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Report a player - sam, drex and jaffa wick - Altis Life

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Master Criminal
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: for bob 4.0

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Par. Sam, Par. Drex and jaffa wick

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 11/22/20

Time of the incident (GMT): 20

What best describes this incident ?: A1.2 A4.4 A10.4 A10.5 C1.8 C.2.2 C6.3

Please (in detail) describe the incident: At the server event, the wedding. The plebs had planned to kidnap the bride/groom, we had been allowing the RP to go on and not ruin anyones experiences. Outside of the church, Cops were initiating on an allied ifrit, attempting to ram it. they were told that they should stop attempting to disable us as there are plenty of us around the area so it would be unwise, they continued ramming and were further warned. we resisted all temptation to open fire first, as to not ruin the event, I can hear in my comms that cops are continuously escalating the situation so I tell all civilians to leave the church (As seen at 2:47 of here) at 3:10, two rebels kill each other and start shooting, this prompts trigger happy cops to start shooting plebs as seen in the kill feed that PC west kills for bob 3.0, West is at the church. because of this Coco opens fire on the cops inside the church, initiation was made, we attempted to de-escalate, cops started the fight. DR sid x ray left the scene as soon as shots were fired, as medics are supposed too.

so that is the setting for the situation, no rule breaks so far (except for maybe RDM from pc west, but I dont have evidence of this)

Now onto the rule breaks, to make things easier, i'll talk about the individuals im reporting and what I believe they have done wrong.

Jaffa wick
A1.2 - There was a gunfight between cops and plebs, no other rebels were involved, yet Jaffa wick starts opening fire on anyone and everything as seen at 3:25 when he opens fire and kills gordon?
- Jaffa wick then executes maxim at 4:14 even though there is no active situation between relic and the plebs?
A4.4 - Jaffa wick then gets killed in the ensuing firefight, as seen in 25 seconds of here then at 2:40 he is revived and then executes pandareiti, a clear breach of 4.4

A10.4 - Drex is the masked medic (as seen at 57 seconds next to sam of here) at 1:25 of here you can see that drex is standing at the back reviving jaffa wick and his crew. additionally from this stream, if you go to 4:14 you will see 7 dead cops in the church, 3 minutes later at 7:17 all cops are revived while the gunfight is on going. here
A10.5 - you can see that Drex clearly assists relic and forgets about plebs.
C2.2 - reviving with his hands up, which is exploiting. I also believed that this was done to hide the fact that he was clearly combat reviving, showing he knew fully well at the time that his actions were wrong
Not sure what rule it would fall under, however as a medic drex drags maxim to allow him to be executed at 4:10 of here
C1.8 - In the liason it was stated that samantha was the one that told drex to revive, I believe this is clearly encouraging a rule break.
C6.3 - It was stated that samantha thought it was mass RDM which is why she told medics to revive, unfortunately she was not in her tron suit and everything was strictly in roleplay, she said that when playing as medic sometimes she has to do staff duties, i quote "if someone calls you the n word, i will ban them, i am always on duty" thats paraphrased. (i'll see if i can get a recording of our liason) However, if thats the case, she clearly sees jaffa wick get combat revived and executed. surely she should have intervened then? or is it pick and choose based on preferences. (can hear her distain for plebs at 4:38 "typical pleb thing")
A10.4 / A10.5 - Samantha was also on scene reviving downed individuals (everyone except the plebs)

Now onto the liason.
it was discussed that they understood that they broke a rule, however the reasoning was that they thought it was mass RDM. it wasn't. and irregardless of that, two wrongs dont make a right, there are proper channels to do stuff, so because you believe it to be mass RDM doesn't mean that you can go around combat reviving and breaking medic rules to leave the area during active firefights. I also believe that if samantha used her staff discretion to say it was mass rdm (not sure that she has that discretion), then surely she should have acted on the blatant 4.4 rule break by jaffa wick. Drex offered comp and it was refused, the basis of this is that if it was anyone else combat reviving en masse like that, i believe they would be insta banned. It shouldn't be one rule for them and one rule for us.

As for jaffa wick, it was so blatant his rule breaks and his distain in side chat, I did offer the chance to come to TS but he never showed.

Additionally, It was common consensus among the community that the plebs started any hositilies, so this report is also to clarify that we did everything within the rules and cops escalated the situation, other rebels RDM'd, and medics broke rules.

(edit: While i appreciate this whole situation was a clusterfuck, I believe it was made infinitely worse by the combat reviving which created more confusion, and let to a lot more people breaking NLR rules by getting back involved in the fight)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

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p.s no point taking the videos down, I have them saved and it would just be a hassle to re-upload

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Since this is a report involving a Staff Member the Staff Leads will deal with it.

I urge both sides of the report to remain on topic when discussing.

From my perspective it looked like the plebs were committing mass RDM so i felt my life was threatened and i opened fire, i shot Gordon on accident as i was trying to kill Maxim (the d sync was so bad it looked like Maxim was still alive,) i let the medics revive Gordon and i even first aided him so he could escape, i executed Maxim as i still thought it was mass RDM, after getting killed i still proceeded to execute plebs without even thinking about it.  The event as a whole was a clusterfuck, it didn't help that cops opened fire on the plebs without second thought... Anyway back on topic, i didn't join the liaison as i still believed it was mass RDM, but after a day i went into a liaison and spoke to YoCo so i could understand their side to the story, from their point of view it looked like i was targeting plebs and as i explained it looked like mass RDM. Well im not gonna sugar coat it anymore, i RDMed.                     (And no i don't have any recordings from my point of view.)

I have liased with @JaffaCakesand he explained to me that the heat of the moment is what led to him rdm'ing at the start, it was very chaotic and I am inclined to believe him in that this was a genuine mistake.

As for the 4.4, I have said to jaffa that this couldn't be a heat of the moment thing, as it was 8 or so minutes later and it was pretty clear cut the rule break. However it was discussed that we both believe it would be very unfair to ban him for this as im sure that plenty of people could be identified as getting back involved as a result of the combat reviving. so while I am keeping the report up against jaffa as it highlights the situation, I believe these facts should be taken into consideration.

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I believe everyone that attended the event can say without a doubt that it turned into a complete and utter mess, people dying and not having a clue as to why in the middle of the ceremony, which obviously was where their attention was directed at the time. 

"(10.4) Combat Reviving - If combat is in effect, or shots have been fired within the last 5 minutes, the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time. This rule is exempt for civilians using defibrillators."

Being of the belief that people had died as a result of mass RDM, I proceeded to revive during an active firefight, obviously something I shouldn't have done. I did not act on behalf of anyones orders - I take full responsability for my actions.
All I can really say about that is that it was not done with malicious intent, and like I said during the liaison I apologise for my mistake, but both my apology and offer of compensation so far has been rejected, so I'm not sure what else to say - The situation was so confusing that even Plebs were asking to be revived inside the church...

Now onto your claims of breach of  "(10.5) You must not abuse your role as an NHS member to assist your friends in any way. "  
In no way shape or form am I abusing my role as an NHS member to help my friends - Most of the people there are of no affiliation to myself or my group, and people were revived at random as to whomever was nearby. Simply because I didn't go out of my ways to prioritize The Plebs doesn't mean anyone else was.

The claim of "(C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future." 

Yes, my hands are up as I revive Jaffa Wick, just like many other ways of reviving as a medic it is common to e.g do 'Ninja Dance' animation or similar whilst reviving, RPing as some form of ritual. Being inside of a church, holy powers and so on, the idea behind it was to make it seem as if I'm doing nothing, but the person is being revived by a 'higher power'. In hindsight I can see how that might look from an outside POV but I still don't see how this could be deemed an exploit of malicious intent to in some way gain any type of advantage. The animation my character is performing to my knowledge does not alter the course of roleplay negatively, nor does it give my some form of advantage. I'm not bypassing an animation such as pulling a gun from it's holster or anything of that sort, of which I believe that part of the rule is more directed towards.

And lastly, the part about Maxim - He said "Hey Tommy, how do you feel about the fact that I'm laying on Jayray's crotch" at which point I'm trying to interract with windows key to drag Maxim away from Jayray's crotch, saying back "Not anymore, bitch..!". If you are of the same oppinion as YoCo, @Maxim, then I offer my apologies - However, I don't believe there's an issue as far as server rules goes in regards to this part.

Is there any evidence backing up your claims of it being a legitimate firefight..? As of yet I haven't seen any - I see 'For bob 3.0' dying to 'PC West', and all of a sudden with no words spoken 'Fat Coco' starts gunning down people inside the church which is then followed by complete mayhem, understandibly looking a whole lot like RDM. What's evident in both videos provided is the general confusion amongst all the people there - In the 3 minute video by Panda Reiti you can hear WhoisDan and someone else outside the church saying "I thought the gunfight was over". What I'm trying to say is, no one seemed to be aware of any form of RP being provided prior to the shooting which is why I was under the impression it was done at random.

1) Yes, I combat revived.
2) My hands were up at one point, just like medics does all kinds of animations whilst reviving such as 'Ninja Dance' etc. - To my knowledge is not considered exploiting. I will not to judge on whether or not it is exploiting myself going forward, but rather ask a member of staff about it.
3) There is no evidence showing a breach of rule 10.5, I did not abuse my role as NHS to help my friends - The people there are of no affiliation to myself or my faction/group.


Good evening everyone. 

I am not going to deny that there was an error of judgement from my side, but I would like to explain what led to me acting the way I did, as good as I possibly can.

I initially came to the event as one of the guests of honour and also partially to have an eye on it, since it usually tends to not go as well as it would be wished for. While the speeches were still being held, it was rather loud over all and the main thing I could hear from my position was Drex´s still ongoing speech and a couple of guys messing around within in the church. Nothing out of the ordinary, even if a little iritating. The next thing I remember happening (this being from what I picked up on from where I was standing and what my head was able to filter out at the time) was Plebs spraying down every cop AND civillian inside the church and pure chaos following. 

The reason Drex and I did not initially leave the church simply being that we were all the way in the back, surrounded by a bunch of downed people, and under the very strong impression of it being due to a mass-RDM, which we all know is not exactly something that would be unusual during events like this one.

From that point onwards, I was trying to figure out what all this chaos was about and whether or not this was intended to happen yet or not. Again, it was really loud and not transparent at all. 

The general believe within the church was that it was a case of RDM and noone was able to give any information as to what actually happened. That being a good 10-15 people... 

Which brings me to my comment about the Plebs. At that point I had not yet made a call on how to handle the situation and was merely trying to figure out for myself what had just happened. It is also no secret that "Sam" - be it as Poseidon, Medic or Civillian - and (most of) the Plebs do not get along. As you have stated before, I was not wearing my tron suit and therefore it was merely stated within character and therefore has nothing to do with the situation.

As for breaking C1.8: 

I never encouraged anyone to break a rule. As mentioned above, the overall believe was that the situation got out of hand due to a case of mass-RDM which led me to make the decision to revive people, which in hindsight was me being misinformed and acting too impulsively. For what I stated in liasion, I tried to take responsibility merely because of the fact that I am a member of staff and did not tell him not to. Therefore I tried to take responsibility for allowing him to follow my lead (since I was the first person who started reviving people). 

Moving on to C6.3:

You are right, I did not wear my tron suit but I also would not say I fully acted as a staff member. I blurred lines  and made a call I should not have. Considering the conversation in liasion, i believe we were all a little heated over the situation and although I tried to explain as good as I could why I did revive people, I have to admit that I am sometimes not wording my responses in a way they will be understood as I mean them when I am personally involved and emotional in one way or the other. Simply, I am better at typing than I am at talking when I am part of the situation myself, since I have a problem filtering my emotions as I explain things. 

I never stated that "I am always on duty", but I do not remember exactly what I said either, in all fairness. I can only tell you what I meant to express at this point... What I intended to bring across is the fact that not everything is always black and white and there is situations when Staff members are not on the server specifically to do admin duties but to play the game. And sometimes we make the call of taking a break from playing for a moment to deal with something because we feel the need to do so and maybe noone else is around to handle it at the time. 

As to seeing Jaffa breaking any rules, I, in all honesty, had no clue who was previously revived and who was not. I am pretty certain that I did not revive him and therfore there was no way for me to know... I would also like to point out that half of the times I was in the church, I was either blinded by a teargas granade (as you can see when I just walk into a wall) or, when sitting in the corner of the building, was occupied on teamspeak, talking to other staff about what had happened and how to proceed. 

However, I do remember telling Jaffa to stop executing after he shot Maxim. That was right in the beginning of everything going downhill and the reason I did not act on it was simply that I was still utterly confused as to what in god´s name had just happened.

And because I know that someone will point it out... I seem to have had a slight delay in voice, which is why it looks like I giggled as Maxim was executed, when in reality I found the whole "Maxim laying in Jayray´s crotch" conversation funny. Not too long after, Jaffa was told to not execute people. 

You are also right with the fact that I did not revive any Plebs inside the church. I was mainly looking to revive police members, at first, with the reasoning that they would be able to bloodbag people. At no point during this did I have in mind that they would go shoot at anyone, until I had been informed that they were and it turned into a full blown gunfight. From that moment on, neither me nor Drex revived anyone else and we left the area immediately. This being said, it was such a mess that while we were leaving, we were being shot at by rebels and Poseidon alike, Drex even being killed. That should show that we were not the only ones being utterly confused.

The paragraph above should also be an explaination for 

"A10.4 / A10.5 - Samantha was also on scene reviving downed individuals (everyone except the plebs)"

The intention was to revive everyone, but considering the fact that it was so many people, I was of the believe that some help with blooding people would be good. At no point did I pick and choose based off whether I like or dislike someone. 

The moral of the story and basically all I can really say, is that I made an impulsive decision with the best intend in mind, that ended up being an error of judgement from my side. I sincerely apologise to anyone who was being shot by someone that I revived and I would like you to know that at no point in time was my intention to alter the course of anything nor to favour any side for that matter. As soon as I had realised that it had turned from the initial impression of mass-RDM to a gunfight between rebels and police (and apparently Poseidon aswell), I changed my tune and did what I should have done from the beginning. 

That being said, as everyone makes mistakes and should be able to own up to it,  I intend and am willing to take responsibility for it.

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I did not act on behalf of anyones orders - I take full responsability for my actions.
In liason, samantha specifically said that she told you to revive. @CC Gordoncan confirm. so one of you is obviously lying.

1) Yes, I combat revived.
2) My hands were up at one point, just like medics does all kinds of animations whilst reviving such as 'Ninja Dance' etc. - To my knowledge is not considered exploiting. I will not to judge on whether or not it is exploiting myself going forward, but rather ask a member of staff about it.
3) There is no evidence showing a breach of rule 10.5, I did not abuse my role as NHS to help my friends - The people there are of no affiliation to myself or my faction/group.


1) okay. en masse for over 5 minutes, not like you didnt have the time to think about your actions and assess the situation.

2) yes, I would agree that medics do this all over the island and it might not be considered exploiting, However you have done it during an active gunfight to conceal the fact that you were reviving, so in usual circumstances I agree, in these circumstances it shows your duplicitous intentions and your clear intent to abuse the hands up/reviving script.

3) no, just the fact that during the 7 or so minutes that no plebs were revived. and that people you revived went on to kill plebs. and the fact that you drag maxim and say "not anymore bitch" think for me is clear enough that you are using your role as a medic to pick a side.


Plebs spraying down every cop AND civillian inside the church and pure chaos following. 
I refer you back to this clip so you can check the kill feed and those killed in the church, for ease i will list all of those in church who were killed/not killed.

A list of the civilians that were NOT killed by plebs inside are as follows;

- Big Sam

- Jaffa Wick

- Adrien De roche

- Oliver Daedelus

-  Big Chaz

- Par. Drex

- DR. sidxray

- Par. Sam

- Sneaky man steve

- Nalurah

- Jamie

A list of those killed inside church as follows;

- ACC LastNickLeft (killed by plebs)

- SGT. Jayray H (killed by plebs)

- PC Grizzly bear (killed by friendly fire)

- PC Greywolf (Killed by plebs)

- PC West (Killed by plebs)

- SI Tokjat (Killed by plebs)

- Quinten amobay (Killed by plebs CROSSFIRE)

- Gordon (Killed by Relic)

- Ci Tommy J (Killed by Relic)

to simplify 20 people in church, 7 cops. 13 rebels. 7 cops die, 11 rebels survive.

only one was shot by a pleb during crossfire, so you're accusation that you thought it was mass RDM loses some strength here. especially as we only killed cops.

until I had been informed that they were and it turned into a full blown gunfight. From that moment on, neither me nor Drex revived anyone else and we left the area immediately.
The fight was on going for over 10 minutes before you decided to leave? I dont see how you can not know it was a full blown gunfight from the beginning. there was nothing immediate about you leaving the area.

I get that you made a decision, but I dont see why you made that decision, based on all the videos, and evidence, you would have known it was mainly only cops being downed and that we werent randomly spraying at people. at the end of the day, as a staff member you shouldnt get involved in situation that you are directly involved in for this exact reason. you changed the RP situation to a mass rule break of many people because of all those you revived

As for breaking C1.8: 

 I did indeed state in liasion that I told Drex to revive people, merely because of the fact that I am a member of staff and did not tell him not to. Therefore I tried to take responsibility for allowing him to follow my lead (since I was the first person who started reviving people). 

Moving on to C6.3:

You are right, I did not wear my tron suit but I also would not say I fully acted as a staff member.
I mean, If you told him to revive people, based on all the evidence it is clear that it was combat reviving and the claims of MASS RDM are completely unfounded. 


- There was no mass RDM, and no reason to believe so based on the amount of civilians that survived inside. 

- its clear that you have combat revived and made the situation 10x worse.

- Drex putting his hands up was exploiting based on the context of how he did it to hide his reviving during a firefight.

- both stayed far too long for them not to know it was a full blown gunfight and they were fully conscious of their reviving. (reiterating, that throughout the whole time, 15+ people were revived, none of which were plebs)

edit: I should have specified the lists that I made were from the original flurry of gunfire to highlight there was no random killings taking place. And not including the ensuing gunfight 5-10 minutes later; where every Tom dick and Harry got involved.

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As I stated before, all the above was from what I was able to pick up on from the position I was standing in and what my head was able to comprehend at the time. 

At no point did I state in my reply that I was in the right whatsoever and I take full responsibility for acting impulsively on a situation that I did not have all the information on. I merely tried to explain as to why I handled it the way I did.

As for it taking 10 minutes for us to leave, half of that time I was either laying down in the back of the church, trying to figure out what was going on, being blinded by a teargas grenade or being semi-afk while talking to other staff.

The way the situation presented itself to me at the time, I acted the way I felt was right and fair. Now having antoher point of view on it, I obviously do see why I should not have done so. Either way, I did already apologise to you last night and although I do have my issues stating things the way I mean them when personally involved, I tried to bring across that I see my mistake. Once you had stormed off, the conversation calmed down a little bit and I tried to explain to Coco what my intentions were and again, I might have not found the right words to explain what I wanted to bring across. 

As to me saying I told Drex to revive, I think that might have been one of those moments, as I fully intended to take responsibility for the combat reviving and not get him into trouble for following my example, as I should have made a better call myself due to the fact that I am a member of staff.

There is nothing more from my side as I tried to explain as detailed as I can why I now find myself in this situation and what my thought process at the time was. Again, I apologise for judging the situation wrongly and I obviously should have not intervened at all.

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Since I’m being talked about, Jaffa wick it’s strange since as an off duty police officer I immediately put my hands on my head as soon as shooting started, I also had no weapons.

Drex, Jaffa was trying to execute me, and from my POV it looks like you moved me out of jay rays body so that he could execute me.

from my POV it looks like you moved me out of jay rays body so that he could execute me
You were already being dragged before you mentioned the fact that Jays leg was blocking the shot. Either way, it wasn't my intent - My apologies.

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Since I’m being talked about, Jaffa wick it’s strange since as an off duty police officer I immediately put my hands on my head as soon as shooting started, I also had no weapons.

Drex, Jaffa was trying to execute me, and from my POV it looks like you moved me out of jay rays body so that he could execute me.
You were in Pleb Uniform so in the heat of the moment i thought you were shooting people... As i explained earlier during that time i assumed the plebs were committing mass RDM so i proceeded to execute you, Idk why Drex moved you but i still RDMed and there is not much else i can say.

A list of the civilians that were NOT killed by plebs inside are as follows;

- Big Sam

- Jaffa Wick

- Adrien De roche

- Oliver Daedelus

-  Big Chaz

- Par. Drex

- DR. sidxray

- Par. Sam

- Sneaky man steve

- Nalurah

- Jamie
...Well, this list just isn't true now is it... There were several civilians killed by Plebs, inside and outside of the church. 

...Well, this list just isn't true now is it... There were several civilians killed by Plebs, inside and outside of the church. 
well the original statement was from samantha regarding INSIDE the church. those are all the civilians alive inside the church at 4:15 of the massacre video, after the original flurry of kills. I advise you to watch the videos and get your facts straight before replying in future to stop a useless back and forward that clogs up the report for no reason.

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 I watched the video titled 'Prrrrrrr' showing the following civilian dying to Plebs, the video that was previously linked with the reply I quoted from but was later edited with a different link.

Civilians killed inside the church:
- WhoisDan
-  Quinten Amobay
- BenZub (Outside the church)
- Jaffa Wick
- Adrien de Roche
- Jamiie

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 I watched the video titled 'Prrrrrrr' showing the following civilian dying to Plebs, the video that was previously linked with the reply I quoted from but was later edited with a different link.

Civilians killed inside the church:
- WhoisDan
-  Quinten Amobay
- BenZub (Outside the church)
- Jaffa Wick
- Adrien de Roche
- Jamiie
your claim it was MASS RDM at the start? the massacre clip shows all of those civilians left at the start at 4:15 of it, the PRRRRR video shows him only targeting cops? 

-Quinten amobay the ONLY civilian killed by plebs in the church at the start in crossfire

- WhoisDan I killed who is dan outside the church by a rock in crossfire as i shot a cop. you can see it on the twitch stream at 1 - 2 seconds, I am by the red offroad outside shooting at two cops down the hill.

- BenZub (Outside the church) you can easily see he was never meant to kill him at 17 seconds of the clip below.

These three were killed 10 minutes AFTER the original start of the gunfight, and only shot at because they were executing plebs nothing to do with a claim of mass rdm at the start of the situation

- Jaffa Wick
- Adrien de Roche
- Jamiie

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Like i said, please think about your responses and stop clutching at straws, there was 7 cops killed inside the church and only 1 civilian at the start. if it was MASS RDM like you claimed there would be all rebels dead at the start aswell. this is frustrating to have to explain this to you, can you try to think about what you are writing please because it just doesn't make sense.

I won't be replying to your comments anymore because its like talking to a brick wall.

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1 minute ago, YoCo said:

your claim it was MASS RDM at the start? the massacre clip shows all of those civilians left at the start at 4:15 of it, the PRRRRR video shows him only targeting cops? 

-Quinten amobay the ONLY civilian killed by plebs in the church at the start in crossfire

- WhoisDan I killed who is dan outside the church by a rock in crossfire as i shot a cop. you can see it on the twitch stream at 1 - 2 seconds, I am by the red offroad outside shooting at two cops down the hill.

- BenZub (Outside the church) you can easily see he was never meant to kill him at 17 seconds of the clip below.

These three were killed 10 minutes AFTER the original start of the gunfight, and only shot at because they were executing plebs nothing to do with a claim of mass rdm at the start of the situation

- Jaffa Wick
- Adrien de Roche
- Jamiie

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Please put out an unedited version of that clip if you want it submitted as evidence. 

@Stavikit shows that he was only targeting cops, that's all it needs to show? if ya don't want to use it as evidence then don't.

Is there a clip of what went on outside prior to gunfire?

Hmm, I can try get one, but as it stands no. It was basically cops ramming our ifrit and initiating on us, before they were told to kill all plebs, at which point west killed for bob 3.0 as seen in the feed. (it was about a minute of them chasing us) at 2:45 in the massacre video which is why I tell all the civilians to leave the church because cops were escalating the situation and I didn't want them caught in the cross fire.

Obviously this report isn't about the initiation or anything like that though? its about combat reviving.... and so on, not sure how relevant a prior clip could be.

I have already demonstrated that plebs only tried shooting cops and there was no such thing as a mass RDM based on the 11 civilians out of 13 (one killed by relic) left alive in the church after the initial flurry. with all 7 cops dead inside church. so the current evidence speaks for itself really.

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