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Report a Player - OG Tyrone, Gza, OG skunkiskunk, HatT - Other

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Bob Belcher

Active member
Stavanger, Norway
Your In-game name

[LC] B A B O U

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

OG Tyrone, Gza, OG skunkiskunk, HatT

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Report against the OG-clan.

During our playtime between the restart at 20:00-00:00 (Saturday 04.02.2017) we had a total of 2 incidents with this clan, and both of the times they committed several rulebreaks.

The first time, we met them in Kavala square, and they were extremely racist against us, and another civilian. They also metagamed our names and talked too much out of roleplay. Because they were so rude against us, we wanted to follow them out of the greenzone and our goal was to take them hostage. We ended up at the hill just north of HM Treasury, were they did a poor initiation on us. They told us to stop the car and put our hands up. With no guns at all, we didn't feel threatened so we parked on the hill hoping they came to us so we could initiate on them. We dove further up on the hill to get a better look, and at timestamp 12:11 their friend spotted us and made another poor initiation which sounded like: "Stop the car", and then shot at us. They only had pistols - and we had rifles so we wanted to take the fight.

It ended in a long chase, eventually killing two of them. Gza was dropped and while he was downed, he started to talk out of roleplay telling me to get on teamspeak and that he had everything recorded. Before I ended up fully killing me he said: "Fuck your mother bitch"

The second time we ended up in a "gunfight" with this gang was about 50minutes after near the iron processor. We were just driving to copper and iron processor to see if there was any activity, and perhaps make a robbery. They were sitting on a hill in a red pickup truck. My friend called in teamspeak that there was someone to our right, so i turned around and headed towards them. At 31:55 you can see another poor initiation with them saying "Stop the car" and opened fire on us. It went back and forth ending with me and my buddy getting shot. When i was down and they were going to execute me, they continue with the harrasment because they obviously see my name and pickup from where they left in Kavala.

We tried to resolve this for over one hour in teamspeak, with accompany of two staff members. They did not understand the rules, and when asked what a greenzone is the reply was "of course i know. it's were i can shoot". They kept arguing with us for all this time, and the situation did not get resolved and that is why we are posting this report against the clan OG.

Rules broken:
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4 (unsure if we have the teamspeak recording of the threat)
- 2.8 Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice
- 3.1 Roleplay Everything
- 3.2 Out of Character Chat
- 4.2 Name Tags
... and so on.

Useful timestamps:

00:15-> (racism) gza - Chinese piece of shit
1:01 OG Give a warning shot into GZ
1:20 gza breaking Roleplay
4:18 gza metagaming
3:40 OG Tyrone and Gza - Breaking RP
5:00 OG Tyrone and Gza breaking RP
10:48 Initiation witout having a gun (No threat at all).
12:13 "Stop the car get out of the vehicle" Then shot
21:45 Tyrone "Get on Teamspeak, i have everything recorded"
31:56 started shooting after saying stop to a car which we barely hear

When Sparx asked them nicely to come to teamspeak their responce was this...

Recording of the teamspeak conversation can also be provided if this isn't enough evidence.
Kind regards,

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


So its gza here. 
I'll explain all their timestamps, a litle quicker since i dont really have that much time to write in forums.

00:15-> (racism) gza - Chinese piece of shit  - U're asian gang, the player had chinese character (eyes and everything) and we are OG's (original gangsters). This was not even a bit racist, it was pure roleplaying. And if there is anything i have learned in my degree in socilogij is that being chinese is not a rase, its a nation. so calling someone from where they are from can not be racism, so please go to school and then write about racism and stuff. racism is talking about races (african american people, white people, yellow skined people etc.) 

1:01 OG Give a warning shot into GZ - there is not a single prove OG shot it. as i remember there was some random guy shooting and we wanted to take advantage of it and try to claim this shot, so we would be more dangerous. Please show evidence of OG member shoting in greenzone

1:20 gza breaking Roleplay - there was like a 10 minut provocation and follow around in greenzone so i admit i may have made a mistake. Point on you, but please upload video before this provocation started.

4:18 gza metagaming clearly it was not a metagaming. when u asked me how do i know your name i clearly explained to you i know you from your tatto. we've been in some talk like and hour ago and i recognized you. clearly not rp break.

3:40 OG Tyrone and Gza - Breaking RP 5:00 OG Tyrone and Gza breaking RP   - after 20 minutes of provocing and following around the map we may have broke for few moments. after all this provoce we admit we made a mistake, but as the video shows, they were very very provocing.

10:48 Initiation witout having a gun (No threat at all).  after following us for about 45 minutes we stoped on the hill and tried to intiate on them becouse we felt we were in danger. i think this was not a mistake by us. we clearly told them to stop the car and get out of vehicle.

12:13 "Stop the car get out of the vehicle" Then shot  So after following us for about 1 hour and 30 minutes (literally) we tried to engage on them for once more. i gotta say they followed us for 1 hour and 30 minutes and they were really trigering. we again warned them to stop the car and get out, but when we saw them change the direction of their drive path we had no chance but to shoot some warning shots (not a single bullet was hit).

21:45 Tyrone "Get on Teamspeak, i have everything recorded"  i dont really know the point of this timestamp so i will just skip it.

31:56 started shooting after saying stop to a car which we barely hear  - so after following us for about 2 hours (pathetic) we warned them again to stop the car and get out, they again just changed the direction so we again shot some warning shot - again not a single bullet was hit.

I really hate this guys wasting so much of my free time, if you dont appreciate your free time i dont really care, just dont waste mine. And next time, please before you call us on team speak upload recordings, so we dont have to wait with you in same room for 3 hours before u even upload it. and dont get so emotional when u die with your super guns vs pistols, maybe start playing more game and spend less time on teamspeak and forum.

I really hate to say this guys provocted and harrased us even before the video started so we may have made some small mistakes, all though we tried to keep it clean. after so much provocation i admit i broke for a few moments but that is all.

Over&out, OG crew.

We will not reply on anything more writen in this post, becouse we rather enjoy playing game then being on teamspeak and forums. So decision is on you, admins.

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12:13 "Stop the car get out of the vehicle" Then shot  So after following us for about 1 hour and 30 minutes (literally) we tried to engage on them for once more. i gotta say they followed us for 1 hour and 30 minutes and they were really trigering. we again warned them to stop the car and get out, but when we saw them change the direction of their drive path we had no chance but to shoot some warning shots (not a single bullet was hit).
There were not warning shots they were going through the back window. I will also say that in the situation the amount that you got triggered does not bother me, and you shouldn't be getting so triggered you loose yourself, and forget the rules.

In fairness however I can see why you shot at them, they drove off you had a gun pointed at them, rather foolish for them to drive off and not expect to be shot.

Uhh I can't also use like the last 5 minutes+ a little bit before because of your abrupt cut, give unedited evidence and I will look through etc.

I will issue a warning to @Gza and the remainder of his gang for what transpired here. The insults hurled at the start don't flatter you and I expect better conduct in future. Shooting into the greenzone I can't actually see who did it so the evade justice. The metagaming and breaking RP did not overly affect the gameplay of anyone except those who choose to be annoyed by it. We are strict, but we are not so strict that we ban everyone who is new because they don't fully understand how we play.

I have an issue that this report seemed to have been put up to spite the gang that you spent so long hunting it didn't need to go to the forums, and a teamspeak resolution would have been ideal.

After all @Gza and his crew need to brush up on his rules.

The literal only person I saw breaking a rule that needs to a ban for is HatT - because he is the only one I can see that poorly initiated at roughly 30 minutes and thus he is the one who gets justice in this regard.

therefore Report somewhat approved?

HatT -  08c7b6b431d8f17505d749ef683ee007



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