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Report a Player - [LC] B A B O U & [LC] Sprax - RDM (Report Rejected)

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9 millies
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[LC] B A B O U & [LC] Sprax

Date of the incident


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Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was in the weed processors and then i saw a guy standing there with a pickup, i ignored because i didn't want any trouble kept moving then a hatchback started following me i kept dodging it to avoid any problems, they suddenly appear in front of me any get out of the car, they said get out of the vehicle now or we will shoot your tyres, i didnt have enough time to react only 1 second they began shooting at my tires and engine i got scared and proceeded to try and run away after that my engine blew and i got out and they handcuffed me and took away my phone gps and keys, i had my camera still rolling, they zip tied me robbed me and shot my knees so i couldn't walk, he went to the car and before he went i said your screwed im going to report your crimes to the government, and they said what did you say? im screwed your gonna report me to the government? and i said yes i still have my gopro you forgot it, and they shot me in my head because i was threatening them to take the evidence to the police and to the government. they shot me before i could even talk i told them that i had no money and i needed this they said its nothing personal man and shot my legs. They seemed fearless from the government and the police and randomly attacked technically a hobo. i passed out and woke up in Athira for some reason i think someone saw my body and tried healing me up and patching me.. all i know is my hemet was taken and i was shot at randomly

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Here is video from my perspective, looks like you missed alot, you vdmed us at the weed processor, and we did proper initiation, youre truck did not blow up as you can see in my video and you were not runing of, you ruined roleplay and started with "Im gonna report you to the goverment".  I was trying to roleplay with you, but all you were talking about was reporting me to the goverment. Also you cliped youre video and you lied in youre statement. @Laith

Best regards


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Why is your clip edited? you're missing like 2minutes. After we told you to put your hands up you started threatening us that we were gonna get screwed by the government. The first thing you said when you exited the vehicle was: "You're robbing a hobo, are you serious?". I dont feel like you valued your life at all at the point of the incident. You did not say " your screwed im going to report your crimes to the government ", you said: "You're fucking screwed", and then repeated "You're screwed".  Also you tried to VMD us when driving down from the processor. If you asked us in side chat or phone, we would happily come to TS to talk about what happened and try to resolve the situation. 

I feel like your the person thats failing RP. You were not scared at all when threated by your life and did not value your life.

Heres my pow:




Clip was edit to not miss the point, heres the full footage :) lets see who started initiating first reason was "im not scared for my life" was because i knew you wouldnt kill me because i thought i would get out of it, you guys are blood thirsty, and reckless. it was obvoius that you wanted to stop me at the side of the road, i was riding a hemt going down the hill and you guys tried to stop infront of me, why the hell would you do that? do you expect a hemtt to have carbon ceramic breaks?! you stole my cannibes. if this was a matter because i accidentally crashed into you guys which you considered VDM you wouldnt have wento my tuck and stole all my belongings and also stole my keys. then first off, you guys said out of the vehicle at 2:05 and i passed you at 2:05 you began initiation at 2:06, you didnt even give me time to conisder stopping all i did was freak out and began running away from you guys because i did not want to die.. 

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 how about next time dont lie about me VDMing you it was obvious you were trying to rob me, i got scared and i began avoiding you as much as i can because i didnt want any trouble but you guys being the lying theives you are took my shit and killed me and now because your getting reported you're covering it up by saying that you guys initiated because you got vdmed LMFAO thats the biggest lie i've heard. 

As Nick requested here is a clip FROM initiation till my death.

and whats in it to you if i did not fear my life? maybe im getting into character where im a fearless hobo that was a war veteran and has nothing to lose.  i've been held up numerous amounts of times i've stated to them im a hobo with nothing to lose what do you want, and you guys by far are the most bloodthirsty ruthless unworthy of a single slot in the server. people like you make it hard for the lower end players to actually have fun. you'd say its the way of the server. but you guys just went all out. stop lying about initiating because of the VDM im 100% sure it was because of the weed i had inside. 

You're RP too was soo horrible its unreal, i remember getting held up and being held hostage for real, where they initiated with me and began threatening me and actually giving me the scares. your dumb asses (sorry for the language) were obvious thieves that were rushing the operation and getting it over with. the only RP part i figured was when you took my items and such to assure i cannot contact someone. the rest is just plain stupidity and not even having a delightful RP. i can give this rp 1/10. i wouldnt have mind the whole scenario if you guys actually put effort in your RP. i would've actually enjoyed it. but you guys all you did was kill me within 5 mins and thats plain stupid. oh and "if you got on teamspeak we would've resolved it" stop trying to play victim and all that crap. its not gonna work you guys were plain trying to rob me, and it was obvious. i knew for a fact that it would've been a hopeless case to even talk to you. 

also clearly you can hear your friend say "OH HEMTT BOX LEAVING" or whatever thats more evidence that you were trying to rob me 

stop lying about initiating because of the VDM im 100% sure it was because of the weed i had inside. 
We never said we initiated because of what looked like VDM. It might have been an accideIt's perfectly fine to rob somnt, im not gonna take that from you. It's pretty  obvious that we rob you for the cargo since you were parked at the weed processor when we saw you. The way you put it in perspective it seems like it's not allowed or? It's perfectly fine to rob someone for the cargo. It's a risk you have to take when doing weed - either the police get you or the rebels get you (or you manage to make a solo run). You were unarmed and alone, which made you an attractive target for us. We initiated on you because of the cargo you had, not the vdm/accident i'm not gonna lie. 

You're RP too was soo horrible its unreal, i remember getting held up and being held hostage for real, where they initiated with me and began threatening me and actually giving me the scares. your dumb asses (sorry for the language) were obvious thieves that were rushing the operation and getting it over with. the only RP part i figured was when you took my items and such to assure i cannot contact someone. the rest is just plain stupidity and not even having a delightful RP. i can give this rp 1/10. i wouldnt have mind the whole scenario if you guys actually put effort in your RP. i would've actually enjoyed it. but you guys all you did was kill me within 5 mins and thats plain stupid.
I'm sorry that you feel like our rp "was soo horrible its unreal", but the only reason we ended up killing you was because you constantly threatned and provoked sparx when sitting in the car. We were gonna take you with us, but then sparx wanted to shoot you in the leg because of your attitude. You said you roleplayed as a fearless war veteran, but im pretty sure that no matter what person you are, you allways think twice before acting and spitting out words especially when you got 3 rifles pointed at you without anything to defend yourself with. 

oh and "if you got on teamspeak we would've resolved it" stop trying to play victim and all that crap. its not gonna work you guys were plain trying to rob me, and it was obvious. i knew for a fact that it would've been a hopeless case to even talk to you. 
Fair enough. But I still think it's a sign of respect to talk about stuff that we disagree on. Im not mad because you didn't call us to teamspeak its your choice how you want to resolve it.  

To be honest, i don't feel like we did anything wrong here. The initiation might have been a bit short, but i mean in a heated situation these things tend to happen. All 3 of us screamed at you and we ended up firing at your tires. It didn't seem like you wanted to stop anyway after we opened fire. 

- Babou

We never said we initiated because of what looked like VDM. It might have been an accideIt's perfectly fine to rob somnt, im not gonna take that from you. It's pretty  obvious that we rob you for the cargo since you were parked at the weed processor when we saw you. The way you put it in perspective it seems like it's not allowed or? It's perfectly fine to rob someone for the cargo. It's a risk you have to take when doing weed - either the police get you or the rebels get you (or you manage to make a solo run). You were unarmed and alone, which made you an attractive target for us. We initiated on you because of the cargo you had, not the vdm/accident i'm not gonna lie. 

I'm sorry that you feel like our rp "was soo horrible its unreal", but the only reason we ended up killing you was because you constantly threatned and provoked sparx when sitting in the car. We were gonna take you with us, but then sparx wanted to shoot you in the leg because of your attitude. You said you roleplayed as a fearless war veteran, but im pretty sure that no matter what person you are, you allways think twice before acting and spitting out words especially when you got 3 rifles pointed at you without anything to defend yourself with. 

Fair enough. But I still think it's a sign of respect to talk about stuff that we disagree on. Im not mad because you didn't call us to teamspeak its your choice how you want to resolve it.  

To be honest, i don't feel like we did anything wrong here. The initiation might have been a bit short, but i mean in a heated situation these things tend to happen. All 3 of us screamed at you and we ended up firing at your tires. It didn't seem like you wanted to stop anyway after we opened fire. 

- Babou
I consider it we're both in the wrong. and if you agree that we can put this behind our backs. i can tell you that my rp was wrong because i was scared and mad at the same time. but you had some mistakes too. we can resolve this that way and put it behind us if you so will 

We did nothing wrong, we initiated on youre tires and we robbed you, there is nothing wrong with that. You Failed RP by started to talk about reporting us to the goverment and bla bla bla. You did not value youre life, and you made a false Report against us here on the forum, you edidet youre video to put us in bad light and made a fals statement. Im not gonna put this behind me, if you get robbed ingame does not give you the right to be salty and come here on the forum to try get us deported when we did nothing wrong. Its against the rules to lie here in the report. When you made the report you clicked yes on "

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


You could asked us to come to teamspeak to resolv it, but you decided to take us to the forum straight ahead. but now there is nothing to resolv. You tried to VDM us, Edited youre video, lied in youre statement, did not value youre life, and failed rp. 

To me it looks like you are trying to get me and my friends of the island with youre report because you decided to do a weedrun solo and lost everything. You either get cought by cops or rebels, if you are lucky you get away. Welcome to altislife.



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We did nothing wrong, we initiated on youre tires and we robbed you, there is nothing wrong with that. You Failed RP by started to talk about reporting us to the goverment and bla bla bla. You did not value youre life, and you made a false Report against us here on the forum, you edidet youre video to put us in bad light and made a fals statement. Im not gonna put this behind me, if you get robbed ingame does not give you the right to be salty and come here on the forum to try get us deported when we did nothing wrong. Its against the rules to lie here in the report. When you made the report you clicked yes on "

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


You could asked us to come to teamspeak to resolv it, but you decided to take us to the forum straight ahead. but now there is nothing to resolv. You tried to VDM us, Edited youre video, lied in youre statement, did not value youre life, and failed rp. 

To me it looks like you are trying to get me and my friends of the island with youre report because you decided to do a weedrun solo and lost everything. You either get cought by cops or rebels, if you are lucky you get away. Welcome to altislife.


Excuse me ? i didnt lie. i didnt edit on purpose. nothing was significant in the whole video rather than the initiation and my death. i already have other members who have told me that you initiated too soon and did not give enough time for my to react. thats one mistake. secondly i did not VDM you. your dumb ass decided to stop infront of a HEMTT going almost 80km hour downhill. its not my fault you went infront of me. i cant control the HEMTT. and YES i will try and get you deported because your lying scumbags. first you say i VDMED you. then you say i had to go to Teamspeak to resolve it. then you say that i failed RP. your accusations keep shifting. if you knew that you were right and not wrong you would've not started this huge convo but i can already tell that there is some tension between you and your friends because you do realize that infact you initiated and started shooting way too soon. you also did not roleplay AT ALL which lead me to thinking you werent taking it seriously so i got mad and scared and began threatening you. who are you to say when im scared and not scared? people have had guns pointed to them multiple times some react scared and some stand up and have a badass attitude. i chose the badass attitude. and no i did not think you would shoot me. you idiots were saying "i have a rifle" wtf does that have todo with anything. Im sorry to inform you that your in the wrong here in my prespective. the only thing i was mistaken in was i did not RP my way out of it. which was because of you guys.

1. lying about the VDM were you stated that you initiated because i VDM'ed (Also you tried to VMD us when driving down from the processor.)

2. You can clearly see that you were parking infront of me which is another indication that you pulled yourself into that situation.

3. from the video you can see my really trying to avoid you thats why i went up the hill because i saw your car i tried running away.

4. At 2:05 was the minute second you stopped talking and my HEMTT passed you. 2:06 you began initiating. no human can react in a second. 

5. Im not salty. i was captured by a gang once and was also involved in a shootout between them and a cop i lost all my gear including an MXC fully kitted later on i crashed my helicopter and lost my clothes. i did not care because they didnt randomly start shooting they made me take off everything began threatening me they also came at me suddenly in 4 cars and a helicopter and began a shootout with the rescue police and actually acted out a crime scene. you guys are just plain stupid men that are randomly robbing people just to steal there weed and gain money and not to put on a show and actually have a nice RPing scene. 

6. You also mentioned in a comment i dont know where it went that"it LOOKED like you were just gonna keep going" well my friend this is an RP server based on real life. and when you have a persons life between your hands you cant ASSUME that he's gonna keep going just because it looked like it. technically thats just manslaughter.

7. You said i wanted you off the island. well technically there are  alot of nice role playing bandits that are on roleplay.co.uk the types of bandits that actually try to play their part. i did not see anything from you guys other than a couple of idiots who think just because they have rifles they are the shit. with very dangerous weapons comes great responsibility. you guys sound like your grown men but you act like fresh spawns with a gun for the first time. 

8. you keep mentioning that "Oh we just robbed you you cant report us im not gonna put this behind me" yeah whatever you only robbed me. that robbery lasted literately 5 mins before you decided to shoot me. pathetic you are.

Excuse me ? i didnt lie. i didnt edit on purpose. nothing was significant in the whole video rather than the initiation and my death. i already have other members who have told me that you initiated too soon and did not give enough time for my to react. thats one mistake. secondly i did not VDM you. your dumb ass decided to stop infront of a HEMTT going almost 80km hour downhill. its not my fault you went infront of me. i cant control the HEMTT. and YES i will try and get you deported because your lying scumbags. first you say i VDMED you. then you say i had to go to Teamspeak to resolve it. then you say that i failed RP. your accusations keep shifting. if you knew that you were right and not wrong you would've not started this huge convo but i can already tell that there is some tension between you and your friends because you do realize that infact you initiated and started shooting way too soon. you also did not roleplay AT ALL which lead me to thinking you werent taking it seriously so i got mad and scared and began threatening you. who are you to say when im scared and not scared? people have had guns pointed to them multiple times some react scared and some stand up and have a badass attitude. i chose the badass attitude. and no i did not think you would shoot me. you idiots were saying "i have a rifle" wtf does that have todo with anything. Im sorry to inform you that your in the wrong here in my prespective. the only thing i was mistaken in was i did not RP my way out of it. which was because of you guys.

1. lying about the VDM were you stated that you initiated because i VDM'ed (Also you tried to VMD us when driving down from the processor.)

2. You can clearly see that you were parking infront of me which is another indication that you pulled yourself into that situation.

3. from the video you can see my really trying to avoid you thats why i went up the hill because i saw your car i tried running away.

4. At 2:05 was the minute second you stopped talking and my HEMTT passed you. 2:06 you began initiating. no human can react in a second. 

5. Im not salty. i was captured by a gang once and was also involved in a shootout between them and a cop i lost all my gear including an MXC fully kitted later on i crashed my helicopter and lost my clothes. i did not care because they didnt randomly start shooting they made me take off everything began threatening me they also came at me suddenly in 4 cars and a helicopter and began a shootout with the rescue police and actually acted out a crime scene. you guys are just plain stupid men that are randomly robbing people just to steal there weed and gain money and not to put on a show and actually have a nice RPing scene. 

6. You also mentioned in a comment i dont know where it went that"it LOOKED like you were just gonna keep going" well my friend this is an RP server based on real life. and when you have a persons life between your hands you cant ASSUME that he's gonna keep going just because it looked like it. technically thats just manslaughter.

7. You said i wanted you off the island. well technically there are  alot of nice role playing bandits that are on roleplay.co.uk the types of bandits that actually try to play their part. i did not see anything from you guys other than a couple of idiots who think just because they have rifles they are the shit. with very dangerous weapons comes great responsibility. you guys sound like your grown men but you act like fresh spawns with a gun for the first time. 

8. you keep mentioning that "Oh we just robbed you you cant report us im not gonna put this behind me" yeah whatever you only robbed me. that robbery lasted literately 5 mins before you decided to shoot me. pathetic you are.
What are you talking about?

1. I never said we initiated becaus you vdm`ed us, our goal was to rob someone at the weed procesing. Im just poiinting out that you broke a rule by raming us on purpus.

2. Same as number 1.

3. You never tried to run away from us, as you can see in the video, you jumped out of the truck and ran right in to us.

4. We were 3 guys that screamed "Stop the veichle or youre tires will be shot"

5. We never started to shoot at you randomly, we pulled up infront and initiated one youre tires.

6. Can answer to that, cant recall saying anything like that.

7. We have been on the island for a while, we play by the rules.

8. We was roleplaying with you, all you said after i put you in the veichle was that you have gopro and you were going to report us to the goverment. I shot you in the knee and we decided to let you walk from there, buth you keept thretening us, so we gave you a bullet to the head. We were 3 guys with rifles, and you did not value youre life. Yes is said im not gonna put this behind me, we did not breake any rules, you broke rules, and you broke rules here on the forum aswell by giving false statement. 

After watching all of the evidence provided and after gaining multiple opinions on this situation, I have decided to reject this report. However, I am going to give you all parties a bit of advice. 

Firstly @Sparx^ @Babou, Although in all videos you can clearly hear the initiation and there is no problems with that, I feel as if you began shooting a little too quickly. Although it is evident that the reportee had no intent to stop or slow down when you had initiated, I feel as if the time you gave him from when you first told him to stop or his tires would be shot to when the first bullets were shot, it was quick. 4 Seconds to be exact. This is not enough time at all for the truck to come to a stop given that it is a fairly large vehicle. 

In future, I will be expecting you to wait before shooting. You have to understand, you were in a hatchback sport. He was in a HEMMT Box. There is no way he is going to get away from you. Give him more time!

@Laith - Firstly, when the truck almost collided with the hatchback sport although in my opinion there was no ill intent you can see from the perspective of the reported that it kind of looks like you were trying to VDM. I guess the only suggestion I can make is to watch where you're driving. 

Secondly, when ever you stopped and hopped out, for the most part all you were mentioning was the fact that you had a Go-Pro Recording implying that you were recording the situation and then saying that the reported are "screwed by the government" implying that they will get into trouble for their actions. In my opinion, if you didn't act this way you could have had a much more enjoyable roleplay situation than you did by being angry and aggressive and telling them that they were screwed, you were recording and that they shot at you at random. 

To Both Parties: The situation seems kind of rushed. In all future situations, take your time and don't rush things. You will find that situations will be much more enjoyable even if you're on the bad end of the stick.

Report Rejected!

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