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Report a Player - The entire gang of Dapper Dans Barber Shop - RDM

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Your In-game name

[UKL] Koobi Abloda

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

The entire gang of Dapper Dans Barber Shop

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident


After a long day of doing cocaine runs, we decided to fly our heli to rebel outpost and buy some guns, upon arriving we see the gang of dapper dans barber shop we great them and go about buying our guns, after about half way with gearing up my friend qiang wong is talking to one of the members and at first when we were arriving we thought that they would rob us so we were very cautious about being around them and were talking in ts about how they might rob us, qiang wongs mic echoed and they heard us say that they might rob us and used that information ingame against us, about 10 seconds later they intitiate on us, Didnt give me enought time to holster my weapon and shot me in the head, same goes for my friend you can see him get shot while he has his hands up, we would also like compensation if this report goes through.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Can i also add to this report as i was there, after my 3 friends were killed i was still alive and present continuing on the firefight, there first friend who died re spawned and come back and rejoined the firefight. whether it was before or after his NLR timer i do not know, but surely he can not just come back and instantly rejoin the same fire fight he just died in.

I am the guy robbing you two next to the rebel dealer and yes I did kill your friend, and I have a reason because he didn't put he gun away in time. Also I would like to point out I did not shot the guy with his hand on his head. Literally no rules were broken. We initiated all of you and your friends shot us first so that was instantly gang initiation. So we retaliated with killing you all, as you were all a threat. 

First of all I was not involved at all in this incident and have not known at all about. I will now speak with my gang members and find out what has happened about this incident. As gang leader I do not expect my gang to be breaking rules at all I have many a time pasted and told them to read rules and learn them off by heart. I am very sorry to the individuals that this has happened to and will provide compensation if needed. But before this report gets actioned on I have to say this is not the entire gang but one part of it. Sorry for any inconvenience.   Me and Dapper Dan were not involved 

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First of all I was not involved at all in this incident and have not known at all about. I will now speak with my gang members and find out what has happened about this incident. As gang leader I do not expect my gang to be breaking rules at all I have many a time pasted and told them to read rules and learn them off by heart. I am very sorry to the individuals that this has happened to and will provide compensation if needed. But before this report gets actioned on I have to say this is not the entire gang but one part of it. Sorry for any inconvenience.   
I understand that it was part of the gang, no worries I couldn't find the names of the names of the people involved

I am the guy robbing you two next to the rebel dealer and yes I did kill your friend, and I have a reason because he didn't put he gun away in time. Also I would like to point out I did not shot the guy with his hand on his head. Literally no rules were broken. We initiated all of you and your friends shot us first so that was instantly gang initiation. So we retaliated with killing you all, as you were all a threat. 
From what the evidence shows, you shot me as soon as I started to put the gun on my back to put my hands up and as for shooting an unarmed man, thats not self defense, he wasent an imidate threat to you so there for it was rdm, he was complying.

Dude you're not listening I didn't kill the guy with his hands up. I killed you and I initiated so I can kill you if I like. Also your friends killed my friends first. 

Dude you're not listening I didn't kill the guy with his hands up. I killed you and I initiated so I can kill you if I like. Also your friends killed my friends first. 
(2.2) RDM - Random Death Match Definition: Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM.

You gave me about 3 seconds to exit the shop which I was buying things inside of and then shot me dead

I said 5 then counted to 4 then said it again so that is about 7-8 seconds in total, dude I have watched the stream reply.

evidence shows no rules being broken . so I see no problem they initiated and he did have 6 seconds to put the gun down . :/

Name:HyDrO x M8TrIXZ

Steam ID:76561198153942848


He had been banned before and was banned yesterday, and now had ths problem. It seems he has no respect for this server rules or its players.


Steam ID:76561198237997092


Ban for george is now actioned for poor RP/RDM. He may appeal on the forums.

evidence shows no rules being broken . so I see no problem they initiated and he did have 6 seconds to put the gun down . :/

What about the NLR being broken by the guy who died at the start? who refused to come on ts in side chat even though he admitted to breaking NRL but felt it was not against the rules because 15 minuets were over so that means he has his full memory

What about the NLR being broken by the guy who died at the start? who refused to come on ts in side chat even though he admitted to breaking NRL but felt it was not against the rules because 15 minuets were over so that means he has his full memory
Unfortunately I don't have evidence on that part to proccess

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