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Report a Player - [LCM] Muzzle - RDM

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[LCM] Muzzle

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was rammed off the road by a player in a hatchback who then got out and proceeded to shoot at me, by the time he said something to me (which was unintelligible) he had already shot at me numerous times attempting to kill me without RP. I had 80k on me, as well as 15 processed copper, but i assume that i will have to post a compensation request depending on the outcome of this report.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Wow man someone initiated on you dude I was told to shoot to kill so I did 

(edit thanks for cutting the part where you vdmed out sports hatchback and where we told you to get off the quad bike)

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Nobody had initiated on me. no attempt was made to talk to me until after bullets were flying. Not to mention, you have to initiate on me if youre the one firing upon me.

No buddy my gang initiated on you   And read the edit please 

edit it I was told to shoot so I shot  and can I ask why didn't you call me into ts??

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There was no edit. you rammed me off the road and started shooting at me, at that point i started recording, hence why the command menu is up. You need to initiate on me if you're the one attempting to rob me. Where's your proof? Cause I have a video of a dude attempting to VDM me, again without a single word being said.

There was no edit. you rammed me off the road and started shooting at me, at that point i started recording, hence why the command menu is up. You need to initiate on me if you're the one attempting to rob me. Where's your proof? Cause I have a video of a dude attempting to VDM me, again without a single word being said.
Ok my friend initiated on you when you hit/desyced into our car I don't record as I get 10fps with the lowest settings as it is I was told to shoot to kill so I shot 4 bullets from a vermin and you just dropped I would of preferred to talk about this on the teamspeak but you decided to come here  I could hear my friend initiate so I assumed you heard him after you kept. Driving I shot I would like to add I did not fire the first shot I was just the one that got the kill shot P.S sorry for bad typing I'm on my phone

you were behind me when you hit me the first time, and you were behind me the second time, clearly I didn't attempt to hit you in either scenario.

Dude I wasn't the driver and what I saw was you swerve into us (could of been desync) but off topic for a Dec why didn't you get me into teamspeak if it was rdm I could of Comped you then I wouldn't have to go and explain why I killed you teamspeak is there to resolve issues like this man 

So what your telling me here is you didn't even look in the lcn rooms also quick tip control+f will bring up a search tab  or you could of said muzzle ts now in ooc channel  I mean like damn if I knew you didn't hear the initiation I would of Comped you 


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

Rejected: Your video shows me that you didn't try to resolve it because someone said "Oh yeah theres a form you fill out, you post the video, and they ban them."
That's not how it works here.

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