, claimed in liaison that he didn't know I wasn't Hayley as he didn't see my colours as I "had my back to him" which is a clear lie as you can see in the clip I ran right in front of this individual as he ran at me where he would have seen my entire outfit, please see this image (https://imgur.com/X0ewy6x) of the outfit I was wearing where the only thing that wasn't green was my shorts.

I'll keep this short and sweet. I believe that what happened was clear cut RDM. Either the Cutlass members are blind and didn't see my (almost) full green outfit or they were just too ignorant to see it and were tunnel visioned on attacking before identifying who it was that they were attacking showing a clear disregard for the rules and a win mentality. Not only that, it shows a clear frag mentality from these individuals as their first thought (if they believed I was Hayley) was to attack, their are so many RP routes they could have taken had I actually been who they thought I was for example getting me to put my hands up and RPing with me etc but all they wanted to do very clearly was attack.

Thank you to which ever staff memeber(s) deals with this report :)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

The initial attack agaisnt aztecas was planned as we were sat on the azteca turf after fighting them at pillbox. We knew eventually they would return back to their turf due to the fact other members were communicating on radio that they had seen cars pull out of turf and spinning it around popular street and pillbox. When setup on the balcony waiting for them, I knoticed a lady with white colour hair dressed the same as Hayley Mackenzie (azteca leader) run across the turf. With that being said there is so many second characters and relationships between Aztecas and Grove it's almost becoming impossible to differenciate the 2 groups. Not only this but they are communicating via external apps to convey 'are you here and ready' , not only metagame but showing a clear understanding that being on azteca turf at the time was a risk due to the ongoing conflict. I find it strange how a gang member would live on another gangs block. 
I feel the motive behind this report may be fueled by previous cutlass reports on aztecas for rdm as mentioned in liason by the aztecas who were present. You made no attempt to communicate in game, to inform us you was not an azteca rather just retaliated by shooting. If you would like to liase with a member of staff present I am open to it as you left mid conversation in the previous one and the liason seemed to be hijacked by Abdul (azteca member) who was not involved with the situation.

I knoticed a lady with white colour hair dressed the same as Hayley Mackenzie (azteca leader) run across the turf
I'll start by once again pointing out that your claim of not seeing my outfit is a clear lie as you can clearly see in the clip I run infront of you...as well as the only part of my outfit NOT green being the shorts. So you were either blind or ignorant to the fact I was clearly wearing 4 pieces of green clothing.

Not only this but they are communicating via external apps to convey 'are you here and ready' , not only metagame but showing a clear understanding that being on azteca turf at the time was a risk due to the ongoing conflict.
The reason you hear me ask if the other person is "here and ready" was because we had logged on, I was ready to mute and deafen in discord and we are currently in a war with Ballas which has nothing to do with Cutlass in the slightest so it has nothing to do with the Azteca turf being a risk as I had no idea there had been a fight between Cutlass and Aztecas prior. Neither of us were expecting to be attacked the second we left our houses and the second we were we clearly went into using in game voip other than me talking to myself when I say "who the fuck is this". I wouldn't conclude this as "metagaming" at all and I didn't exactly have time to tab out and mute after being attacked the second I leave the house. Afaik external communication is of course frowned upon if it affects an RP scenario or RP in general - but this isn't the case as I was sat in a house about to exit regardless of the answer. If I am wrong here, then my apologies to staff for getting this mixed up and hopefully they can clarify this for me.

I find it strange how a gang member would live on another gangs block.
I have keys to approximately 3 houses, none of them being on Grove turf. There's many reason for this, none of which I have to explain here or to you. The house I was in belongs to someone else and there are 3 of us that use that house. You can find it strange all you want, not sure what relevance it holds? You can't just attack someone because they are on a turf, common sense here pal.

I feel the motive behind this report may be fueled by previous cutlass reports on aztecas for rdm as mentioned in liason by the aztecas who were present. You made no attempt to communicate in game, to inform us you was not an azteca rather just retaliated by shooting.
I have never been an Azteca, nor have I got myself involved in Azteca wars (both IC and OOC) as it quite clearly has nothing to do with me and I'm not interested. There were 2 of you stood over me after the first initial hit with the baseball bat where all the green clothing you claim not to have seen would have become apparent. Why would I try to communicate when being attacked with no idea who my attackers are instead of fighting back and allowing you to attack especially when for all I know you could have been Ballas as you were blacked out and not representing your gang colours in the slightest which I hear is a usual thing for Cutlass, making you completely unidentifiable until you stated you thought I was Hayley and this is when we deducted that you were Cutlass.

If you would like to liase with a member of staff present I am open to it as you left mid conversation in the previous one and the liason seemed to be hijacked by Abdul (azteca member) who was not involved with the situation.
I have no reason to agree to a second liaison to be honest. And to claim the liaison was "hijacked" by Abdul is just funny imo considering he said 1 thing and the main person there being loud and trying to put their 2 pence in was Alexia...a Cutlass member who had no reason to be there. I think your response in itself is laughable at best and I won't be entertaining your excuses from here.

If staff have any questions I'm more than happy to answer them 🙂

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I was on the balcony and not on the ground floor at the time, I gave the call that Hayley was running across the turf at which point the other cutlass member began attacking, to which I then jumped down and reacted to the combat situation that began. In hindsight, I realize I should've properly verified the identity of the female before giving the call via radio. I believe this to be unfortunate timing as we were waiting for Aztecas to come back from the ongoing attack on Cutlass members near Pillbox/popular street.

I feel this issue could've easily been resolved within roleplay as, after the scenario, Bmav (grove leader) arrived in a helicopter after being informed on the radio of the situation, as the roleplay continued with us making the explanation of the situation being a mistaken identity, to where he was understanding and took us to the hospital in sandy shores. 

''I have no reason to agree to a second liaison to be honest. And to claim the liaison was "hijacked" by Abdul is just funny imo considering he said 1 thing and the main person there being loud and trying to put their 2 pence in was Alexia...a Cutlass member who had no reason to be there. I think your response in itself is laughable at best and I won't be entertaining your excuses from here.''  

Im not here to be making excuses, I tried to have a civilised conversation with you in the liasion however you decided to leave halfway through it, to me it seems like you're more focused on winning this situation and highlight how much you'd rather continue the toxicity between groups rather than solving the matter at hand, this could of all been solved in a civilised manner, however you claiming my response is laughable just shows me you don't really care for solving issues.

Here is the clip where you can notice yourself leaving mid liasion and abdul seeming to take over the liasion himself.


''I have never been an Azteca, nor have I got myself involved in Azteca wars (both IC and OOC)''.   

As far as the meta-game statement goes, you discovered each other's location via external communication and also decided on transport. You were in the safety of a house and had ample time to use in-game communication methods. With this being said I'll leave the staff to clear that up.

I said I wasn't going to reply again but I just can't help myself.

I was on the balcony and not on the ground floor at the time, I gave the call that Hayley was running across the turf at which point the other cutlass member began attacking, to which I then jumped down and reacted to the combat situation that began.
So who is the person who initially attacked because they are the one being reported here? You made the call that it was Hayley yes, but the one that initially attacked is the one being reported as they had every opportunity to ID who I was before attacking. I don't think "have this you fucking bitch" can really be called initiation. I see your responses here completely pointless and futile considering you're not the one being reported so your input will no longer be necessary 🙂 I'd like to hear from the person actually being reported but since you've made the effort explaining someone else's excuses I'll entertain it I guess.

I was on the balcony and not on the ground floor at the time, I gave the call that Hayley was running across the turf at which point the other cutlass member began attacking, to which I then jumped down and reacted to the combat situation that began.
Because your friend failed to do this, what happened was point blank RDM. He attacked with no reason or provocation.

Bmav (grove leader) arrived in a helicopter after being informed on the radio of the situation, as the roleplay continued with us making the explanation of the situation being a mistaken identity, to where he was understanding and took us to the hospital in sandy shores. 
What Bruno does is up to him. Myself and the other person present left you there for a reason as we had no interest in taking you to hospital after an unprovoked attack. Myself and Bruno disagreed on his decision to take you to Pillbox but again that's not something I feel the need to explain to you.

I tried to have a civilised conversation with you in the liasion however you decided to leave halfway through it, to me it seems like you're more focused on winning this situation and highlight how much you'd rather continue the toxicity between groups rather than solving the matter at hand, this could of all been solved in a civilised manner, however you claiming my response is laughable just shows me you don't really care for solving issues.
I left the liaison because Alexia, a Cutlass member who had nothing to do with the situation wouldn't shut up shouting her mouth off about unrelated topics. You had more than enough time to tell her to shut up or leave so I wasn't going to sit there and entertain it. What happened after I left to me I wouldn't even consider still being a liaison so whatever you discussed with Abdul is irrelevant.

''I have never been an Azteca, nor have I got myself involved in Azteca wars (both IC and OOC)''.   
This is very true. The screenshot you have provided is from a conversation in Groups where a statement was made to me in regards to Grove and Azteca members. Not sure the relevance it holds in the report here? Wouldn't really consider it getting involved in the war.

As far as the meta-game statement goes, you discovered each other's location via external communication and also decided on transport. You were in the safety of a house and had ample time to use in-game communication methods. With this being said I'll leave the staff to clear that up.
I already knew the other persons location since we both disconnected from the server there the day prior so I knew where he was going to be so I didn't discover his location ooc at all. I was in the house approximately 24 seconds before leaving again. And again, there was no RP going on until I was attacked for no reason. As soon as the attack happened we went into the in game VOIP.

Now I really mean it this time I won't be entertaining your replies since you're not the one being reported really and all you're doing is making excuses for someone else's actions, I look forward to the actual person being reported replying. Have a good day pal 🙂

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening, 

Thank you for posting the report @Lucy - Auroraand your replies @Revoke

The rule break being reported in this scenario is G1.2 - RDM. If you need a refresher, I suggest you read our rules page.

G1.2 - RDM: The primary points in whether or not RDM has been broken is fairly simple, it has to be either (or both) 1. random or 2. done without high-quality roleplay, see the following:

1. In this scenario, the attack was random to the defending party (Lucy & Marcus) but to the attackers, it was not. The attackers thought it was an Azteca member, Hayley Mckenzie, an unlucky case of mistaken identity on their part.

2. In this scenario, was there high-quality roleplay involved in the attack? There was not. I'm surprised to say this but Abdul in the liaison was correct. The roleplay constituted of (Using Lucy's recording as none other exists); a man dressed in all black wielding a baseball runs toward Lucy, screams "(fuck?) the aztecas you bitch" before clobbering Lucy over the head, knocking her to the ground and is followed by another swing of the bat where "fuck you" is yelled enthusiastically. Another man runs up and smacks Lucy on the ground using an ASP as he shouts "fuckin' tecca' bitch". Lucy draws her pistol and gets up as Marcus begins defending her and firing upon Lucy's attackers. The attackers are distracted and are both subsequently downed with firearms. That is the extent of the entire roleplay interaction. There was no high-quality roleplay BEFORE attacking Lucy.

The following is to clarify an allegation made in the replies of this report.

Not only this but they are communicating via external apps to convey 'are you here and ready' , not only metagame but showing a clear understanding that being on azteca turf at the time was a risk due to the ongoing conflict. I find it strange how a gang member would live on another gangs block. 
In this context, no metagaming took place. I'll quote the relevant rule so you're aware of it, however, I'd suggest refreshing yourself on our metagaming rules to clarify your knowledge (G3.#).

"(G3.3) Hot Mic - While external communications are discouraged, if used, you must hot-mic all communications that have been made over any external methods or phone conversation when they are relevant to influencing the course of roleplay. This means that if you are communicating to fellow team members via any external methods or phone conversation and you are in audio proximity range of another player (they can hear you or your hands are up), you must hot mic any commands given so the rival player can overhear."

When they entered roleplay with both of you, they stopped talking on Discord and communicated in the game. This is a non-issue.

And as a quick note, the Azteca "block" before they took it over was a very common apartment spot for players in the server, and many of them have kept those apartments. There is no foul play here, had Grove and Aztecas been at war then I'd understand your point but in this situation it is irrelevant. 

Given the above:

Report Accepted - Action Taken:

Action: Warning
CharID: 101135
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2 

You have just come off a permanent ban less than a month ago, given it's your first offence for RDM & you're new to the community I'm willing to give you one opportunity. If you break any other rules within the next few months you will receive a permanent ban. Do not waste this.

Action: Permanent Ban Under FBS
CharID: 82296
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2 

You have been here significantly longer than your companion and we expect better from you. 

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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