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Report a player - Some asztecas guy harri - FiveM

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Dont Look At Me

Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Isro Shaw

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Some asztecas guy harri

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 03/31/21

Time of the incident (GMT): 1921

What best describes this incident ?: Rdm- VDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i was called for a car fix down by the cotum shop, i came there and stated my price, from the start he was hostile and i understood i wanted to get out of there before things get heated, they ranted about the price, i just left, as i left he kicked me for no reason, and then he proceeded to get in his car and try to run me over (even though the truck crushed me you can see how fast he was going in intent to knock me off my bike).
his license plate is in the video

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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I was driving out of the pay and spray did not expect a truck to come down and hit you mate

And what about that random death match? this isnt your nor harrys first time, ive seen you hit people for no reason for nothing, not to mention you DID drive fast to ram me off the bike, i can just tell by the speed you crashed into the truck, your laugh also indicated you being happy that the job is done. alot of people have complained about you and harrry buy you just keep at it.

The reason for being hostile was because this person Isro Shaw has come around to be a bit of a dick in the eyes of Aztecas he has been up to our area pissing us of and hanging around in the past he has seen us around and just tried starting shit with us so we dont like him and this is why i was hostile to him. and the reason i laughed was because i didnt expect a truck to come down and hit you off your bike mate and did you try and resolve this with me by any chance if you did i didn't see it in ooc this could have easily been resovled

@Ginge101 isro shaw? that is intersting, because i dont go by isro shaw to anyone, i use a fake name, also how do you even know who i was? i had a new identity and diffirent clothes? not to mention a mask on my face. are you meta gaming?

Not to mention i have never has an interaction face to face with you. how would you recognise me?

alot of people know you as isro for being in the city for a long time now i knew it was you because you have a recognizable voice

@Ginge101 as i said, ive never encountred you, not "alot of people know me " cuz i never go by the name isro, ive never used it unless they are clore irl friends and they dont use that name either.

and ive never even spoke to you, how do you recognise my voice?

Okay from watching the video i really do not think his intention was to run you over there. It is quite clear that nobody expected a huge truck to be coming the other way and flatten you off your bike for him to then squash you under it. 

As for the claims of him knowing you and prior interactions of characters, for this report it really does not matter. I fully believe this was a accident.

However "Ginge" will be receiving a warning for the random kick off the bike for what seemed to be over the price of a repair. Remember the conversation a admin has already had with you @Ginge101not every situation has to resort to violence.

I will be rejecting this report.


Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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