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Report a Player - Snow flake, Ben troast - Other (Report Rejected)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Snow flake, Ben troast

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We saw a hemmt box at the diamond factory, tried to land next to him but the guy drove it off before we landed. We started to chase him but he drove to athira garage, 2 guys jumped out, stored the vehicle, and logged out. The guys who logged out were named Ben troast and Snow flake, a guy named mr.anderson logged out at the same time, but I did some investigating with the rpuk stats and found out that ben troast and snow flake are steam friends so I figured they're the ones that logged out. I'm not sure if this is even concidered combat storing/logging since we didnt get the chance to properly initiate, but our intention to initiate was pretty clear and they denied us the chance to do so. I just feel like this sort of stuff shouldnt happen on this server.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Staff feel free to delete my comment if I'm not allowed on. What actually happened was me and my friend were siting at the hospital waiting for another friend to get on steam to ask if he wanted to play arma with us or go onto csgo. He came on and said he didn't feel like playing arma. So me and Ben began driving to the garage to store our vehicle so we could leave. And a helicopter started following above us, never initiated so we stored our vehicles and left? What's wrong with that? Okay he followed us? I'm not forced to sit there and wait for him to land to speak to him. We wanted to go play something else and btw the truck was empty we never even got to do a run. 

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Obviously I knew you were up to no good, that's why I passed the garage and tried to lose you till I realized how God damn big my truck was lol that's when I was like screw it, and just went to the garage and put it in and left. Wasting time.  Should've had one of your buddies jump out to initiate :p

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Obviously I knew you were up to no good, that's why I passed the garage and tried to lose you till I realized how God damn big my truck was lol that's when I was like screw it, and just went to the garage and put it in and left. Wasting time.  Should've had one of your buddies jump out to initiate :p
If you didn't have anything to lose, why wouldnt you just stop the vehicle and wait for us to come talk to you? You escaped by storing the vehicle and then logging out. You shouldn't do that. I just dont understand why would you run if you have nothing to lose? It's not like you were logging out when we were landing behind the hospital. You were thinking about logging out and you decided to do so when you were about to get robbed. I'd understand if you were at the garage when we started landing, but we chased you for almost 4 minutes before you stored your vehicle and logged out.

Because I know your planing on initiating and we didnt want to play. So we left before you did. If you read what i said, I was trying to lose you till i realized I wouldnt be able to because my truck is too easy to spot thats when I just stored it and left.

and although I obviously knew you were trying to rob or kidnap or do something wrong because no one is friendly in the middle of no where, on the rule side of things i didnt break any rules. There was no combat or initiation so its not combat login or storing. Just because you follow doesn't mean anything. Thats like if i follow someone and get mad when they leave lol

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Because I know your planing on initiating and we didnt want to play. So we left before you did. If you read what i said, I was trying to lose you till i realized I wouldnt be able to because my truck is too easy to spot thats when I just stored it and left.

and although I obviously knew you were trying to rob or kidnap or do something wrong because no one is friendly in the middle of no where, on the rule side of things i didnt break any rules. There was no combat or initiation so its not combat login or storing. Just because you follow doesn't mean anything. Thats like if i follow someone and get mad when they leave lol
As I said in the report, I'm not sure if this counts. But the fact that you didnt literally break a rule because there was no combat shouldn't matter. You knew something was about to go down, yet you still logged out. You logged out intentionally to prevent rp. You made the choice to log out after we started chasing you. That is the same as you seeing someone start running at you with their guns out and then you alt+f4. The idea behind the rule still stands. There was no combat because you logged out. You logged out because of an impending combat situation. And I didn't just follow you, I was chasing you with the intent to rob you. And you understood my intent and it caused you to log out. This is of course only my opinion about the rule, and my opinion doesn't really matter. So I wont be commenting any further on this report. You know what you did, and you should understand what you did was wrong.

Chasing someone is telling them to stop and them fleeing and you going after, following someone is not saying a word or anything and well.....following them. Im sorry its an inconvenience to you that we had to go as we had plans to leave just as you wanted to rob us. I play like 10 hours a day, I was done with arma already so my friend wanting to play cs was a done deal. I was out. And btw I was assuming you were up to no good i had no idea what your intentions were, so you cant say I was ''preventing rp' because I didnt know what you were doing so how would I know what exactly it was I was preventing. That's literally like if i follow a cop and not say a word, he then drives down to pd puts his car away and leaves for the night and i report him for leaving lol....it makes no sense.

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Unfortunately chasing someone with the intent to rob them does not prevent someone from storing their vehicle or logging off although it could be argued that they done this to prevent that from happening unfortunately it is not against server rules. 

Report Rejected. 

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