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Report a Player - Lanrence, [GA] Smith. - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Active member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Lanrence, [GA] Smith.

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Ok this guy was try to say that i need to stop or he was going to shoot and i don't take moving vehicle initiations as any form off good rolepaly and i strong hate it. It is not good roleplay and he started threatening in the green zone. i didn't get it on video thought.

I got my car out off the garage knowing that the guy was going to do that poor Roleplay. so i start driving a he came op behide me and start saying things and waring that he was going to shot and about 25 secs later i get shot. i think its very very very low and bad rp i just cameback after a small break and this is what i get.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Mate that is not true I initiated a robbery on you witch you try to mislead me down 2 roads I keep following telling you to stop or you will be shot while my buddy Smith watched from above so we didn't lose you, you drove into a green zone to  avoid us so we went on our way. 2 minutes later you pull out and we begin the chase and I re initiated on you and you failed to stop and headed to airport where Smith already set up as we made a trap where then you where shot out for not stopping when I said and I stated we will shoot you, and we did I executed you in the name of Altis military (Our group) and for not complying with us we didn't want cops to know.  If there was any Low quality or poor RP it was 'cause of you for entering a green zone to avoid robbery witch is against the rules. [SIZE=medium](2.6) Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle whilst you are being chased or to prevent roleplay will result in a ban.[/SIZE]  that is the rule you broke which is a banable offence

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@l_D_Booth123 Do you have any evidence showing your side of the situation? and to back up the accusation that he fled into the greenzone after you initiated on him? 

Further do you understand breaking RP by mentioning things such as "Greenzones" is also against the rules, are you also aware that you're not allowed to initiate from a Vehicle? for the last bit I would not fault you seeing as it's written no where in the rules but it is still technically forbidden and is bannable. I'm simply curious if you were already aware of this seeing as it appears that you were shouting from the vehicle while chasing Jonas.

I don't want to be rude but where does it state initiation from vehicle is banable. The evidence is video that Jack has but he was banned for comenting on a app that wasn't about him but he was a witness

I don't want to be rude but where does it state initiation from vehicle is banable. The evidence is video that Jack has but he was banned for comenting on a app that wasn't about him but he was a witness
As mentioned it's not stated in the rules but usually goes under rule 1.7 (Common sense) hence why I'd prefer not to ban you for that. Just something to keep in mind next time. 

Also @jonasmn26 could you please explain why the video has been removed?

idk why the video is down but i try to see if i get it op again.

don't want to be rude but where does it state initiation from vehicle is banable. The evidence is video that Jack has but he was banned for comenting on a app that wasn't about him but he was a witness
it goes under common sense 

I'm Jack who has the video, i will find the video if you want but it shows nothing different to his video as I only started recording after he entered the safezone so it probably is no use. 

Also I don't see how initiating from a car should go under common sense as, if there is one person driving and one with a gun they should be able to initiate and tell them to pull over. 

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Also I don't see how initiating from a car should go under common sense
Let's put this in a real life situation then. Your windows of the car are fully up and the car is a good distant away from you. Do you really think you are going to be able hear that person shouting at you? You have the radio playing and its blasting away, you think people will hear someone shouting from how far away? Therefore it's common sense not to do that correct? 


@Snakeblood11 if you have no evidence that is relevant or in defense of this situation, then we can only act upon the evidence given in this report. Therefore does anybody have anything else to add before we come to a conclusion 

Well still I personaly don't believe they should be banned because no where in the rules is it explicitly mentioned, i think it should be more specific (so for no mix ups like this in the future)

Now I am in the same gang and we’ve done this before, we set on the back with out guns out while one person and driving the armed people shout at the guy to pull over sometimes they do sometimes they put on even more speed to getaway so they can’t be blasting their radio cause they heard us so it is common sense this probably happens in Africa rebel occupied countries and or other countries just an example but you get my point. It it common sense, never states in the rules that you can’t initiate from a vehicle and even if you say it’s “common sense” it’s not clear and says you can’t initiate from the back of a vehicle so if you’re gonna bring that up then change the rules to have that in them. 

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@Turtle12300 If you're not directly involved in the report please refrain from commenting.  

As I mentioned in my first response. Initiating from a vehicle although not specifically stated in the rules is AGAINST the rules it is forbidden. 
I also mentioned that I feel it would be far too harsh to issue a ban for this seeing as it is not specifically stated anywhere. @l_D_Booth123 You also break RP in this video by mentioning greenzones and such this is a direct violation of rule 2.8 and I'd recommend you go and have a reread of the rules.
Please note @l_D_Booth123 that if you are to break the rules in a similar manner in the future it will result in a ban. 

While [GA] Smith has already been banned for a seperate incident, @l_D_Booth123 will still be issued a warning for initiating from a moving vehicle and breaking roleplay.  

Report Closed.

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