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Report a player - Marabunta Dom - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kieffer More
Reported Players: Marabunta Dom
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 21:05
What best describes this incident: Quite self explanatory really, quite simply disgusting language from the behalf of marabunta Dom to call me a "faggot" . Not the kind I want to hear while enjoying my roleplay.

I have since spoke to Dom and he has apologised which I can accept and it is a positive step however I will be still going forward with the report as actions do have consequences and this apology could've been to just avoid a ban, again I do respect the common decency to own up to the mistake.

Please (in detail) describe the incident: A simple phone call that turned sour, real shame to see as I know Dom is capable of far better.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dutmb_eV-dhgs/d1337q8uBREG?invite=cr-MSxkZkIsMzcxMzEwMjUs
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Dear Kieffer and staff,
I would like to start off by again apologising.
Unfortunately this was a slip of the tongue moment and i instantly recognised my mistake hence why i repeated the same sentence removing the offensive word. i have spoken with Kieffer ooc moments after and liaison with him 2x to apologise further.
Thanks - Dom.
Hello @porkchop 79

I understand this may have been a slip of the tongue, but it really cannot happen again! You need to be mindful about what language you use, and ensure you are not using a discriminatory language in future.
You've taken responsability for your actions, held your hands up and apologised - With that in mind, I'll action this with leniency, and issue you with a warning.

C1.2 - Warning - 81987
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