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Report a player - Ross - Altis Life

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: SGT Loki [6749]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Ross

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 04/07/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1810

What best describes this incident ?: Exploiting and breaking blue zone rules

Please (in detail) describe the incident: There was a lot of action going on in kavala PD he was the first person that i saw with an illegal rifle inside the Police station, when i tell him that he is going to be arrested he pulls out a lethal weapond ((5.2.2) Lethal weapons must be holstered in blue zones. This rule does not apply to the police. Breaking this rule can result in being kicked from the server) and jumps through the wall and in my opinion that is exploiting after that i texted him "Can you stop exploiting" and he accuses me of power gaming because i initiated on him in a blue zone.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hi Loki,

Firstly people do that all the time, so shall we get the ban hammer out for everyone or is this personal? Also you lie, a full 5 minute video will show all the people you saw before me. Link the whole video of 5 mins to show people how many people you saw before me, but couldn't trap in a bluezone 🙂 . It wasn't powergaming to initiate on me in a bluezone, its power game to create a scenario the other party can do nothing to stop and you have all the control which is what you did.

Secondly I agree maybe I shouldn't have jumped over the wall. It is wrong I agree with you.
However I think that the fact you lock me in a bluezone after I was talking, and having a nice time with another police officer 'PC Hyper' and we were joking about' for you to come in and try to ruin the RP with arresting me in a zone I can do nothing in is kind of bullshit RP.

Yes you are RPing as a cop, but do you have to be a dickhead every time you see someone RPing? No you dont. You just chose to be. I wouldn't be mad if you hadn't tried to arrest me in an area I can do nothing back, after making sure I was locked in. That seems very powergaming to me. There is no way for me to RP with you, There is no chance for escape, I can literally do nothing, which is what you wanted. Me to have no power in that situation as you clearly say 'Don't let him out' The reason for this is because if he lets me out the playing field is levelled. By keeping me trapped here, before having me in restraints taking away my: Ability to escape, Ability to fight back and you had every intention not to RP with me as I could tell. I class this as powergaming.

So in retaliation to you powergaming me I jumped over the wall or through it 'like a magician' as everyone else says. I would not have done this if you were more interested in roleplaying and not keeping me locked somewhere I cannot do anything so you could 'WIN'. This took all elements of fun out of it for me and I really don't see how you don't see this as powergaming as you made it a situation where nothing else could be done.

So yes overall I shouldn't of jumped through the wall, that is on me. However you should in future do the following:

  1. Join in on fun RP instead of trying to play your character to the fucking T every time. Its more fun to go with the flow for everyone as Hyper was instead of prioritising 'winning'. Its not about just fun for you, think of my fun, there was loads of posidoen there, Nulurah for example who had a firearm, yet you dont bother her, you just wanted to 'win'.
  2. Don't attempt to create a situation where the other party has no options, its not fair, its not fun and its powergaming.
  3. Try to resolve this on TS instead of killing the already struggling player base.

I know you probably wont take on board the criticism, but you seriously need to learn how to make the server fun for everyone BY RPING instead of POWERGAMING to WIN. Take a leaf from Hyper he prioritised RP over causing unfun situations through powergaming. You could of asked me to leave, but then you wouldn't of won would you Loki? Its all about winning to you, not RP... So sad.



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Just to make clear its not a personal report and but im starting to get sick of people who rather brake a server rule or get themselves in  gunfight with police and take a 50% chance of winning a gunfight and getting away with their 250k loadout and if you ask me that is just avoiding RP with Police and  2 min before this occoured one of your gang member said to me "F*** off Loki, you are getting on my t***" when i told him just to put the wapon in the backpack/quillin , also you can have the same level of RP with or without a weapon you shuld not even have on yourself. 

And to get to the point of you saying that i was powergaming, i did not see how  you came inside the building, but you should know that you shuld not be there especialy with an illegal firearm, so in my eyes you were begging to get yourself in trouble and as far as i know police is free to initiate and use non-lethal weapons in blue zones but if you got yourself locked inside sorry not my problem.

I dont see the need of me posting a 5 min video if every rule brake that im reporting is clearly seen in this 1 min video and  yes i did also see Nalurah there with an MK 14 and an LRPS.

And just stop talking of  me not having fun and trying to "win" 5 min after this situation we where chaising one of you gang members or allies who was just baiting for attention in the black SUV so i made an initiation on the vehichle but he refused to stop so when he got stuck at castle me and my celleague get initiated by you or one of your gang members by saying if any officers pull out an weapon they will be shot, i must say that is very high standart of roleplay.

I would ask to get report taken down but i know if nobody gets punished the same thing will happed again in a few days.         

And in the end was that really worth for an MX loadout which costed  no more than 200k?

Right. Firstly how did you know we were in the same gang? You are taking an interaction with someone else, I cannot control by the way, and then taking it out on me because we are in the same gang.

This is the point where you say you aren't taking it out on me, BUT you are aren't you as you told him to put it in the car whereas I was 'under arrest'. So the way I look at it is, it is either one of two things that caused this. 1) =  The other guy could move about freely and therefore you didn't want to risk any roleplay you could not control (meaning you powergamed me when you treated me differently because I was 'trapped'). 2) = You used meta information to take your anger out on me for my gang members actions, as if you can remember it now 2 hours after it happened then it definitely pissed you off enough to metagame and punish me for it. Either way you are breaking 1 of either 2 rules.

Rebels have to carry weapons to protect themselves, we could of RP'd fine if you wanted to RP which you clearly didnt. The argument of dont have a weapon is dumb and flawed as you need it to survive on the island, aren't the police force always on 'servere or critical threat level' meaning I would need a weapon in RP to protect myself from these hooligans. However you wouldn't think like that because as stated above you wanted to 'win' and now clearly 'punish' me for my gang members actions towards you.

So I cant come into a building to RP with someone, who by the way I was RPing with before you turned up to ruin it as seen above. Nalurah had an illegal firearm was she begging for it as well? I dont think so I think she was RPing. You should not use advantages to powergame which is what you did. If I was 'begging for it' why was I leaving voluntarily when Hyper was going to let me out. Your argument is flawed and dumb. To finally put the nail in the coffin if you wanted to arrest me for illegal firearms did you arrest Nalurah after I was gone? If you didn't that again reiterates my point of metagaming your anger at my gang member onto me. Which just goes to show again you metagaming. Please link a 5 min video so I can see the before where you 'saw no rebels before me' and the bit after to see if you were carrying out 'Justice' as your putting it and so I can see you treating 'Nalurah' the same. Because I bet you didn't.

My gang member was waiting to pick someone up from PD and got initiated on, he fled. He called for help, he had no initiated on anyone... YOU DID. We came to the scene to see cops pointing guns at him and saying he would be disabled. We told you to get in your cars and leave, before we deem you a threat for pointing guns at us all. When you didn't and then 'COUNTER INTIATED ON OUR LIVES' you were killed. There is nothing wrong with that. You were given the opportunity to leave, you chose to fight. IT ALL COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF YOU DIDNT INTIATE.

yes this is all worth it. I can and so can everyone else clearly see your ability to power and meta game and it is very amusing. I will not respond further and I ask you do not and we leave this to staff.

I agree I should not have jumped the wall, however you took away all aspects of fun and options for me (powergaming) and I couldnt be arsed with that poor RP. However I am glad we can clearly see you are more then happy to metagame.



Metagame, where did i show any metagaming ingame i mentioned it here on forums after conclusion that the gang member i was talking to before then jumped in the same vehicle as you were inside and then all of you guys fired at us so i was assuming that it was your gang member/ally. And if PC Hyper was letting you be there with a weapon, well he shouldnt, so if you fell like you were not treated the same way you can file a PCC against me and we can discuss that there.

But no need to discuss that anymore because we are not going to get anywhere, so lets just wait for staff.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


You've all said your piece and it's clear this has become a little too heated, so I'll be locking the topic until the remaining time on the report has passed prior to judgement

My apologies for it taking a little while, but I´m sure you understand that Staff is fairly busy these days. Now let´s sort this, shall we?

Firstly I would like to get the accusations of powergaming against Loki out of the way:

If there is any issues regarding someone abusing their position and assets in a whitelisted faction, there is more than enough ways to bring it up without breaking server rules. Neither Staff nor faction commands will ignore such complaints, but they should be brought forward in an appropriate manner. 

It feels like this might not be the first incident between you two but either way, the both of you have been around long enough to know how and where to deal with certain issues instead of bickering like this.

Could Loki have let you go? - Sure.
Could he have made different decisions for different people? - Possibly.
Was he within his full rights to arrest you there and then? - Absolutely!

You willingly and knowingly made your way into a police station with an illegal firearm on your back. If you want to RP, there is no need for a weapon in a blue zone, as rebels/poseidon can not harm you and police won´t have a reason to, as long as you keep within the law. That´s as simple as it is.

Either way, if you feel like someone is treating you unfairly or even targeting you, please feel free to collect evidence, bring it up the way you´re supposed to and we will happily look into it and help you out @Psychos Ross.

Now let´s move on to the main issue here: 

I do not feel like there is much to say about your so called "Magic Trick". It is exploiting. Period. 

Even if you felt treated unfairly, two wrongs do not make a right and it is simply unacceptable. Your reasoning is flawed and does not, by any means, justify your actions. 
Furthermore, listening to the conversation between you and Hyper in the beginning, it almost makes it sound like that magic trick of yours was well practised...? 

Due to the sheer lack of remorse and this right here:

yes this is all worth it.
You will be receiving a permanent ban for violating rule A1.4 and can explain your actions in an unban appeal.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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