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Report a player - OCG UNKNOWN - RDM - GTA RP


Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kane Kash
Reported Players: OCG UNKNOWN - RDM
Date: Aug 14, 2024
Time: 00:50
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I want to make it clear that there has been no KOS agreement with OCG. We were being followed by cars. There was no interaction, I was on my way to insurance to retrieve my Rumpo when I was shot by what I thought was a Marky. I believe this is more than just RDM, it also has a winning mentality. There was no communication between Cutlass and OCG let alone anything of High quality, using this rationale, we could set up and shoot gangs from various angles and moments without warning which would quickly turn the server into a team deathmatch.

While liaisoning "Father" explained why he had shot me in this manner, saying that he had previously been KOS'd. As the phrase goes, "two wrongs don't make a right," and this type of justification would allow for an unwelcome playstyle on the server.

I discovered a short clip of the individual who shot me's POV. As you can see, that was the only encounter I had. I didn't even have time to figure out who it was, and as you can hear in their own video, they say "we're in beef, shoot". I'm sure you'll agree that encouraging Cutlass to act in this manner would be unacceptable.


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Hello Kash
I am going to do one big reply and that is that, this is not out of pettiness or anything that , but as yourself knows during our chat before this liaison last night,
i have a few personal family matters this week and i wont be stalking the forums to respond to a report on me and if i do respond it will probably be to late, less of the waffle now anyways

Can i ask why the clip is just dead on 3minutes?
This is one thing i personally dislike is when people just use clips that are "dead on the guidelines" but dead on context,
Is there a chance we could see a clip of 5mins prior? If its available it would be appreciated if not then its okay, it just shows more "tension" build up and shows we didn't KOS.
We had a chance to "KOS or whatever you want to call it then" but we didn't, as that would have been KILL ON SIGHT, we didn't shoot, we let those guys go back into the arcade
As a couple of your members who mentioned to me last night, that i was talking with in a private discord, that you lot went and set up inside the arcade anticipating a push from us, but we didn't push in? so you guys fled your turf, and we chased you, you saw us chase you, you knew we were coming for you, multiple of your members called out on radio, shall we set up? they are following us, lets go into the scrap yard and fight there, be ready in the impound, and "fuck this as Benz" runs at us with a weapon in hand

In your clip provided *hopefully you post the longer one to show more context of us around your turf prior

0:02 "cars on the bridge"
0:08 "They are on the left as well"
0:17 "They are going to land it"
0:30-0:35 "Emerus behind us he's tryna uhm, he's gonna chase up the back of the alley
0:51 "Kash you got to get me on the decamp, this car us going to get me killed"
0:54 "all 4 of us will just have to jump out"
1:06 "Are them man following? (Nah) - They are they are
1:12 "We could set up on the scrapyard on the right there's roofs all over"
1:17 "We got to get the rumpo ,we HAVE to get the rumpo"
1:35 "ok man be on point now, stop all the chatting and do this"
1:41 "Itali is on us, Itali is on us, followed by you saying its alright, we HOLD position"
1:45 "Focus Focus"
1:54 "Benz jumps out of the car weapon in hand and says "fuck this" and runs towards the back gate of the impound towards us
2:02 "get ready get ready they running or running in, hard to make it out in the clip
2:04 followed by a shot by you Kash to which we thought you shot first

You fellas are more than aware of what is going on, even though you are leaving out 5 minutes prior of a clip, and just using the "3 minute report guidelines"

Our 2 Groups have been in an active beef for almost 3 weeks now, there has been multiple shootings, where shots have been fired "on sight" either from your members or mine, everyone knows we are at beef, it is a common thing.

At the end of the day, When we pull up the impound you are all stood inside with weapons in your hands "ready" for something, you shot first at the impound, mistake or not on your behalf how are we meant to know, we heard a shot, and as you can tell by "michaels clip" when i say we are in an active beef, then you shoot at the impound guy in your clip, then the shooting starts.
Hi @6AN6

Do you have longer footage? 3 minutes isn’t necessarily the minimum. We ask for 3-5 minutes of footage and the amount of footage prior to the rule break required is judged case by case.
I understand each report is different but there should be some sort of consistency for instance this report [here] on Cutlass there was no clip provided longer than 30 seconds and staff didn't mention anything about minimums. Anyway, I've provided a longer video and asked other members if they have any too.

Father I appreciate your transcript, but I don't see any sign of roleplay between us anywhere along the timeline. Hasn't your OCG member got any video of the roleplay that led to Kash's death? You keep emphasising "KOS", which is a blatant lie because. As I said at the start, we never agreed to KOS.

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Thanks for the extra 1minute of the clip Kash, don't know why homophobia is included in it around the 49second mark but i guess whatever you guys do, is what it is

You say i keep emphasising KOS, but you are the one who brought it up first in OOC chat, you brought it up in the report, i have responded saying, WE NEVER KOS'D , if we KOS'd Cutlass, we wouldve of shot 5 minutes prior when we say that car that's included in the video (Kuruma) and a White Jester, but we didn't, we just continued circling and "applying pressure" to where you fled back into your turf, expecting us to push in, but we didn't, we decided to sit and wait, and eventually you drove out, we could've shot again? But we didn't, we gave chase for a bit, you guys were more than aware of us chasing, it was said in the video numerous times, your guys even decided to suggest setting up in a scrap yard, yet you didn't

To me it seems like, you guys fled to the impound to use it as a vantage point and set up for the fight, everyone of your boys were guns in hand ready for it including yourself who fired the first shot, while making an attempt to get to the Rumpo which was unsuccessful and it went on from there.

In conclusion i think the videos you have provided gives clear context of the situation as a whole *before we turned up at your turf and what happened after* there's no doubt that cutlass was expecting a fight to happen, this explains why you were discussing tactical positions and your members decamping with weapons in hand

(on a side note irrelevant to this report)
I see Luke was brought into Cutlass that night, roughly a few hours after we agreed on a final fight between OCG & Cutlass which happened last night, now I am not trying to divert anything here and just want to know was he rushed in? I know our groups aren't "technically at war" but in a beef, but still agreed OOC to a final fight , still gives off a "war scenario kind of vibe" ?
To me this just kind of gives off the vibe of WIN MENTALITY (but this could be discussed elsewhere and not here, so apologies to staff if it seems like i am trying to divert) i am not.

As it states blow
(G11.3.1) War Recruitment
In a war scenario, groups cannot recruit or add new F6 members.
Hi. I’ve now reviewed this report after some delay.

Honestly, my thoughts on this is that there is clearly some sort of ongoing roleplay situation. From all your boys carrying guns, the intense communications on the radio, by the sounds of it one of your boys having “visual” on what I presume is an OCG member? To me, it seems there is RP ongoing from the start of the clip.

Now, what you have to take into consideration here is that before you were shot, you accidentally misfired when trying to pull a vehicle out. I’m aware this was a mistake but your enemy who is only yards away doesn’t know that, for all they know you could’ve been trying to shoot them, and then the rest unfolds.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable approving and applying a ban on the report player(s) over the evidence I have reviewed as again, as above, I believe there has been prior RP to your death we maybe aren’t quite catching.

Due to the above, this report will be Denied