Michael Washington
Active member
- Location
- Bulgaria
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Michael Washington
Reported Players: Kane Kash (CUTLASS)
Date: Sep 2, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: NLR or Metagaming
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So i would like to start this report by saying this isn't a revenge report against Kash, prior to this i put in a ticket to make sure these arent just random accusations i am making but i was told that if i think a rule(s) have been broken i should report it.
About 2-3 days ago OCG and Cutlass had a fight up at Paleto, the fight ended with all of the Cutlass (including Kash) dead. Just before the fight was over i was in a zentorno with a dead cutlass member reversing towards the last standing cutlass member, i did indeed die to him as you can see in the clip provided under. What concerns me most is that Kash wash already dead so he wasn't able to see what had happen to me. After the last Cutlass member was killed and i was taken to pillbox, the whole of cutlass was put under a tiny bridge next to hunting shack. The last standing OCG members was staying with them to watch them bleed out and to prevent them from being saved, which they all fully died under that bridge. The day after that is where i think has been broken. The day after Kash and a few cutlass members was about, during the time they was around, there was some Tweedle trash talking between OCG and Cutlass ( as per usual ). The thing that caught my eye was a tweedle post posted by "SexMoneyMurda" AKA Kash. He posted saying "get smoked out ya whip, my killys run da strip" as you can see under.
Now the question is this, How did Kash find out about me being killed my zentorno without either NLRing or Metagaming? This could be either NLR by the cutlass member killing me, respawning and telling Kane Kash or Kash has Metagamed this through the clip provided under.
Prior to this report being made i was also told by staff that i should try and contact Kash OOC about this and see if he is willing to QE about the situation and how he has found out. I messaged Kash yesterday asking to go QE whenever he is available, he clearly decide to act like some celebrity and not respond to my message. I aint going to wait any longer because it wasn't the case of "He was busy", because after i messaged in discord around 15:00pm and he was later on seen on the server.
Thanks to the staff member(s) that have taken their time reading this report.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Me getting killed in the Zentorno:
Tweedle post made by Kash:
Me messaging Kash OOC :

Your Character Name: Michael Washington
Reported Players: Kane Kash (CUTLASS)
Date: Sep 2, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: NLR or Metagaming
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So i would like to start this report by saying this isn't a revenge report against Kash, prior to this i put in a ticket to make sure these arent just random accusations i am making but i was told that if i think a rule(s) have been broken i should report it.
About 2-3 days ago OCG and Cutlass had a fight up at Paleto, the fight ended with all of the Cutlass (including Kash) dead. Just before the fight was over i was in a zentorno with a dead cutlass member reversing towards the last standing cutlass member, i did indeed die to him as you can see in the clip provided under. What concerns me most is that Kash wash already dead so he wasn't able to see what had happen to me. After the last Cutlass member was killed and i was taken to pillbox, the whole of cutlass was put under a tiny bridge next to hunting shack. The last standing OCG members was staying with them to watch them bleed out and to prevent them from being saved, which they all fully died under that bridge. The day after that is where i think has been broken. The day after Kash and a few cutlass members was about, during the time they was around, there was some Tweedle trash talking between OCG and Cutlass ( as per usual ). The thing that caught my eye was a tweedle post posted by "SexMoneyMurda" AKA Kash. He posted saying "get smoked out ya whip, my killys run da strip" as you can see under.
Now the question is this, How did Kash find out about me being killed my zentorno without either NLRing or Metagaming? This could be either NLR by the cutlass member killing me, respawning and telling Kane Kash or Kash has Metagamed this through the clip provided under.
Prior to this report being made i was also told by staff that i should try and contact Kash OOC about this and see if he is willing to QE about the situation and how he has found out. I messaged Kash yesterday asking to go QE whenever he is available, he clearly decide to act like some celebrity and not respond to my message. I aint going to wait any longer because it wasn't the case of "He was busy", because after i messaged in discord around 15:00pm and he was later on seen on the server.
Thanks to the staff member(s) that have taken their time reading this report.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Me getting killed in the Zentorno:
Tweedle post made by Kash:

Me messaging Kash OOC :