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Report a player - Roger White (5) - GTA RP

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James Wyatt

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
England, UK
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: James Wyatt

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Roger White (5)

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/18/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2031

What best describes this incident ?: Fail Driving

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Firearms units where around Callaghan steel after multiple people from a gunfight prior fled in that direction, the vehicle at the start of the video looks like its lurking the area in an attempt to pick them up. It seems the guy driving the car (Roger) realised he was at the wrong part of the dock and to save time ramped his car across the water and landed at the other side. We then drove around and met back up with the vehicle and as seen in the clip below at 00:00. Roger was in the driver seat.

Fail Driving from Roger:

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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I just want to reply to acknowledge that I read the report.
To be honest, I don't quite know why I am being reported here, since I wasn't in an active situation as I did the jump. It was a spur of the moment reaction with no ill intent.
I am aware that if such a stunt during an active chase could be seen as fail driving, like dropping off a bridge or cliff. But since I wasn't aware of an active situation, I don't know why I am currently being reported.

So i am not the one being reported here, but i was in the car with Roger at the time we had no idea police was there and we was just casually driving around, we at first heard gunshots so we went up to the bridge to watch and keep a safe distance. I will add evidence to this if needed, if staff would like to check we very often just drive around and see what is happening. 

We went to the docks to try and get a better angle to see what is happening after finding that the police was in the area we then go past the police cars knowing that we haven't done anything wrong so unknown to us that the police was after us, like i said we was just driving around generally didnt commit any crimes so we didnt think these police was after us so we wasnt doing the jump to try and evade police at all.

If we had known police was after us we wouldnt have done the jump but not at one point did the police turn the sirens on before the jump so we just decided to do some stunt jumps which IRL is a actual sport so we just went with out day as normall there was no indication to us that the police was after us. And even when they turned their lights on not once did they ask us to pull the car over so to us we did nothing wrong and didnt think they was even after us.

Being from a police character myself and doing many chases i have seen this kind of thing happening a bunch of times as im sure many officers have, i feel like this is a revenge report as when we was in cells we was giving them a hard time for example i wouldnt give them my name and they was getting pretty upset about it, and none of us owning up to the charge. 

Further more if this is a revenge report which i very much think it is , i would like to add you are also in the wrong as you beanbag launchered me through a window i will add the clip below no one to the right of the car had a beanbag launcher out and that was the only window that was broken very realistic RP from you.

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/15rHhf6XnDlj_K/d13379VUU54S?invite=cr-MSw3UXYsMjMwMzkwOTQs  - Getting on the bridge staying safe

https://gyazo.com/14e742f582245c6ff93215b2127e724c - Screenshot of the car after the been bag launcher can easly see they shot it through the window

https://gyazo.com/96db12424da6ef9323584afd8006b53b - another angle of the car window

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/15ld0KERJiaGjE/d1337JpTdatH?invite=cr-MSxLWVYsMjMwMzkwOTQs - getting beanbaged through a window

Unfortunatley my clips dont have audio ad my medal kept closing and opening last night but that is the evidence of them clearly using a beanbag launcher through a window which just inst very realistic.

I would also like to add that we wasnt asked to be taken to Discord/TS where we could of spoke about it thefore thats another reason i feel that this is a revenge report.

Being from a police character myself and doing many chases i have seen this kind of thing happening a bunch of times as I'm sure many officers have, i feel like this is a revenge report as when we was in cells we was giving them a hard time for example i wouldn't give them my name and they was getting pretty upset about it, and none of us owning up to the charge. 
I'm unsure on what you mean when you say a "revenge report" as you have not reported any of us? Your character giving me a hard time in cells has nothing to do with the fact the driver of the car was reported (Roger White). We where told by NPAS that the vehicle you was in was attempting to pick up a few individual who came from a gunfight that's why you where stopped. It also does not matter if we did not make yous aware that we where following the car (i.e. by putting sirens on), Roger still ramped the car over the water. 

I would like to add you are also in the wrong as you beanbag launchered me through a window i will add the clip below no one to the right of the car had a beanbag launcher out and that was the only window that was broken very realistic RP from you.
We are not in the wrong. There is nothing wrong with bean bagging someone from a car. Its a tool which we have for a reason, you where warned by @Scott Andersonmany times and failed to comply so you where bean bagged.

I would also like to add the window was broken in Scott's screen.

I would also like to add that we wasn't asked to be taken to Discord/TS where we could of spoke about it thefore that's another reason i feel that this is a revenge report.
I'm not too sure where your getting "we" from, i reported the driver of the vehicle ( @NoobH4mm3r) . We never took it to TS as it was a obvious breach of the rules and quite frankly other rp situations got in the way and stopped us from doing so.

To be honest, I don't quite know why I am being reported here, since I wasn't in an active situation as I did the jump
It does not matter if you where not in a active situation, you still ramped your car across the water.

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I was just giving context to the situation, thats all and if the window was broken in your screen then thats fine as you can see for me it wasnt which is why i brought it up. 

No further replys from myself.

Appreciate the reply gents; I'll keep this short & sweet.


I am aware that if such a stunt during an active chase could be seen as fail driving, like dropping off a bridge or cliff. But since I wasn't aware of an active situation, I don't know why I am currently being reported.
Regardless of whether or not you're being chased, a stunt jump is a stunt jump and in my humble opinion falls under G1.8 Fail Driving. 


I would also like to add that we wasnt asked to be taken to Discord/TS where we could of spoke about it thefore thats another reason i feel that this is a revenge report.
Just for reference, you were not called to liason nor are you the one being reported. I would've called ID 5 to liason but due to RP situations, we were dragged into the aftermath of a gunfight after we'd dealt with the pair of you in the cells. It was my intention to do so after the gunfight incident however ID 5 (Roger White) was no longer on the server, thus, I could not do it. 

Given the statement above by Roger, I feel a liason wouldn't result in anything, at this moment, given not just Roger, but yourself feel it was not a rule-break 

To raise the "revenge report" claim; there is absolutely nothing vengeful for myself or @JamesWto be about quite frankly. You might think we were annoyed, however we're really not, that scenario was relatively insignificant (Besides the Fail Driving) all things considered.

Regardless of whether or not you're being chased, a stunt jump is a stunt jump and in my humble opinion falls under G1.8 Fail Driving.
If so, it looks like I am basically being reported, because someone witnessed a Stunt Jump which happens in the city probably every minute somewhere, and which anyone has probably done countless times before. The report forum is already full of reports. Imagen people starting to report every stunt jump they randomly come across. It would probably crash the website.
I am sorry he felt like he had to report this. But from where I am standing, this report seems to be very petty. I don't know him and he doesn't know me. I don't see a reason why anyone would feel the urge to report someone randomly just because.

PS: Just to clarify, had I been in an active situation, I would have not attempted this jump.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening all, let's get this report closed off shall we?

Now, I do not have any reason whatsoever to believe this is a revenge report at all so I will be proceeding with this. 

This report isn't "Petty" as mentioned above. Regardless of being in a police chase, running from another player or just driving around, completing stunt jumps on the server does indeed fall under fail driving.
@NoobH4mm3rThe stunt jump you decided to complete in the evidence provided above isn't exactly realistic driving by a long shot, I understand you believe this is okay but I would like to take this opportunity to inform you it is not. 
You are not new to this server and have been around since 2021 so I'm surprised you're not aware of this... Given the fact you have an extremely clean slate up until now, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt but please learn from this! I do not want to see you back here for the same reason. 

I will be actioning this report with the following today:

Action: Warning

Character Name: Roger White

Rule(s): G1.8 

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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