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Report a Player - OG Reiss - Other (Action Taken)

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Matty -The China Guy

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
United Kingdom
Your In-game name

INS Matty [AC141]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

OG Reiss

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Lets begin when me and the other police officers were at the Diamond Factory in Athira, we hear gun shots so we go to them and we see Reiss and the other OG guys there, they try to run away in their hummingbird, so, I said "if you continue spoiling that helicopter up, it will be disabled". They got out and said they have multiple friends in the area and if we shot the helicopter we will be killed. We then chased the hummingbird where they landed to the medics. So, after seeing them with illegal firearms and fleeing from a firefight and the police I put restraints on the guy on the floor then I was going to put restraints on everyone else but as soon as I put restraints on the the person on the floor, OG Reiss initiates on me, so, I run around the helicopter knowing it would be some sort of cover and start to shoot him since he threatened my life, but whilst I was shooting him he knocked me out and took my hostage, then he took me to the OG Gang base and executed me.

I forgot to mention, as you can see in the video, they refused to come to liaison after asking them to come to it. Now I know to go to it after the situation, but, I wanted to wait in the liaison for them to come but they didnt want to come even after the situstion.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Dont see what the issue is plus you was talking to your friends whilst knocked out 

just saying....

Dont see what the issue is plus you was talking to your friends whilst knocked out 

just saying....
What so you dont see an issue with someone knocking someone out when you are being shot by them? If you were me, you would have a completely different opinion.

What do you mean talking to my friends? 
They asked "did they do it when you shot", so I replied yes... but as I am watching the video they said "are we shooting". As I was just annoyed I thought they said the first thing but clearly they never. 

can you quote the rule i broke?
  1. 7.1.3 by saying "place your hands above you head or you'll be shot".. that sounds like Hands up or be killed to me
  2. 7.1.1 follows the above.
  3. the next one is a unwritten one which is knocking someone out when they have a gun pointing at you which I definetely did since I shot..

Matty -The China Guy said:
the next one is a unwritten one which is knocking someone out when they have a gun pointing at you which I definetely did since I shot..
It is not unwritten sorry, it is FailRP to do such thing.

  1. 7.1.3 by saying "place your hands above you head or you'll be shot".. that sounds like Hands up or be killed to me
  2. 7.1.1 follows the above.
  3. the next one is a unwritten one which is knocking someone out when they have a gun pointing at you which I definetely did since I shot..
Pretty sure i didn't say am going to shoot you i said i was going to knock you out because im sick of cops restraining people when they need medical attention, 3 the last one isn't a rule although i believe it should be because i had the same encounter a while back and knocking someone out when a gun is pointed at you is completely acceptable 

3 the last one isn't a rule although i believe it should be because i had the same encounter a while back and knocking someone out when a gun is pointed at you is completely acceptable 
It is a rule. It falls under the rules of FailRP, you would not be able to knock someone out when you are literally being shot at unless you are some sort of magician that doesnt get hurt..

Well didn't really expect you to shoot me with your initiation just baiting a reaction out of me when am trying to get my friend up anyway guess its up to staff to decide my fate!

Report against Reiss is rejected. 

Reiss decides to escalate it from his side, clearly not happy with the situation when his friends needs medical.
He lets you know whats going to happen, you disregard and give him the ultimatum from the Police side and you proceed to shoot at him.
You get knocked out, you tell your boys to shoot.

Now let's take a look at you Matty. 
You then decide to shoot him after advising him only that there are other officers around.
 Baffled over the whole situation going south and you ended up just shooting him.
Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role

We will action this report on you for 2.2
(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

And also, how do you speak when you are knocked out ? Common sense says that you are not able.
A note on your BM will be typed out for this as a warning.

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.


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