Well-known member

Your In-game name
[TCK] Clarity
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Rizzle simpson
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 2
Please (in detail) describe the incident
RDM/FAIL RP- I was doing a weed run and was on my way to the weed processor, once i arrived there i got out and went inside and started to process my weed there was already 1 person inside so i began speaking to him, another person then came in and stood next to me. i had finished doing my processing on my first backpack full so i began to head back to the truck a third person appeared. i was now on the way back to the truck to get my next batch of weed and they shouted 'hands up, hands up!' then just shot me in the back without giving me any chance to comply with their orders. Rizzle simpson was the one that did the shooting however, when i asked them to come to teamspeak, he did not want to come at first and asked me to tell him why i wanted to speak to him, i said ill speak with you in TS im not discussing it over OCC. after about 15-20 minutes of waiting they decide to come ts. when i tryed to resolve it with them they all just started taking the mick and laughing at me. i told them what they did was wrong all but they said was alright 'darling' . i then said if your just going to take the mick and not resolve it with me maturely then im going to have to file a report. they all then started laughing saying 'go on then, we are gunna be banned soon anyway' and other stuff like 'im gunna get you banned' i then said what for and they said 'im gunna report you for bullying me because im a 12 year old virgin' and started bursting out laughing again.. they then continued to try take the mick by saying stuff like 'my dad works for bohemia we are going to ban you' ...i know all that is fake obviously but the reason i am telling you is to try to explain how immature and uncooperative they where. the people involved in the TS where 'rizzle simpson' 'fizzle simpson' and 'jizzle simpson'. unfortunately i didn't have the TS conversation recorded so i can't prove that side of things but just thought i would let you know anyway because they are a pretty 'toxic' bunch. i do have the RDM/FAIL RP recorded though, so ill link that to you guys. i know this report might have been pretty funny to read to others and maybe even yourself but when you are trying to sort things out and they are carrying on like that with you, its not too funny from my side. thank you for taking the time to look at this report guys. i hope you can come to a decision soon.
Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)
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