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Report a player - Rikka - ID Unknown - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Billy Stevens

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Rikka - ID Unknown

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 06/03/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 02:37

What best describes this incident ?: Breaking (G1.2)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Was heading up to the Azteca motel after I received a call asking me to check up on them, up on arrival I saw an injured Azteca. As I wasn't fully aware of the current on-going situation at the time, I jumped out the car to try and help the injured Azteca, wasn't able to place him in my vehicle due to him being bugged out, so I jumped in my car and started to drive off. A few seconds after I jumped back into my car I was RDM'ed by Vagos in their Speedo Custom with no valid RP reason whatsoever. After I am RDM'ed you can hear another Vagos member in the Speedo saying "Rikka why you shooting him". No attempts to even talk to me or initiate some sort of RP scenario were taken, I was just gunned down for "being in the area of an active war" and "being a rival gang".

After I was RDM'ed, 5-6 more of my gang members were aswell by Vagos, with again no RP whatseover.

I attempted to try and resolve the issue in teamspeak, and try to understand why they deemed it acceptable, and was told that "you were in the area of an active war" and "you are a rival gang", which is not the case as they are not in an active war, and how are we meant to be aware if that was/is the case?

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Ok first of all you did know what was going to happen when you go into an active war zone and try a pick up an enemy mid fight you can't expect to not get shot. Also you didn't go into ts with rikka you went with JB meaning there's no way this was attempted to be resolved as you havnt heard rikkas side of events. In all honesty if this was irl would you run up mid gun fight and try pick someone up when the enemy is still very present on scene. No.

You have also mentioned RP how are we ment to RP when you show up and we have to on the spot decide to shoot you or not.

Jerry Johnson said:
Ok first of all you did know what was going to happen when you go into an active war zone and try a pick up an enemy mid fight you can't expect to not get shot. Also you didn't go into ts with rikka you went with JB meaning there's no way this was attempted to be resolved as you havnt heard rikkas side of events. In all honesty if this was irl would you run up mid gun fight and try pick someone up when the enemy is still very present on scene. No.

You have also mentioned RP how are we ment to RP when you show up and we have to on the spot decide to shoot you or not.


The first thing I want to mention is that its getting really fucking annoying that gangs think they can just insert themselves into an active situation and then complain when something happens to them. No one in the real world would ever roll up to an active gunfight in the hope of seeing some actions from the side lines let alone try and help people in the middle of it. 2nd, I would have preferred this to stay off the forums as yet again it is now in the public eye and gives a really bad impression of what goes on on the server. A staff lead should have been involved to give an unbiased opinion. But here we are so here's my take.

Ok so lets going over some stuff from your attempt to resolve this in TS, which all I heard was your refusal to accept any responsibility for what happened to you and the rest of your gang. The first thing you told me is you had no idea what was going on in Sandy Shores. I repeatedly said so you just randomly drive up at 3am for no reason to which you answered yes. You can literally see yourself in the clip switch to your gun yet if nothing is going on why is this? You pull up to a body on the floor and immediately mention the Vagos? 15 minutes before you appeared I literally posted a selfie on Tweedle with the motel which you acknowledged you saw. Acting dumb and pretending you were just cruising imo makes you look stupid. Just admit you knew what was going on and your intention was to go help your buddies the Aztecas if they needed it. The unfortunate thing for you is you were literally seen trying to rescue someone during an active shootout. Once you were shot because of this, that is the initiation on your gang who rolled up and pulled guns. In my opinion once seeing someone laying on the floor, A speedo patrolling and ALSO people in yellow running on the motel you should have immediately left the area but instead you got out of your car.

As I mentioned on TS, you are not a neutral party in this situation. I am constantly hearing that Vagos do this all the time Vagos don't know how to RP but people do not know what things are like behind the scenes and what efforts are made as much as possible to improve things. I've attached proof from discord and as you can see from the date this is what we had so far to build beef with the hustlers to show you are not a neutral party - https://imgur.com/a/yoRbC5m

To summarise all this acting dumb is exactly that. its stupid. You knew full well what was going on and still pulled up regardless without a care about your own life. You obviously thought you were bulletproof and if anything did happen to you you'd just come here and do exactly this. To any admins if this reply seems heated then I apologise however I'm getting sick of stupid stuff like this wasting my time.

EDIT - I was also the one who made the call to drop you all on radio once id heard you attempted to assist. The person asking why are you shooting was not fully aware of the situation.

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Thank you for your report. From my understanding of the word "war" and its application on the server, there needs to be details discussed in the background, such as KOS areas, the wearing of gang attire etc etc, so in an instance were you think you're at war with someone but none of these details have been hatched out, then you MUST be cautious of who and what you shoot. In this instance, I have no doubt that Billy fully knew that something hostile had happened with the Azteca's and as such, should expect danger were danger is to be expected, however, you are still obligated to provide high quality roleplay before attempting to kill anyone. Common sense would suggest that if he was fully aware of your presents and you of his, any action he takes deeming to be helping your enemy would result in a hostile interaction, but not the need to shoot him without a single thing said to him especially when you have the ability/opportunity to do so. In the future, if someone is to intrude onto your battle of the titans, that you are not sure is 100% the party which you have beef with, but a player attempting to lend a hand, you MUST engage with them in roleplay before you can unleash your arsenal, as for all you know that could of been some random guy who pulled over to the side of the road to help an injured man and ended up with a bullet to the head for 0 reason besides his presence. I understand there can be trolls and people who don't value their life when its so blatantly obvious that shots are being fired and a situation is obliviously still on going but this was not one of them.

On the other shoe, it was obvious from the footage, that there was danger to be expected from heading to the hotel in sandy. You had your gun ready and your wits about you that something was potentially wrong. You drove straight into this dangerous environment with the full intent to help the Azteca's if your suspicions were true. It is your own fault to place your character in that situation and potentially but not entirely a breach of (G2.4). You need to take care of your character and unless your characters intention is to be killed off at a young age, you need to be cautious about they situations you put them through. In an idealistic stance, the use of the mountainous terrain (potentially with binoculars if you had any) to scout the situation before you dove head first into it would of prevented this entirely. So please in future take caution when roleplaying out your storyline and value that your character has a life to live. 

As a result of the situation and with a review of his record, a ban will be placed for 1 day on Rikka.

A note will be placed in the regarding of rule (G2.4) on Billy. 

ID 615 (Rikka Takanashi) : (G1.2) 1 Day Ban
Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.

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