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Report a Player - Obuolys - RDM

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Kavala Drug Dealer

Your In-game name

[LS] Zyn

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

My friend is on Kavala bridge and he says to me he is being mugged "Im being mugged on Kavala bridge". I was in a Heli so I landed it at the Heli pad and ran over to find my friend dead which was weird consider he was following the robbers demands. I run over to the body and my friend tells me he is body glitching him at this point I am getting annoyed because he has just RDM'd my friend and is also body glitching him. I started swearing at him due to this, I apologies for my actions but the body glitching needed to stop. A man jumps out of the red SUV and says hand up hands up and shoots me. (This is the same guy that RDM'd my friend.) I also asked the man many times to come to teamspeak. I would also like to point this out, this is not a once off for this guy. 

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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wait one, ill see what he has to say

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Excuse me? He cutted video btw, and is it RDM? When he threatening my friend with gun aiming at head, I can't say (fast) hands up ?  Btw, we robbed his friend of his clan.

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I cut the video because of poor upload speed, you say put your hands up twice and instantly shoot me. That is very poor rp and then your friend body glitches. Want to explain? Yes you robbed someone from my gang and killed him also for no reason. May I also point out this, https://gyazo.com/6be0ace0fd23bb77f7ae6f344b9fa3e5

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Well, I don't know what he is doing. I just met him like 3minutes ago, so it's kinda my friend lol. Seecond, you say poor rp? So how i'm supposed to ask you NICELY to hands up, when you threatening him with gun at HIS head? So I have to come to you, then say, "could you please lie down you weapon sir" or etc.? When you can kill me instantly, you know in real life it's the same, not always you have possibilies to roleplay slow :/ And you say it's glitching, when he is trying to look at his body? He is not even doing anything what I can see from video .

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@Pucynys I dont believe you was given permission to post here. Aside that I was not robbing your friend as you can see. I was telling him to stop body glitching my friend. I would also like to know the name of your friend if possible. My friend is speaking while dead saying, "that guy is body glitching me tell him to stop". In my opinion he is not breaking rules he is trying to save his gear that he has bought with this money.

@antaxxi2 could you explain why my friend was killed in the first place. (He is currently offline I will be asking him for a recording of the situation.) You can see he is in his inventory this can only be done over a body if he had body glitched, aside my friend clearly says in the video "that guy just stole my backpack kill him". Is it possible to know why you did not come to teamspeak when requested and also after my friend messaged you ooc. Totally ignoring the fact we wanted to sort the situation out?

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Dude, if you want sort it out, you need go to admin waiting channel in teamspeak and speak to admin, not to us, one admin just told me that. Second, I said I dont even know that guy nickname, cause i met him before like 3 mins man.

If we ask you to come to team speak at least respond it was if you did not care we could have resolved this but you gave me no choice. Are you sure that@Pucynysis not your friend? Because it would make sense. I suggest you tell the truth otherwise it may get you into deeper trouble. 

I do not need to wait for a admin I can ask you to come to my gangs lobby which I did

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