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Report a player - James Legit - GTA RP

T Knight


Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Lynk Buscemi
Reported Players: James Legit
Date: Jun 5, 2024
Time: 05:00
What best describes this incident: Disguisting Homophobic Discord DM's
Please (in detail) describe the incident: (C1.1) Bullying Permanent ban
(C1.2) Discrimination
Permanent ban
Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.
(C1.3) OOC Abuse
Swearing at someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent, will not be tolerated.
(C1.4) Harassment
Permanent ban
Any threat to, or harassment of, any person, or the community, will not be tolerated. Depending on the context of the threat we will fully assist the UK police with their enquiries.

After some in-game events, myself and Reese Knight were asked to join James Legit in QE to resolve some in-game issues like adults, after being immediately shouted at and thrown disguisting insults at in QE he then talked about getting Reese banned if he didnt take him to pillbox, he left QE after shouting more disguisting and discriminatory abuse and telling us he has the power to get us banned he then decided to send me a very hateful homophobic string of messages via Discord DM's. There is absolutely no reason for these vile messages especially out of character. If the player felt like a rule had been broken he has every opportunity to file a report rather than act this way. The player also spoke OOC in character, failed to roleplay injuries etc. But to be honest, it wasn't worth the hassle of the report until these messages were received, absolutely abhorant attitude this player has, and as someone who's been in the city sinse 6 Jun 2020 according to Discord he should very well know the rules by know and know that this is no place for this type of language and behavior. At the end of the day we're all adults trying to have some fun roleplay and I quote "This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination"
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we dumped you out the gang using the ballas about 15 people witnessed you get killed off you then found me dead and started talking all kinds of nonsense about how we were snakes for getting you dumped you then took me to the pier and dumped me off this was a violation of the nlr. you then proceeded to swim around my body for the ten mins it took me to respawn calling me all sorts of names. only due to the fact me and 1 other threatend to get you banned for breaching a rule i was warned myself about breaking some time ago. nlr is a real thing and when people lose there items and stuff like that due to bullshit like this they get very frustrated. plus the language you were using while i was under the ocean was disgraceful. whati said to you was said in a dm out of frustration due to the fact you aparently claim to know the rules.
i was banned for 24 hrs for breaching nlr you targated me to dump me having been dumped out of our gang. the proceeded to taunt me for the entire time you had me now you want to play victim. you then were abusive in qe refused to accept that you have broken the rules.
i will accept a ban here dont really care you guys want to play victim when you used similar language IN GAME my was sent to you in a dm outside of roleplay at 4am due to being bullied by you and your friend jameseylegit out.
Hi James,

Thanks for taking the time to reply here - Do you have any evidence of the alleged 'similar' language that was used? The words I remember using were 'Snake' and 'Pussy'. The language that you used is not part of my vocabulary and is something that I would NEVER say regardless of how frustrated I feel, at the end of the day mate, it's a game and I can separate my character from my real world feelings.

This was in regards to me and Reese being snaked when we first joined up with the gang, we had arranged to meet a friend of ours at the casino to rob and was immediately disrespected by 4 TRS members who stole our 'victim', changed radio frequency on us and completely left us in the dark after showing us such disrespect. This robbery that we had arranged had put an end to a very deep friendship between us and the victim which caused a lot of strain for us behind the scenes, we have been shaded by this from the get to, there were NO references to the situation that led us both to be killed by Ballas we simply called you Snakes, Balla's or the RP situation leading to our death was NOT the motive here regardless and happened hours later. We were driving about getting up to some shenanigans and came across a ratrod in the middle of the street, so obviously we instantly checked it and stole what was inside. Reese then noticed you on the floor and put you in the boot to take you to Pillbox, it wasn't until I saw the Orange shoes, tats and voice that I knew 100% you were one of our old ex-gang members who disrespected us and snaked us out of a robbery from the very get go and we had ALWAYS planned to get that one back eventually from the gang.

In the disguisting Discord messages and the abusive QE call you claimed to have bodycam of the entire interaction that you would use to 'get us banned'. Again, if you feel like we broke a rule or if you have any proof of the alleged language we used then feel free to submit a report against myself and one for Reese.

The situation that led you to being banned previously for retaliation is a different situation entirely, you were directly ousted and KILLED by your OWN gang, who ended that relationship with you dying. Myself and Reese were HEAVILY disrespected by Ballas the entire day and were getting revenge for the disrespect, so we killed the 2 members of Balla's who disrespected the gang, after this we spoke in Groupie and said we are happy to leave the gang and drop colours if you guys aint about that life. the dispute was a beef between ME, REESE and the BALLAS as we acted 100% on our own, with us ultimately paying the price by being killed by BALLAS, TRS just sold out our location to them to avoid the heat, which is fair enough. But I don't think this is quite the same situation but if I am wrong then I would rather staff clarify this. Either way though the entire situation leading to us dying is obviously forgotten after NLR, but the situation with the casino robbery happened around 2 weeks ago, this has NOTHING to do with the situation that led to my death and of course this is something I remember and has been a big part of my RP storyline.

At the end of the day James, we can go back and forth all day about who did what and who said what so please, again, if you have bodycam or even ANY evidence to back up ANY of your false claims then please, provide these for staff so they can make judgement. Your replies in this thread alone shows me how uninterested in RP you are and how much of a 'play to win' or 'become a homophobic piece shit if I lose' attitude you have, the last thing I want is to make this community smaller hense why we went to QE to resolve things first there, but your attitude is just frankly disguisting.
Hello @LynkB - thank you for taking the time to make this report.

Not much to discuss here - frankly the language used by yourself is disgusting @jameseylegit, regardless of what has happened before hand.

If you think you're the victim of a rulebreak - report it on the forums. It is not an excuse to abuse others.

If your character is subject to abuse in roleplay, or loses a situation - it is not an excuse to abuse other out of character.

Report Approved

Character: James Legit
Rule(s) Broken: C1.2 / C1.3
Action: Permanent Ban (Discord & In-Game)