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Report a player - Multiple 229 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Connor Connards

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Multiple

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/19/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1716

What best describes this incident ?: RDM? Common Sense? Police Sirens?

Please (in detail) describe the incident: On the date above I started a pursuit with a 229 Member for having no helmet. The pursuit lasted 8-9 minutes, exceeding no more than 30mph. Fairly early on, the main suspect decided to get on his radio and call up his boys and get them in the pursuit. They joined and provided no roleplay towards Police throughout the pursuit. Towards the end of the clip, the initial suspect stopped and starting fuelling his bike. This was a clear attempt at taking the piss and wanting something to happen (in my opinion) as there was clearly no way we were just going to let them refuel and carry on. I deployed proportionate tactics (within RP) with clear instructions beforehand to give him a chance. He chose to try get away so he was kicked off.

From this, the other 229 immediately starting attacking Police, using melee weapons and guns. Actions like these were clearly discussed in the Faction Lead discussion a few weeks ago. There was, hopefully, going to be a change but clearly there has not. They had no need to get involved. They had no need to attack Police. IDs were not gathered on my end but with people involved and with Staff Logs, hopefully the 4 people involved can be identified.

With this report, I am not sure exactly which rule it would fall under and I feel as if it could fall under any of the ones above. Staff will have a better view and identify which one it would be - hence the report with question marks.

People Identified:
Male with gun shot by Eric Doyle at 9:00 (identifiable through logs)
Josh Lander (male that punched me at 8:49)
Unsure of the other 2 but hopefully can look at logs.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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from my point of view you were punched by me as you stomped another member off his bike infront of many other 229 members. 

why would i stand away when your kicking the shit out of one of our members for a so called traffic stop?

then after the situation and during an officer said get the gun off the guy with no shirt after he been shot, surely you would want to make sure he was going to live and not die but you care more about a gun?

then you took us all to the hospital and just let us go? no punishment not arresting us just taking the easy way out so you don’t have to do the reports ect and provide rp

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Hello mate I am wearing the white vest in the clip, I don't really have much to say as from my perspective you have hit one of my gang members off his bike and what I thought was you going to arrest him. I seen you and the other police officer pull out tasers and as we outnumbered you 2:1 I decided to help my friend to stop him from getting arrested which resulted in you two going down.

I would also like to try and resolve this with you in discord if this could be arranged.

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hello mate hope your doing well, i was the one with the shovel in this situation, not sure if i downed you or not, but 1st thing i'd like to ask is why did you not reach out in OOC chat to attempt to resolve something which could have easily been sorted with a civil chat? 

The reason i was going slow originally was to not gain to much distance so my boys can come back me, then we were going so slow was because one of us were on a faggio which top speed is 30mph and if we went any faster which he could not keep up there would be a chance he got arrested. 

you state you were given no RP yet you also remained on whisper speaking mode from the beginning of the video and didn't try to engage on any rp with any of us until you kicked me off my bike at the petrol station. 

I really don't believe this is RDM since you kicked me off my bike and got punched 1 time , you both pulled out your tazers to try and taze us over it and then it became a fight. It wasnt random, you should understand the risks of kicking gang members. 

If you would like situations like this to be fun for everyone involved maybe next time engage with us during the slow chase, you could've joked around with us , teased us, anything is better then blaming us for 0 RP when your whispering on radio for 8 minutes straight.

I personally feel like this could've been solved with a simple liaison to talk about what could've been better from both sides and why you kicked me off the bike and why we gave the reaction we did.

I will be more than happy to attempt to resolve this in discord still if you and the other officers in that situation are happy 

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an officer said get the gun off the guy with no shirt after he been shot, surely you would want to make sure he was going to live and not die but you care more about a gun?
Don’t want to risk the gun discharging whilst providing medical. Therefore, we seize it beforehand.

then you took us all to the hospital and just let us go?
Yes. We cannot use the same evidence in an OOC Report and IC Police Report.

Don’t want to risk the gun discharging whilst providing medical. Therefore, we seize it beforehand.

Yes. We cannot use the same evidence in an OOC Report and IC Police Report.
you can’t shoot a gun while your incapacitated ?

seems every much like in that situation you wanted to grab the loot and bin us off to pillbox as when u lost the “loot” you seem very angry

you can’t shoot a gun while your incapacitated ?
Roleplay - we are not limited to GTA’s base game. It would be too dangerous to perform any medical on someone with a firearm, and live ammunition, on them.

Instead of going back and forth with this, would you like a chat in discord I feel like this can easily be resolved. No pressure just might help clear things up.


I want a staff opinion on the report; don't want to liaise.

That's a shame mate but if you do not want to I totally understand. Unfortunate we could not meet eye to eye.

I want to add that you started chasing myself for not wearing a helmet regardless of the speed that I was going you would have continued chasing me, you say that I wanted this to happen however the actions that I took in order for this chase to occur are nothing out of the ordinary I was driving around on my bike and you decided to pull me over for not wearing a helmet.

My character as a criminal and having recently done a lot of time in prison decided that he was not going to stop for this - RP issue.

Now this RP issue of myself not pulling over lead to yourselves following me and the other members of my gang around the city, at first I was going slow due to wanting the other people that I was with to catch up. Unfortunately one of those members was on a faggio sport, now at the start you were chasing me and because of the lack of communication between yourself and me in the chase it was no longer clear whom you were targeting. Because of this we went the speed of the faggio as we did not want to leave a member behind, I chose to refuel my bike in order to continue the chase whilst this was the action that inevitably kicked the situation I want to make it clear that this was in attempt to continue the chase nothing else, as without fuel in my bike I can no longer drive this.

As I have said before my character is a criminal and has spent time in jail and this is not a place he wants to visit again, whilst I was driving at a slow speed I have give you the reason for this, whilst my character does not want to go to jail he also follows the "street" code that you do not leave a member behind kind of thing. Now in order to respond to the claims of RDM I want to start by saying that you attacked me, after chasing me you were then punched by a member of my gang defending me, the next step of this was you attempting to taze myself and others in which the logical step in RP was for this to escalate, guns and melee weapons were not drawn at the soonest possible convenience even after you had punched me. The chance for numerous different types of RP whilst you went down I do want to remind you that it was escalated by you and the other officer pulling tazer.

Overall there was multiple chances for different lines of RP the speed of the chase should not determine a lack of common sense, whilst I can understand the view that this was done to cause an issue, I have explained the reasoning from my side of things as to why I was driving at this speed.

Police sirens I am assuming this is an attempt of stating police sirens do not warrant being attacked, I again will remind you that you had chased me, punched me and then attempted to taze me before I did anything.

The member of my gang josh lander punched you after punching me, and took a logical and proportionate response in RP he did not instantly attack you with a gun or melee weapon and instead allowed for the RP to continue.

after you had attempted to taze and arrest me do to the situation esculating the members of my gang whom you knew I was with due to them being present during the chase also attacked officers. This was not random and was your actions that lead to this happening.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening,

I have not reviewed this report alone but instead with a handful of other staff members which has brought us to the following decision below.

Originally, whilst riding a bike extremely slow alongside a police car which was identified a 229 member is attempting to communicate with the officer which we can only assume is to engage in some form of a reaction?
At the point of then being in a pursuit, it is held at 20-30mph average whilst on radio to which 3 other gang members responded by riding ridiculously slow in front of the police car to deliberately troll/bait. Overall, what has happened here was not any form of decent roleplay at all and there was clearly an ongoing plan to lead these officers somewhere to which you could all react which did indeed happen.

At the point you reached the fuel station, again it is extremely clear that the overall goal here was to have the police react in the way they did before you could then all engage and attack. 
It seemed to be at the point of which you reached the fuel station you had already prepared for what was planned to happen there and it happened to go exactly the way which was intended. 

Due to the above, the report will be actioned with the following today:

Action: Perm Ban Following FBS
Character Name: Matsumoto Shiromatsu
Rule(s): G1.3

Action: Perm Ban Following FBS
Character Name: Rock Ares
Rule(s): G1.3

Action: Perm Ban Following FBS
Character Name: Josh Lander
Rule(s): G1.3

Action: Perm Ban Following FBS
Character Name: Danny Drippage
Rule(s): G1.3

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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