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Report a Player - Razor Life 247, Alexs - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Well-known member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Razor Life 247, Alexs

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Altis Life

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and Josh Ross saw that lakka fuel was being robbed so we decided to land and take a look. As you can see in the video I backpacked my gun and advanced towards the front door. My friend Josh Ross took to flanking so he advanced to the left of the bulding with his gun out. The moment he went around the corner, he got shot at and rdm'ed . At that moment, i took my gunout and shot him,but i died as well. Then, about 15 minutes of conversations ensued between josh and the two guys. They proceed to revive josh and the guy that got revived procedeed to try to rob josh. He then executed me without saying anything.
I did not try to resolve it with them, as they seemed to not care one bit about the rules.
I did not speak throughout the whole encounter, just passed notes, trying to reason with them

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


alright mate let me clear things up

I was robbing a shop trying to hustle and you landed in a heli and pulled a gun out, the video is rubbish evidence as the main encounter is between me and Josh Ross. Josh proceeds to run round the corner and i shoot him, as clearly gun out = your probably gonna shoot it I'm new to this server and game so don't blame me if I'm wrong but its not Rdm if you run round a corner with a gun out at a robbery.

also this video does not show the fact that after my 2 hour hustling session Josh Ross proceeds to slam a helicopter into the gas station killing me and my friend.

also why did feel the need to flank with your gun out instead of just talk without a gun then i would be rdming...... 

also when the other groups turn up they DIDN'T PULL A GUN OUT therefore we didn't shoot them as we knew we were breaking the rules

Good afternoon Gentlemen

I am here to speak on behalf of "Alexs" 

I agree with everything that my friend has stated and would like to forward the points he has made. On the 2nd of April 2020 at approximately 21:23 there was a strange encounter with Josh Ross and his friend Sebastian, i have watched over the video clip linked by Sebastian and agree that it does put a shadow over my compatriot "Razor Life 24/7" although this clip has only shown a small portion of what happened that evening. I would like to give my side to the story from an outsiders point of view, as i didn't engage with a weapon during the encounter.

The Beginning: Me and "Razor Life 24/7" were robbing a small gas station (Lakka Fuel) We were watching for cops and were about 20% done when we heard a helicopter pull up, two guys jumped out guns drawn, my friend with his gun drawn looked at them, they made no effort to stop pushing towards him and in fear of being robbed or worse yet, killed he fired of three rounds, instantly wounding Josh Ross, Sebastian then pushed round the corner and without trying to resolve the situation fired 20-30 rounds at my friend eventually wounding him as my friend shot Sebastian wounding him as well, this meant i was the only one left alive, and wanting to sort out the situation drove to a nearby town to grab defibrillators to revive all fallen members, however with a lack of cash available i could only revive two members, choosing my friend and Josh Ross and he was getting very upset about being dead, after reviving him, i instinctively found an opportunity to make my money back and began the robbing process, resulting in Josh Ross not complying and shooting me multiple times, he was then gunned down by my friend, thus not breaking any rules, however after the situation was diffused and we were both alive again, Josh Ross out of pure revenge flew his attack helicopter straight into the gas station on purpose, killing both me and my friend, blatantly RDM'ing with intent to kill us, he then continued to laugh at us through chat clearly not realising what he had just done. 

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I do not claim that i know the rules to perfection but i can assure you that shooting someone just because you are robbing a gas station and he comes up to you with a gun drawn without saying anything is the most clear rdm case possible. As for me pushing and killing your friend, what can i say, i saw my friend getting rdm'ed so how could i stand around and try to resolve the situation when it became an active gunfight. I am reporting you for the rdm and the lack of execution roleplay and i have no relation to the matters that followed the incident, as I dc'ed and went to sleep. 

Josh Ross is Josh Ross and I am me. I am reporting you because of your awful roleplay that led to the a situation in which I lose my gear. I would be happy to try to resolve, but I see that you do not want to. I have said what i have to say, and I will let it to the admins to decide.

For easy access.

beginning: RDM

end: Fail RP on execution

9:36 : Fail RP talking about hours.

I would like to add to what "Sebastian" has said and make sure to make very clear the fact that he is avoiding the vital part of the story where "Josh Ross" flew his attack helicopter into the gas station killing my friend on purpose to get revenge, i believe they are avoiding this because they know what he did was a worse case of RDM than the incident that happened before hand, and that i believe "Josh Ross" had the worse RP out of the 4 of us as he flew the helicopter into the gas station and also initiated the gunfight by having his gun drawn, like who pulls up to a gas station being robbed with your gun drawn?? What was he expecting, i believe the the RDM'ing claims towards my friend "Razor Life 24/7" are false as "Josh Ross" had a lack of RolePlay when he originally pulled up to the gas station with his gun drawn, symbolising that he wanted a gun fight, i would also like to add that the report should not involve me as i was not involved in any part of the RDM'ing and only revived "Josh Ross" and my friend  

I truly do not care what Josh Ross did hours after the event I am reporting. I am reporting you for rdming ME. If you have a problem with josh ross go ahead, present evidence and report him. I Am ME and he is he, he can do whatever he wants and i or the situation have nothing to do with me. Why do you keep coming back to the same situation I was not involved in. I am reporting you for your fail RP in the situation I was killed and lost gear.

You clearly do not understand my point, YOU are reporting me "Alexs" for fail RP in which you state i "killed you" if you watch the video which YOU posted you can clearly see i did not kill you or "Josh Ross" and that is why i am accusing you of a false report, YOU are reporting me for killing you but i did not kill you, also you know what "Josh Ross" did and it was not hours after the event, it was minutes after the event and what he did was far worse than what had happened before, i think you are becoming angry, knowing that the evidence you have provided is not good enough and that we wont be banned, and rightly so as we are not in the wrong, if you report is so true, then you should get "Josh Ross" to step forward and present his evidence to the report and also say his opinion on the incident of him blowing his helicopter into the gas station on purpose.

Angry? I am not angry, just that i do not see why your only defense is that josh ross did. Post some video evidence of it if you keep talking about it. But to be fair, i truly do not care what he did. I am reporting you because you were part of the situation. You rdm'ed us,thus broke rules, you broke rp(both your friend and josh) and you executed me without roleplay.

Once again i will state i did not shoot a single bullet during the encounter, i can not decide my friends actions and will say i do not have evidence for what "Josh Ross" did but if you were truly correct in your report you would state what he did and not lie to save his back.

i did not state what he did because i was not there and had no knowlege of the encounter. I logged off after the incidents and haven't played arma with josh since then. 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@TheWhiteMaster Please provide 2-3 minutes prior to the shooting happening as per report a player guidelines. We need to understand the full context of the situation.

i do not have any video from before. just cruising around in a heli.started the heli the moment we touched down. as you can see from the(at first) casual attitude,there wasnt  anything before. 

Due to insufficient evidence I can not action this report as I can not verify what interactions have happened before the incident. Take it from me here though that everyone must remain in roleplay throughout all situations and utilize teamspeak afterwards to then talk about any disagreements. @sillysnoop You must make some form of verbal communication and have provided high quality RP before you can shoot someone (Can't see if this was done due to the video length). If a player has a gun out it isn't enough of an excuse to just shoot them, take this as a warning not to do that in future.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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