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Report a Player - Mitchell and ryan - RDM

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Well-known member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Mitchell and ryan

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

As the video starts you can see i am hauling drugs and talking to my friend about the prices, as we are getting close to the drug dealer, i spot the gentlemans cars there and decide to move off, they proceed to chase us, understanding that they are after us, my friend gets out of the vehicle to initiate contact, they pretend to drive off, she comes back to truck without firing or having talked to the gentleman, and we decide to not push it and drive to the other direction, little after they come behind us again.

My friend again gets out, but first car that was directly near my friend drives off, the second car stops at the other side, my friend goes to talk with him, but she was shot instantly, at this point we know these been the guys RDMing in the town all morning, but i decide not to engage, after i am being shot couple of times in my truck, i am told to get out. This is the first AND last time we hear any speaking. I decide to comply since i am in a major disadvantage against known RDMers, as the video shows after hearing the words "get out" i get out and point my gun down. BUT i was shot aswell.

Since there was no RP going on i logged off to check the stats to find this person (http://stats.altislife.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198036467206), I then come back and begin talking with him on the sidechat on server 1, chat logs will show I ask him several times if he is going to come to teamspeak to resolve the situation, in each case, he declines each time and tells me i combat logged. He also told me if i didnt report for RDMing, he also wouldnt report me for combat logging.

Since i was carrying a truck full of drugs, i was curious on where they went, after all he would have sold them and i would have seen them on his stats, well, in video in the end you can hear gunshots coming from 2 directions but the kill shot belonging to Mitchell, well his friend sold the drugs and that helped me identify the second shooter (http://stats.altislife.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198246040958).

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


From my POV your friend was running at me with a gun in his hand. As soon as he stopped, that gun would be pointing at me ready to shoot.

The driver also got out and even from your video looks like he was picking up his friend's gun.

You also missed the point where you and your friend both disconnected straight after dying.

Video is obivous.

The Roleplay was never initiated
My friend saw you following us, she didnt shoot. (you drive off)
You followed us again, my friend got out of car while right next to one of you yet, she didnt shoot. (he drives off) again nothing,
But when you got out of the car and my friend was approaching you, is that the moment you felt like your life was in danger that you had to RDM ? ... give me a break.

And anyone can see in the video i got out of the truck with a rifle, i pointed it down, and only excuse you could come up with is that you thought i was picking up an other gun with the clear intention of RDMing you without starting RP.

Its clear as day, you had no intention to RP, you saw the moment you could take a shot and took it. and in side chat you had no intention to come to teamspeak ... i asked you twice before you logged out, you even tried to threaten me saying you would report me for combat logging but you need to read rule 2.6 combat logging in RP again.

I never "Threatened to report you"

I said clearly "You can make a report on the forums. I'll upload the combat logging."

Unfortunately for me, the shadowplay never saved.

Also, if you're robbing people and one of them approaches you with a gun in-hand how do you proceed?

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You call that robbing, ow boy, RP has really gone down hill for you mate, so let me correct them for you,
If you havent even initiated any contact and one of them approaches you with a gun in-hand, how do you proceed.
If you have RDMed one of them and the other is pointing down with a gun in-hand, how do you proceed.
Trying to make excuses and trying to resolve the situation AFTER you have been reported ... that is what you are doing. You know full well what you should have done and not. Unfortunately this time someone was recording.

Just re-watched the video to see that you never heard my friend shouting at you to put your hands up in his car when he skimmed past the driver door. Obviously from my view in teamspeak I thought he actually said it to you. Meaning when your friend ran towards me I thought he was ready to open fire onto me. Also when the driver was looking at the floor I thought he was picking up his friends gun. I don't know if it's you having audio issues or my friend using something like the wrong channel in voice chat.

Any ways, I thought he already had told you to stop and put your hands up but obviously it's a different situation from your view.

We're also going to need @Brother Ryan's input on his side.

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After all this time you add this information to the story. But even if this version is true, EVEN if somehow your friend used the correct channel or what ever to tell us that. Even then you must realize how bad RP that would have been. Yelling someone to put their hands up from inside the car while driving by. You are behaving like its a shoot check list.

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No, no, no.

You can NOT initiate on someone in a driving car from a driving car. No roleplay, no talk, just bullets. Go play wasteland, roleplay doesn't seem to be your thing.

Even in the end when the one guy gets told to get out and actually does (compliments to you!), after his friend is RDM'd.. he aims his gun down straight away yet gets killed as well.

You both done fuckt up!

Bans issued for RDM:



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