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Report a Player - Julian - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Altis Life

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I recieved a call from my gang member (jabbers) that a player had been trailing him in a MH-9 Hummingbird from diamond mine into prygos. When i got there i saw a helicopter landing infront of his HEMTT (Julian) which proceeded to try and land to block him then crashed. So as the opportunity gave itself i landed and revived him then informed him he was being taken hostage as he attempted to rob my gang member and ziptied him.

10 MINS later we were flying towards my friend who had Advanced rebel so we could take his map and gun before taking him our gang base to proceed with questioning and further roleplay. during this flight Julian threatened that if we did not ransom him off to the police he would disconnect and go and talk to the admins about the situation. then which when we landed on my friend mario he proceeded to disconnect.

Videos have been timestamped to show the issues and also he is seen speaking out of roleplay

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


I will give Julian some time to give his side of the story

Well, let’s start by saying that he did not try to resolve the issue ingame. Nor did he alert me to this report. It rather annoys me that dylann has literally rdm’ all of the glorious bastards and no one reported him, but the second he false initiates and proceeds to knock me out without warning, expects me not to get slightly aggravated. But that’s fine. I could have handled the situation better, I was tabbing out to change music and I got the tab out glitch. I proceeded to contact Dylan via discord about perhaps a compensation or even a do over of the whole hostage thing. He then blocked me and logged out of the server. This entire situation could have been avoided if dylann was slightly more cooperative. 

I would like to make it very clear that Dylann made absolutely no attempt to resolve this ingame. And after I offered comp, or even a do over, he blocked me and posted a report.

In game i had warned you to shut up after ii  gagged you in game yet you continued this i can upload a video of this if you do not want to admit to it 

Where does this relate to the fact that you still did not try to resolve this before going to the forums?

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I was tabbing out to change music and I got the tab out glitch.
I took part in the kidnapping so I think it only fits that I comment on this.

you say you glitched out but at the end of the video it is very clear you said you will disconnect, You think we will believe this after you have said you will disconnect?

I took part in the kidnapping so I think it only fits that I comment on this.

you say you glitched out but at the end of the video it is very clear you said you will disconnect, You think we will believe this after you have said you will disconnect?
as azius has noted , this is quite coincidental imo. Is there any proof that this happened ?

Not particularly, but if I intended to disconnect, would I have tried to come back?

Honestly dylann. Enough is enough. If the admins want to ban me for what is basically a revenge report because dylann is salty and toxic towards me, the go ahead. I have provided my side. That is where this ends.

what is basically a revenge report because dylann is salty and toxic towards me
Could you please elaborate? What reasons would dylann have to be salty and toxic towards you? What actions has he taken that would lead you to believe this?

I have known dylan for around a year now. I am not entirely sure why he is so mean to me, but he has always talked down to me every chance he got. He robbed my house the second he left our gang, he hit me in a heli, and he was just being generally annoying to be around. This is finally his chance to get me banned for some light things.

@Julian_ Do you have any evidence of you making an attempt to come back or contact dylann regarding you loss of connection?

I also see in a screen shot provided further up that you said that you were recording your monitor when you got disconnected, if you could provide that too, that would be helpful.

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@Julian_ Do you have any evidence of you making an attempt to come back or contact dylann regarding you loss of connection?

I also see in a screen shot provided further up that you said that you were recording your monitor when you got disconnected, if you could provide that too, that would be helpful.
i can provide this evidence.
because as the rules state we must try and resolve this before making a report in which we attempted and julian showed no idea that he had done wrong by talking out of character and disconnecting to avoid RP. i will provide our full text conversation.

As can be seen he did not want to resolve the situation but instead argue about it.


Thank you. I would still like to see the screen recording that Jullian has though.

I have screenshots of our discord conversation about this. But I think I’m done with this server anyways, dylann has basically ruined my year on the server. If you want to ban me go ahead. 

Well I am sorry that you feel that way. I have been informed that you two have some sort of "Beef" with each other, though this is never an excuse for speaking out of RP, threatening a player with admins nor combat logging. As such, I will be actioning this report. If you do decide to come back, and you have any future run ins with someone that you doing get along with, then might I suggest you ask for a staff member to mediate a liaison or just put your differences aside and RP and have fun! At the end of the day, if you aren't having fun, whats the point?

Action taken: Julian - 2.5/2.8 - 2 day ban

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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