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Report a Player - (SOS) CPL.Teej and (SOS) MP. Dexter - Poor/Low Quality RP (Rejected)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

(SOS) CPL.Teej and (SOS) MP. Dexter

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was doing a little thing i do where i drive a truck full with alcohol or crumpets (this time alcohol) up to the drug dealer and then i RP that im delivering it, we usally have a good laugh when cops or rebels find out that im actually telling the truth and theres no drugs in the truck.

This time i was doing it for about 15 min, i then got a message from a cop on ts that had vdmed me a while earlier so as im typing my message back to him is where the video begins. I hear "on the floor, on the floor, on the floor", so i quickly tap back in (ts was on my other screen) and i put my hands up, i then do some small talk roleplay, a bit of singing and so. Then as i try and do my roleplay story about delivering alcohol to the priest who is going to have a big party (up until this point they have barely said anything at all to me making it very hard to roleplay with them), they get in my truck and drive off to kavala GZ to sell the alcohol at the pub...

If we exlude that absolutly horrendous initiation. During the entire situation i got around 20 words spoken to me, maybe not even that... Honestly horrible.

I went to speak to them on team speak about the poor quality of their initation and roleplay, and what did they said?

"Its not against the rules aslong as you didnt get shot."

I try and argue with them that they cant go around and give horrible rp when robbing people and just because no one got shot its not against the rules but they wouldnt listen. Hell they didnt even take me seriously. The player "(SOS) MP. Dexter" who carryed out the robbing didnt even come to the channel after i asked his friend, (SOS) CPL.Teej (who admitted it was him who did the initiation, see last part of the video) to get his friend to come to me so we could talk. Instead i got laughed at and not taken seriously by the person i was resolving it with (Teej).

I honestly cant comprehend how they cant see that what they did was horrible rp and against the rules. By their logic aslong as i comply with their horrible initiation and dont get shot its not against the rules. I dont even know what to say about that, its just completly illogical and not how this server works at all.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Firstly I was led to believe that this had been resolved in TS, at the time was unable to directly talk to you through Teamspeak so Teej was resolving the situation

For some reason, you are unable to hear my mic which I was not aware of and you at no point bought to my attention. When we arrived we wanted a very quick in and out operation as we knew the police were nearby as we had seen them not too far from the dealer. We didn't expect anyone to be there as the truck was parked very oddly. My job was to initiate where I said "Alright buddy stick your hands on your head" which in my eyes you didn't instantly, therefore, I did follow through with further roleplay. This is the same situation for Teej, you instantly put your hands up so further details were not required.The truck was lockpicked and we were going to leave it left you without causing any harm to you.

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About the initiation I generally didn't think there was anyone there (at the drug dealer) because of how it was parked if there was someone selling they wouldn't have parked closer and at a certain angle to get out quick. I hopped out and as a joke I said on the floor on the floor on the floor because I didn't think anyone was there then when I ran inside I saw you and turned straight around and went to lock pick your truck because we wanted to be in and out and then dexter initiated again but his mic wasn't working or something I'm not sure.

Ill be honest about the laughing in ts I was only laughing because I generally didn't think we did anything wrong and when you kinda got mad about it it did generally make me laugh like I'm not going to lie and for that reason I do apologise for my behaviour in TeamSpeak.

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Alright, you both had your chance to resolve this. Dexter i was in your lobby for 15-20 minutes and you couldnt spare 5 seconds to type to me that you were currently busy? You even had mutiple chances to come when teej when into your channel asking for you. And teej, your only excuse was that "aslong as i dont get shot, its not against the rules to give poor initiations".

All im hearing is excuses, no proof, no apologies about that horrible rp, nothing.

I probably wont be replying more on this as im done spending time on people who cant even take me or this communities rules seriously.

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Alright, you both had your chance to resolve this. Dexter i was in your lobby for 15-20 minutes and you couldnt spare 5 seconds to type to me that you were currently busy? You even had mutiple chances to come when teej when into your channel asking for you. And teej, your excuse was that "aslong as i dont get shot, its not against the rules to give poor initiations".

All im hearing is excuses, no proof, no apologies about that horrible rp, nothing.

I probably wont be replying more on this as im done spending time on people who cant even take me seriously.
I have already apologized and If I didn't that clear I am sorry. I was busy at the time you were in the lobby and was told by Teej that it was not necessary for me to join. If you had asked for me I would have happily came and talked to you when you were free. If you would like to talk about Teamspeak message me and I will happily talk to you with an admin to try and resolve this.

Alright, you both had your chance to resolve this. Dexter i was in your lobby for 15-20 minutes and you couldnt spare 5 seconds to type to me that you were currently busy? You even had mutiple chances to come when teej when into your channel asking for you. And teej, your only excuse was that "aslong as i dont get shot, its not against the rules to give poor initiations".

All im hearing is excuses, no proof, no apologies about that horrible rp, nothing.

I probably wont be replying more on this as im done spending time on people who cant even take me or this communities rules seriously.
"As long as I don't get shot its not against the rules to give poor initiations" I did not say this I said I did not threaten your life so you didn't have to get on the floor if you didn't want to and then if you didn't go on the floor I would gone more in depth in the rp. But because I said it as a Joke I didn't go further because then dexter took over but he mic was doing something weird ( as seen in the video) Also no apologies I apologised in my earlier post because I can now see that was we did was not up to a high quality 

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It appears as stated by both Teej and Dexter that Dexter's mic wasn't working proberly during the incident which is unfortunate. Besides from that while the initiation did leave alot to be desired and wouldn't be considered high quality to any extent no server rules were broken during this incident. 

Report Rejected.

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