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Report a Player - [N.L.A]Cyclown - Poor/Low Quality RP (Banned)

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Frank Roger

Well-known member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I have tried to resolve the situation with the person i'm reporting, and trying to get him to admit what he did wrong. As i see it he didnt want to confess and just started to argue back. It has happened before with another guy, a police, and a couple of other clan members. But we couldn't prove anything because we didnt have anything recorded at that time. But the history i have with this clan, and after the police also told me a incident, I then want to report him at this point. I also talked to a staff member on teamspeak which told me to take it to the forums.

I think it's a shame that these big groups/clans should get away with these incidents just because their are the most known clans on this server. They should be treated on the same level as all the other civilians. There have been situations before when they have done somthing wrong and gotten away with it.

Following points will be the situation explanation

1. I arrive at the drug dealer, and starting selling. At this point I hear a car comming up the hill and i start running towards my truck. Then i wanted to drive away and not get caught - a guy jumps out the car and starts shooting at me after saying; "Stop the vehicle, stop the vehicle". (My opinion: He should've said "or i shoot" or something).

After a while (i edited the video (paused for a minute) so i dont show my house location and emptied my truck in the house)

2. Im driving from my house to the drug dealer (in kavala) just to see if he's still there. On the road down from the hill he placed a spike strip which i drove over. Then i jumped out - put my hands up even before he asked me to do it, and he then yelled "hands up, hands up" and robbed me. Then he asked for my keys and i gave him straight away after i asked for his name. I was about to say "You wont get anything from me because i dont have anything on me or in the trunk", but i only managed to say "You wont get anything here...". He replied with "This we like to hear" and then shot me dead.

3. I went to teamspeak to talk with him and get him to confess what he did wrong. He didnt want to understand it and starting arguing for about 30 minutes or so. He didnt say anything like "Im sorry, i messed up" or anything. But he did it in the very end after arguing and stuff like that. I then told him that i would talk to a staff member to get some advice what to do, because i want to do the right thing here. He told me to report him if i felt like he did something wrong. And here I am now writing this report.

I am reporting him for breaking Rules:

(2.2) "Random Death Match Definition: Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM."

(7.1.4) "Killing someone must be carried out with high roleplay, put your hands up or i will shoot etc is considered low RP and may lead to a ban for RDM."

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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sorry forgot to add in that  [N.L.A]Cyclown offered compensation for the event butt i refused because of the principle of breaking the rules and that we did not came to an agreement. 

I think that ignoring the compensation was a good idea... simply because it's not the money or anything that is important in these situations, it is the principle of what took place.

I want to say this;

1. I arrive at the drug dealer, and starting selling. At this point I hear a car comming up the hill and i start running towards my truck. Then i wanted to drive away and not get caught - a guy jumps out the car and starts shooting at me after saying; "Stop the vehicle, stop the vehicle". (My opinion: He should've said "or i shoot" or something).
In this situation he gave minimal time for you to react, and this is a SERIOUS ROLEPLAY community.
These poor "initiations" are not welcome.

2. Im driving from my house to the drug dealer (in kavala) just to see if he's still there. On the road down from the hill he placed a spike strip which i drove over. Then i jumped out - put my hands up even before he asked me to do it, and he then yelled "hands up, hands up" and robbed me. Then he asked for my keys and i gave him straight away after i asked for his name. I was about to say "You wont get anything from me because i dont have anything on me or in the trunk", but i only managed to say "You wont get anything here...". He replied with "This we like to hear" and then shot me dead.
In this situation, he shot you for.............. what reason? Non.

You was being polite and compliant and he just decides to execute you? I see no prior solid, well planned, thought of roleplay before this other than demands that you follows and he just executes you in cold blood - I find this very poor.

I am actioning this report and the ban on [N.L.A]Cyclown so he can explain his actions and reasoning behind these events for another staff member to review as after reviewing this evidence I am unhappy with allowing him to continue playing on the game servers.


Steam ID:76561198069819427


Actioned - 30/03/16

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