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Report a Player - MDC Proxy Smoxy - RDM (Action Taken)

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Well-known member
Isle of Slongs
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

MDC Proxy Smoxy

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was lock picking a car when a white SUV ( seen in the video ) runs me over, I didn't really care about it because I was robbing the car and although its not agenst the rules I still felt that It didn't matter, an individual then came up to me and attempted to rob me when my friend was with me, So my friend pulled his gun and told him to put his gun down , when I stood back up from being ran over I went behind cover ( the car ) and pulled my gun, we asked the man to put his gun down and leave, he didn't and therefore he was killed, after finishing the man off ( I did this becasue I was scared he might have friends in the area as I had no idea ), I was shot in the back by the people inside the white SUV who had parked up, the people in the white SUV had nothing to do with the man we had just killed, they had pulled up and randomly opened fire without saying a word, I repeatedly asked the member to join teamspeak and after much convincing we came to the conclusion that I would file a report and see what the admins thought, as he said he had done this multiple times and that it was acceptable, the individual has also come forward after our conversation and messaged me privately on the fourms with a new story which he told me on the teamspeak, he has also offered to compensate me to which I told him that he didn't have enough money to compensate me and also I have seen his clan do things like this before, as well as this his handling of the situation was incredibly poor, I had to almost beg him to join the teamspeak with me, he also warned that if I submitted this report then he would no longer compensate me, which I kind of see as a threat.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


1.actully no one of diamond ducks was driving the car but we was in it the guy was driving its guy outside of diamond ducks and i think it can be shown on the logs we were on server 1 and i think its registering the logs so the admins can see who was driving 2. we got shot with pistol on the car but no one was damaged but the admin said if you got shot at you are involved so we had to fight for our life i dont know if he shot our car wrongly or maybe thought we are his friends or something but we got  shot at so we had to defend our lifes

2. my gang members cant rdm or break any rule  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z1ZMLE7RiRuMDQFqCdAajfRbiojddfuSVVbz1d00dDY/edit

as its shown on the rules section we have to follow the rules or we will be reported and blacklisted from the gang

3. in ts and sidechat i thought you are the one shot us because there was 3 guys with pistol so im not sure which one shot us that is why i said i have done this multiple time without being reported or any problem because when we get shot at we are involved as the staff team told us 

4. your video is not showing the whole story and the conv we had in the sidechat 

5. your video shows as soon as we got shot we went out of the car and shot ya with your friend 

so that wasn't "RDM"

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together. 

6. and something is fake in this report that you tried to resolve . you haven't because i asked to talk with an admin first you didn't accept you just said i will report you in the forum directly and that is threating to report and you havent even ask for comp to resolve so you threated and making this report fake. 

also lets see this too 


lol really? the most expensive gear in the server is for 350k and you had only pistol on you and saying that i dont have enough money to comp? xD even i was comping just to not wasting my time on report huh but fine .

I will be waiting for the Staff team judgment and that will be my last reply untill the admin asks me to reply.

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In the video you can clearly see that the other guy fired little to no shots, and these shots where not in your direction so you lied, please provide proof to our “conversation” in the side chat, and we agreed in teamspeak that I would submit the report and see what the admins thought, so that’s another lie.

@Clarity badly I don't have one if i had one I would have uploaded it but I wasn't recording at that time because it was the first time i log in from long time so I didn't record..

and im not sure but i think he is doing revenge report . he reported my friend before for rdm and it got rejected because it wasn't an rdm 

here is old report he made to my friend too 

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@Clarity badly I don't have one if i had one I would have uploaded it but I wasn't recording at that time because it was the first time i log in from long time so I didn't record..

and im not sure but i think he is doing revenge report . he reported my friend before for rdm and it got rejected because it wasn't an rdm 

here is old report he made to my friend too 
Its not a revenge report. not my fault your clan can't follow the rules.

Just stop bumping the post so it get reviewed by the staff team.
First of me responding to criticism is not bumping, also that’s exactly what you are doing because you don’t want to wait, it dosnt matter to me what happens here I’m not directly effected apart from having one less rule breaker gone, it’s you that the outcome concerns.

So after looking at everything and talking with a fellow staff member i am going to be taking action on 3 players today.

@MrLongSlong You will be receiving a ban today for killing and executing the person you and your friend opened fire on with literally NO RP (7.1.3). Please give a high level of RP to anyone you are going to shoot and execute unless you are actively engaged in a gunfight together and don't want to take the chance of them possible calling out your location in direct chat if one of there gang members get's close.

Your friend Triky will be receiving a warning today for rule 2.2 RDM. The roleplay he gave before shooting was appalling. As you didnt shoot first you will be reviving a warning for this. (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM.

@Proxy Smoxy You will also be receiving a ban today for 2.2 RDM. I can only make a decision based on the evidence i have, and in this case it looks like you randomly decided to shoot the people involved in another situation. Without showing me a video to back up your claim's of being 'Hit' by a bullet i cannot accept this as solid evidence.

Name: MrLongSlong

Steam  ID: 76561198202134403

GUID: 077131e7c371d0cb227e7af8e81ce57f

Name: [DD] Mdc. Proxy Smoxy

Steam  ID: 76561198091114099

GUID: e2486be550c66dc7880fcb235a777eea

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