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Report a Player - SGT. AJ - VDM

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Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was in agios and was spotted by a cop with an MXM with attachments on my gun. I was then chaced by cops and this lead to a snowball effect of them 1 car turned in to 2 and so on. I was then REPEATEDLY hit with cars untill this lead to the dissabling of my quiln and the SI that was there said due to the circumstance that had occured he would only take my attachments. I didnot agree with this and said i would like to be released with my full equiptment as i was diabled unfairly. They then took my gun, attachments, Mags and sidearm suppressor and issued me a 50k fine for the illegal wepon. Now fair enough every one gets in to a little fender bender in a high speed chace once in a while but 4 times and 2 more in agios that i have deemed possible to be an accident for a total of 6 car collisions in 1 chace. They offered me comp for the weapon but i declined and said id like them to not ram peopel in chaces instead of the comp to whitch i feel the responce of "well ill make sure i tell people not to use desync" like he was just taking the piss.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


To start my response I will begin by apologising for any misconception of what I said in the liason room, the only reason why any comment came across as sarcastic would have been due to me having nothing of substance that I could add. 

There are two points that I would like to briefly draw on regarding the situation itself:

The first of these is that vehicle driving/damage is client side on Arma 3 which can result in varying concepts of what is happening on mine and your screen. I can appreciate that I was not driving carefully but in a high-speed chase involving illegal firearms my one job is to stop which is what I attempted to do. This is why I made a lot of overtakes of which all weren't me ill add which for me seemed reasonable but however due to varying fps drops on your side as can be seen in the video these were often misjudged and I can't always predict when you are going to rubber band next that isn't an issue I can predict, fix nor solve.

The second point I will draw on is the fact of me attempting to VDM you, in all cases if I was attempting to VDM you, there would have been far more aggressive attempts at disabling your vehicle i.e brake checking or attempting to use desync advantageously  which unfortunately I could not predict given the circumstance I was in being in front of you and my FOV not being high enough to see you. For which I couldn't have made any pre-meditated judgement to ram/disable your vehicle.

That is all, Thank you for reading


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I apprecitae you taking the time to respond and give me your half of the story however you still used desync / VDM to change the course of the roleplay / the situation in a way thatfavoured the police force. You took advantage of the fact that you hit my car leaving it almost disabled and jumped at the oppertunity to seize my firearm. I understand you saying that I was having frame drops but the propper prosedure to follow in this situation would have been A.) let me go and get me another time or B.) Repair all vehicles involved in the situation make sure every one is ok and then allow the situation to play out as it would have.


Report Rejected

I feel as though multiple things come into play here such as server side desynchronisation, as well as client side issues with lag/rubber banding. While I feel that on a few occasions shown in the video the police did drive too close to the quillen... Perhaps even dangerously so on one occasion that does seem to be due to a lag spike so to speak. It does seem to be the result of another desynchronisation that the police hatchback drives into the back of you.

I come to this conclusion due to how ramming currently works within Arma and the effects that are most commonly seen on the acting vehicle over the receiving vehicle are not seen here. I do not believe that the vehicle is being used intentionally as a weapon in this case. 

In summary, I do not feel that anyone is at particular fault in respect to VDM as a part of this situation.

Having said that @DatAnnoyingDude please remain vigilant and careful in the future in respect to your driving in high speed chases. I see that you have admitted that what you might think of as safe, may have been far too close to the receiving client and to try and edge out that extra few meters of gap in the future. 

I would like to stress an awareness of questionable outcomes from situations and how they may impact on others, and be mindful that we are all just trying to relax and have fun here when we roleplay. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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