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Report a Player - Morgan - Trolling

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Time: 17:50 (UK time)
PCSO Jake and I had stopped a guy in Kavala after India 99 had reported following him from Weed Processor; after asking for his name to cross-reference it with the registration of the vehicle, he gave me his name being "Morgan". Which was a perfect match for the truck filled with weed, but later on he attempted to escape with his HEMITT Box. Unluckily for him our spikes strip got him, but yet he refused to stop. After 3 minutes had passed from initiation, we had started shooting out his remaining tires. Morgan jumped out of the vehicle, and was providing close to no Role play as you can see from the screenshots provided here and below;
No clue how you guys might be able to go around finding him, but I hope it is possible even though his name is not unique whatsoever.

*He had no Microphone
*Metagaming calling out PCSO Jake's name in game chat in one of the screenshots
*No Roleplay
*Continuous insulting, and chatter in Direct Communication via text

More evidence:
*This went out

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Just wanna inform this guy whoever you are, that the guy who actully where in the truck was a random guy who stole the truck when the real morgan went out of it, real morgan was walking next to the truck with u guys while u guys shot at the tires.  

As you see on your picture u linked, there is a dead body inside htat truck, the money bag'' is under the wheels, morgan was not driving that truck at all, and he never gave up his name, he said his name was vasily and not morgan, when u first stopped him. 

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Just wanna inform this guy whoever you are, that the guy who actully where in the truck was a random guy who stole the truck when the real morgan went out of it, real morgan was walking next to the truck with u guys while u guys shot at the tires.  

As you see on your picture u linked, there is a dead body inside htat truck, the money bag'' is under the wheels, morgan was not driving that truck at all, and he never gave up his name, he said his name was vasily and not morgan, when u first stopped him. 
I'm not even sure what you're talking about, but yes a hobo did attempt stealing the truck; where my rubbers were bugged and killed him, but aside from that I failed to mention that as it was irrelevant to the fact your friend Morgan broke the rules quite obviously. 

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