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Report a Player - mohammed Bin Abdullaziz, PROMAAN - Other

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Your In-game name

SGT Shambala12

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

mohammed Bin Abdullaziz, PROMAAN

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We turn up to weed processing, we told them to stop and spike stripped them, then they got their guns out and killed us. Due to the fact we were RDM's, we ignored the NLR timer. We came past stadium fuel when we saw the same vehicles so we decided to pursue and we got VDM'd (not on video) and the hemmet started teleporting.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Hello Friend video set by you. You started to say, do not move, and some like that, and they were in Weed pros..  area , and they thought that you will raid the place, and they defended themselves, either truck that disappeared they were not

Hello Friend video set by you. You started to say, do not move, and some like that, and they were in Weed pros..  area , and they thought that you will raid the place, and they defended themselves, either truck that disappeared they were not
Yes however we did not threat your life so you cannot kill us 

A threat to life is something like the following:

'Put your hands up otherwise you will be SHOT' but obviously you would need a lot more RP for it not to be poor RP.

A threat to shoot tired but not your life is like the following:

'If you drive off your TIRES will be shot'. The word 'tires' is not a threat to life however as soon as we start shooting, you may shoot back as its an active gunfight. 

Also I just remembered, we killed one of you so how did your friend get back to his truck without breaking NLR. You couldn't have revived him as its a 3 minute thing to revive and we were back at stadium fuel within two minutes of dying. 

I will wait for the reviewing admin and if the admin needs a longer video, I will see if Papa Bear has a longer recording 

ok lets  suppused they stop what will be happen after that / they will go to prison so they dont want to go to the prison becouse  that they killed you 

Approved against mohammed Bin Abdullaziz for Poor RP

Action Taken.

mohammed Bin Abdullaziz / Abduljalil jalali {M7K}



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