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Report a Player - TI Defrag Ti Fade... - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

TI Defrag Ti Fade...

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Finishing processing the truck that we had to take back from a guy who broke nlr to steal his truck. about a good 5 min chase. once we get back 1 min goes by and Defrag drives his sports hatchback right up the to front door. All get out with guns and no 1 says anything besides they cant hear b,c of heli. next thing you know they set up in positions to shoot and kill? I get shot for having my wep out inside a active gunfight. no comp would be given stated during the ts convo. Spoke to fetty and bob both stated i metagamed the two who walked up onto the ridge. which would lead to the only other person bond in the ts to his actions during this. I dont see where they can prove Quality Role play is shared throughout the 3min . I am Greatly Sorry I cant provide Better Detail on this but its because they gave me ZERO role play. If anything would be further knowledge it would be by the first person who was shot, (TW Cleon) and his gang member TW Colin. Due to the 24hr time frame format and still no conclusion I am still happy to come to a conclusion/resolution on all three sides.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Woah, surprised to see this..

Firstly, after trying to resolve this with you guys last night we were told that we'd sort it tomorrow (today) as it was very late at night and people wanted to sleep. Not once today have I received a message from any of you involved asking to come talk on TS so to jump straight to a report isn't very fair, moving on..

In my opinion a report definitely isn't necessary in this case, we turn up at the weed processor greeted with TW Cleon facing his rifle into the car window, so I assume that you're attempting to initiate although I can't hear anything as there is a helicopter about 5m away, hence why we try and run away from the helicopter so we can hear what is being said.

Fade gave Cleon a very simple demand multiple times which he didn't follow resulting in Cleon being shot which started a firefight between the two parties, in the video somebody says "now I have to kill him" which means both of you would of fired upon me and Fade even though you claim that you weren't together? If you weren't together than you would have to initiate on Fade before you shot him right? But no, you raise your weapon but Fade kills you first. Same for me killing Roostoff and then I killed the other guy with a rifle aiming towards Fade.. I don't think it's fair at all to accuse me and Fade of poor RP when there was no attempt of any decent RP on anybodies behalf.

Although not very relevant you also Metagamed the fact that there were TI and TW at the processor.


One thing that I want to state is that there was solid RP provided by the other party as all they said through out the whole time before I killed them was "Put your gun on your back"

Once we got to the weed processor we were told by them to get out of the car, which we did what was asked by them, one of them was trying to speak to us which I could not hear, while that was happening I was being followed and having a gun pointed to my face and he kept following me pointing the gun at me which I asked him multiple times to lower his weapon as I had mine which he failed to do so which then valuing my life as he was being very hostile from the first when we got, I killed him when I thought it was a good opportunity as hes friend and him was some what distracted.

And one more thing that in one of the videos you can clearly hear one of them meta gaming TI and TW, also stating that they clearly wanted to kill us for no apparent, hence them being very hostile.

Woah, surprised to see this..

Firstly, after trying to resolve this with you guys last night we were told that we'd sort it tomorrow (today) as it was very late at night and people wanted to sleep. Not once today have I received a message from any of you involved asking to come talk on TS so to jump straight to a report isn't very fair, moving on..
You shouldn't be surprised...The 24hr time frame was about to kick in. There was no choice but to go ahead with this due to the time constraints.

Fade was messaged a few times in TS to join us in the TW lobby to discuss further before this was put up. There was no response for nearly an hour between different members, which to be fair the reason behind that was ye were in a RP situation. Doesn't stop the clock ticking unfortunately.

However, Fade did join us after the report was put up. We tried to see if we could negotiate a resolution as reports can be removed from the forums quickly however Fade politely advised he was not interested and let the report roll.

In my opinion a report definitely isn't necessary in this case, we turn up at the weed processor greeted with TW Cleon facing his rifle into the car window, so I assume that you're attempting to initiate although I can't hear anything as there is a helicopter about 5m away, hence why we try and run away from the helicopter so we can hear what is being said.
 Problem here is, you assumed that TW was going to initiate on you in the car... You're group hopped out and started taking positions before anything could be clearly heard. Obviously the Heli was a bit loud to be fair, But I was able to hear what was going on. In Franks Video, Frank tries to RP with you but you continue to walk away and ignore him. 

We did try to turn off the heli as quick as possible, if audio was indeed an issue.. perhaps maybe you could have typed in direct chat  OCC to advise us you were struggling to hear instead of carrying on and getting a tactical advantage on us?

Fade gave Cleon a very simple demand multiple times which he didn't follow resulting in Cleon being shot which started a firefight between the two parties, in the video somebody says "now I have to kill him" which means both of you would of fired upon me and Fade even though you claim that you weren't together? If you weren't together than you would have to initiate on Fade before you shot him right? But no, you raise your weapon but Fade kills you first. Same for me killing Roostoff and then I killed the other guy with a rifle aiming towards Fade.. I don't think it's fair at all to accuse me and Fade of poor RP when there was no attempt of any decent RP on anybodies behalf.

If you want to analysis my recording and throw accusations out indirectly against me.. I suggest you watch the video a bit more carefully.

Allow me to explain.. Frank and I were in a completely different room to the TW gang.. Our communication between the two groups was using Direct Chat. You may have seen me following Cleon and Fade - Reason for that was because I hadn't a clue as to what your group's intentions were against the TW and my group at the processor..

Thing is... The conversation between Fade and Cleon was "you put your gun down" "No you put your gun down"  - Swings and roundabouts here.. Could have been better ways to resolve that looping record. 

Problem with Arma 3 is,, if you walk / jog backwards or forwards, the character automatically raises the gun - That may have been mistaken for potential hostile activity. That may have been a mistake on your part.

The RP could have been better indeed.  However, ye stating in direct comms that the heli was too loud and thus a couple of us tried to sort that out! The issue here is, that you didn't wait for us to try and resolve a potential audio issue that would affect RP.. ye decided to continue on regardless. 

Although not very relevant you also Metagamed the fact that there were TI and TW at the processor.
Who are you accusing of metagaming?

Was there any tactical disadvantage / RP disadvantage  against TI with the identification made in TS - I don't think so.  

One thing that I want to state is that there was solid RP provided by the other party as all they said through out the whole time before I killed them was "Put your gun on your back"
Here's the issue, There was 7 -8 people at the processor and three of ye.. I don't believe you valued your own life at that point as you persistently kept backing away and also advising Cleon at the time to put his weapon away instead.

Ye had the tactical disadvantage so why not comply and RP'd a bit more with us? Who knows where it could have gone.

Once we got to the weed processor we were told by them to get out of the car, which we did what was asked by them, one of them was trying to speak to us which I could not hear, while that was happening I was being followed and having a gun pointed to my face and he kept following me pointing the gun at me which I asked him multiple times to lower his weapon as I had mine which he failed to do so which then valuing my life as he was being very hostile from the first when we got, I killed him when I thought it was a good opportunity as hes friend and him was some what distracted.
I'm confused by this.. You first claim you couldn't hear a word from us or anyone due to the heli being 5mtr away but yet you were able to hear "Get out the car" and complied with that? Were you able to hear or not?

I would like to see your perspective / recording to see how bad the heli rotor noise was to see how much it effected yourselves from not RP properly and how much you could / couldn't hear to help us understand your point of view.

And one more thing that in one of the videos you can clearly hear one of them meta gaming TI and TW, also stating that they clearly wanted to kill us for no apparent, hence them being very hostile.
Yet again.. Are you accusing me of Metagaming? 

Same response for you Fade: Was there any tactical disadvantage / RP disadvantage  against TI with the identification made in TS - I don't think so.

Please pay more attention to detail in my video, I believe you are referring to what I said, which was "Right, Now I HAVE to kill him" which is said right after you killed Cleon as you just started an unnecessary gun fight.

I did shout out to you in Direct Chat after you killed Cleon, but you choose to ignore or not respond to me and proceeded to kill me anyway regardless if I was going to kill you or not.    

My own two cents:

I would like this to be resolved with all three parties to agree on a resolution. However - We shall see where this goes and I hope a fair resolution is found.

We are still open to discuss on TS but I believe TI do not want to continue resolving via TS - Correct me if I am mistaken.

I have to go to work so I am currently unable to post a full statement of the events. However I will do so when I get home later/tomorrow. 

But one thing I'd like to say before I leave is that TI pulled up to weed processing with 3 fully armed rebels inside a sports hatchback, right outside the door, we knew what their intentions are, so I tried to neutralise the threat as quickly as possible as I wanted to avoid a gunfight as we had just stolen 5 trucks of weed, hence I needed as many men alive as possible to sell the weed at kavala.

The whole time they claimed they couldn't hear me because of the chopper yet they say they heard my demands from INSIDE the car and complied - However the moment they got out they all of a sudden were unable to hear us, And started to separate into positions, I believe they used the sound of the helicopter as an exscuse to ignore our demands and set up for a fight. Because of this I ordered my guys to pick one person and follow him so that they couldn't get a tactical advantage on us.

I moved fade away from his friends and asked him AT LEAST  10 times to holster his rifle, he refused and eventually raised his weapon and opened fire. It wasn't that I was distracted at all it was just that I couldn't shoot him as I didn't know whether he was holstering his weapon or raising it to shoot, as you know the gun raises when someone is holstering it. And I didn't want to make the mistake of shooting him if he was simply holster ing his weapon.

During TS discussions they themselves told me that I should of shot Fade for not complying, which in my opinion is evidence that he did not value his life in the slightest. I do have the recordings of the conversation somewhere to back this up.

My intentions was to get them to holster their weapons so I could prevent them from trying anything, in order to buy my guys time to get the trucks out, that is why I didn't shoot fade after asking at least 10 times to put his gun away.

As I said before I can't post a full statement right now, but I will when I'm done with work today/tomorrow.

Poor roleplay all around

Locked pending further review.

This situation is a mess:

1. Obviously the helicopter didn't help. However we have multiple armed people at an outpost and it becomes the generic shots fired so everyone dies. Obviously Cleon was approaching with a gun pointed right at the guy, and it came down to who shot first.

2. Metagaming:

(4.1) Using or broadcasting intelligence on sidechat or teamspeak to influence actions in game. (Punishment is a kick/ban)

(4.2) You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine to get, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.) (Punishment is a kick/ban)

(4.3) Using tilde key for anything other than identifying people who break rules

Flyman you broadcasted intelligence by saying TI and TW on the hill, it's metagaming, no rules were broken yet.

3. Roleplay, THERE WAS NONE. Pretty much this was a minimal RP session where the first shot meant that everyone could go "OMG SHOTS FIRED YAY LETS KILL EVERYONE WHOO HOO!" I'm quite disappointed by all parties involved

Although they couldn't tell that Flyman was not with [TW] he still had a gun out, so without metagaming the gun fight broke out, and everyone decided to shoot targets of opportunity. @Fade @DeFrag this in my honest opinion could have been solved with a simple "Well we didn't know what gang you were with thought you were a threat, but oopsy sorry let us replace what you lost."

I would really not want to ban 7 players from our server right now, so everyone is offically warned. I request that Flyman and only Flyman is comped for his gear from everyone involved.

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