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Report a player - Nick Duncan - GTA RP

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PJ Adams

Ballas Carwash
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: PJ Adams

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Nick Duncan

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/18/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2030

What best describes this incident ?: G2.4 & G4.5

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Firstly, I'd like to say I tried to liaison with Nick Duncan in discord a few times with multiple staff members with me including Keyeth and Hank Summers. We waited for around 30 minutes and had no response nor anyone contact me to say he was held up.

Secondly, the claim of Nick Duncan not valuing his life. Pretty clear cut in my opinion, he had 3 guns to him and couldn't follow simple commands when ordered to put his hands up.

Onto Nick Duncan breaking NLR on what we think is two different occasions. Nick first died on the ramp by the skate park, got picked up my Bruno Clark and taken to hospital. After this, Grove (after around 10-15 minutes) pushed our turf (still in between Grove and Ballas at this point). The fight had not gone anywhere and it was NOT a new situation. The fight always was and stuck to Forum Drive and Ballas turf. We believe Nick Duncan went down a second time when pushing Ballas as well (can't confirm) but had shot a Ballas member (Lilly Grim) outside hospital which was still the same fight. Ballas were picking up their injured to Pillbox because of the fight on Ballas turf. We believe Nick shouldn't have got involved at all after him initially being killed on the ramp by the skate park.

A sum up of what happened was :

- Nick Duncan was shot by 'Darryl Yang'
- Nick was then saved by Bruno Clark and taken to pillbox
- Nick then re entered the ongoing gunfight between Ballas and Grove
- We believe Nick then went down again (we believe we killed all Grove members at this point apart from one)
- Nick then shoots outside of hospital and kills Lilly Grim after what we think was just coming out of a hospital bed.

This is when Nick shot outside hospital and was killed by Zycho Bellingham 

We have a full hour long clip if staff would like to see, otherwise this is what we have for now. It's from Lilly's POV.

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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@Nick Duncan

Hello, I believe this report is against yourself, please could you provide, in detail, your version of events, 

Thank you.

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Hello, this report is indeed against myself. I would like like to start by saying I did try to go to discord to discuss these events with yourself pj. As for the nvl all I can say is that I regret my decision to walk about rather than standing still and not fully complying. I heard my gang talking over radio about getting ready to shoot the people holding me up and this why I didn't fully comply but I was trying to buy some time to be able to help my gang. I understand this was probably the wrong mentality to have and will try to do better moving forward.

As for the NLR I don't see the claim to nlr as once I was downed there wasn't really an ongoing fight and I was taking pillbox. Once I had got out of pillbox I went back to grove street and waited at least 30 minutes along with every other grove member who was logged on at the time before we pushed your turf as this was a separate situation. when you guys shot me the first time round it was a completely different situation to the push that happened later on. 

During the fight I was never downed. The reasoning behind why I was at pillbox was because I was taking grove members there and myself and the one other grove member who was still up had a plan to shoot ballas taking bodies to pillbox. However I would also like to address the coms between ballas in the clip you have provided, such as '' He's 1hp He's 1hp He's 1hp'' we are on a roleplay server not a COD or Fortnite lobby and shouting he's ''He's 1hp'' isn't very good roleplay. May I remind you of the rule G2.3 '' Roleplay Everything - You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character''. This type of callout takes away from the roleplay and is similar to the mentality of someone who plays on a frag server. I understand that we are at war but we should always try to stay in character.

I would still be open to a lesion with yourself PJ and a member of staff present to try and resolve this report. 

Hello, this report is indeed against myself. I would like like to start by saying I did try to go to discord to discuss these events with yourself pj. As for the nvl all I can say is that I regret my decision to walk about rather than standing still and not fully complying. I heard my gang talking over radio about getting ready to shoot the people holding me up and this why I didn't fully comply but I was trying to buy some time to be able to help my gang. I understand this was probably the wrong mentality to have and will try to do better moving forward.
I appreciate your honesty, regardless of the evidence being black and white and pretty clear to see.

In regards to your claims for anyone else breaking a rule, I'd probably suggest making a report of your own.

I'd like this report to stay up and let staff decide the outcome of this report - I don't appreciate you saying in OOC you'd come to a liaison and making me wait 30 minutes for you to not show up.

@Hank Summers

I'd rather just leave this matter to a staff decision. For these sorts of things to happen during a war is just not fun for anyone. If someone is returning to a fight nor valuing their own lives, we want them to learn from their mistakes so hopefully this doesn't happen a second time. I think speaking in a liaison call isn't going to cut it this time and the reasoning behind me wanting to go to liaison the first time was to get Nick's version of the story and now that I do, I believe he broke both of these rules intentionally to gain an advantage instead of roleplaying with multiple Balla members at the time.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello all,

Not much to say to this, Nick, by your own admission you broke NVL, you should have stayed still and followed commands that were given to you, even if you could hear your gang chatting on the radio, and for that, the course of action will be taken below, I can't see any evidence of you breaking NLR however, as you only went down once during that situation and I can't be sure for definite if you re-joined the situation.

One thing I must say though is that I'm extremely disappointed to see you back here, no more than a month after your first ban for NVL.

CharID: 51084
Rule(s) Broken: G2.4
Action: Ban- 2 Day

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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