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Report a Player - [S6] Gen. Thomas, corey, Mike Nolan, inferno. - RDM<br>VDM<br>Trolling<br>Poor/Low Quality RP (Rejected)

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Dora Raymen

Well-known member
Huddersfield, England, UK
Your In-game name

Spencer Sotelme

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[S6] Gen. Thomas, corey, Mike Nolan, inferno.

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was driving to my friend in pyrgos.
SUV comes flying round a corner speeding
They drive on wrong side of the road
They Ram my car multiple times
I overtake them and get away and think I'm in the clear
then they come back and ram me ( VDM ) And flip my car over
They say "do i wanna get banned" breaking RP 1
then they say "I was desyncing like fuck" Breaking RP 2
They state I was driving too close to them. lol.
They then shoot at another CIV SUV which I would class as RDM. Please watch the youtube link Provided for better detail.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I'm going to tag the players that are being reported so we can get a insight from their point of view. @corey180dodds @Gibbled @xainferno Lastly If I could kindly ask you guys to inform Thomas that there is a player report up against him and that he should make an account on the forum so he can keep up to date with the report and for future events.

Thank you, certainly will. sorry for the late reply, i was busy watching the GIF over and over. 

i believe i have done nothing wrong as you can see from the video, i was there as backup .. had no say in what happened .

i believe i have done nothing wrong as you can see from the video, i was there as backup .. had no say in what happened .
In all fairness you weren't involved in the rule breaking at any point. However you did shoot at the SUV and I'm not sure on what happened there as to whether you gained initiation rights to shoot or not. I wasn't listening. But for this report I'd say you shouldn't receive a punishment, however I'd really consider affiliating yourself with another group. ALSO. Can you tell me who was the driver?

ill hold my hands up to droppin rp when i said you was lagging im really new to the game and server as for the other car one of the lads give the guys many warning before me junp in his car and ran him over 


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After reviewing the report I can see that the driver of the orange SUV didn't give enough space to the hatchback which due to dysync caused the hatchback to loose its wheels now in the future you need to make sure that you give enough space and time for vehicles that you may be chasing that you give them enough space and time. Now @xainferno I can see that you have less than 100 hours on the game and possibly the server I want you to re-read the rules and make sure that this does not happen again that causes you to either break rp or break any other server rules everyone makes mistakes but you wont be given another chance.

Player report rejected.  

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