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Report a Player - [PFE] Max ORyan, [PFE] Will James - Other

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Your In-game name

[LM] Skynzor

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[PFE] Max ORyan, [PFE] Will James

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

NoMercyNL, Maor and me (Skynzor) went to the weed processing and wanted to check if there was activity. We found out there were a lot of trucks and a couple on the hill. NoMercyNL and Maor went on the hill and kidnapped a member of [PFE] with the name of Will James. While NoMercyNL made the contact he took Will James his communication and a few minutes or so later NoMercyNL is getting shot in the back without RP. NoMercyNL stated that Will James contact his gang to not open fire, but how if he has no communication, that's where the first ball fell for us. At the end of the video you can see us getting shot up badly. (See video 1) We took his GPS so we couldn't be followed during the trip. After that we went to a village with Will James and talked to him. Maor and NoMercyNL took [PFE] Will James to a random spot on the field and told him that he could contact his gang to get a pickup in 3 minutes. (See video 2) While we drove to Agios to fuel up the truck and get a storage crate 1 member of [PFE] was waiting for us at the gate. (See video 3)

In video 4 you can see us driving towards the village and have a conversation with him. You hear the conversation NoMercyNL and Maor have with [PFE] Will James. And how they drop him off.

After the incident we asked [PFE] Max ORyan to come to Teamspeak and how it was even possible that he knew it was us. He made up a story that he ran all the way from the weed processing towards Agios to get a car. (Yet he stands at the gate and waits for us, while the garage was 200m further). He then stated he did record and his friend also, but when we said we accused him of Metagaming, because he had a lot of knowledge all of a sudden, he said that he never records. We then waited for his proof on Teamspeak and he disconnected a couple of times and muted himself constantly. After around 90 minutes he left without a warning and didn't came back. He didn't try to contact us on the forum or on teamspeak. He made no effort what so ever. He also never gave any proof of his friends video which he told us he would deliver. And didn't offer to compensate us for what happened.

Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5J7OVqVA1Q&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=NoMerCyNL (NoMercyNL POV)
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sk6TGxXQ0&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=NoMerCyNL (NoMercyNL POV)
Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqR7e311QQs (Skynzor POV)
Video 4: https://youtu.be/J_j9NKnqZF0 (Skynzor POV) (At the time of writing the report it is still busy uploading to YT.(14.11.2015-1441gmt+1))

We also want to report [PFE] Will James for Metagaming together with [PFE] Max ORyan.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Here's my side of the story that was so violently ignored on TS. When I said I never record I meant I never record when I'm not sure of a situation. I stopped recording after they got away. I was running for a while seeing as I thought it was just going to be a boring run to Aigios, and I was in the middle of nowhere at the time. When I got to Aigios, I noticed you guys stopped and started turning around in your red offroad and that's when it clicked that you were the same people. I told you NOT to jump out of your car. You did. I killed you both. You got salty and asked for me on TS. I came on TS and all you guys did was accuse me and my friend even when I said my side of the story. I started looking for my video, and all the while they never once asked for comp (which I hadn't done anything wrong, so I wasn't going to anyway). They pretty immaturely never stopped accusing me. So I muted the sound. Well I was looking for the video and after I found it I started uploading it. Well on TS a third guy who was apparently with them said that I could never have been sure seeing as there was 3 of them, but all I saw was the 2. The video will be up shortly on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5qYovCtlQw&feature=youtu.be for P1 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbMX-AnPcCI&feature=youtu.be for P2
I'll upload another one of when I was shooting at there car because it cut off.
I'm impressed that even though I'm probably younger than both of these 2, they still were so stubborn in the fact that my friend apparently metagemed. I'm sorry about wasting your time with this story admins.

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In your second movie you state : "Just alt+F4 and say you DC'd".... Well, isn't that just GREAT! Your response is really ass kissy and jumping around the hoops to dodge a bullet. Really bad sportsmanship to be honest  :|

In your second movie you state : "Just alt+F4 and say you DC'd".... Well, isn't that just GREAT! Your response is really ass kissy and jumping around the hoops to dodge a bullet. Really bad sportsmanship to be honest  :|
I didn't, a gang member of mine said that jokingly. Either way, you're now just looking for a different approach seeing as your original accusations are false.

I didn't, a gang member of mine said that jokingly. Either way, you're now just looking for a different approach seeing as your original accusations are false.
No, not at all. My first points still stand. I am just analyzing your footage and thinking what your missing footage must have looked like.. Stop being such a ballerina, jeez... :/

I don't have anything else to say. I'd appreciate if an admin could wrap this up, seeing as I love playing in this community and having this looming over me even though I didn't break any rules is pretty scary... 
Also, I've noticed that at 4:28 on the "Hostage at weed" one of the [LM] members meta gamed, saying "PFE. Oh. I'd like to fuck 'em up". So you accuse me and my friend of meta gaming, well your gang actually is meta gaming. I can now see where you were coming from, watching your videos it seems slightly dodgy at the beginning, but I didn't break any rules. This was all based off if Will had told me he was being kidnapped at the beginning, which he did not.

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Since there is so much video evidence, this report will be dealt with soon.

Locked pending review.

Approved -Action Taken -16/11/15


Name:[PFE] Max ORyan

Steam ID:76561198133712928


I would also like to know who the two guys talking about combatlogging is? I think one of them is [PFE]DIGBY but who is the other one? Failure to come forward with this information will force me to take action... PM me or find me on TS.

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