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Report a player - James from Chippionies ID: 914 - GTA RP

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United Kingdom 👀

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jalen Smith
Reported Players: James from Chippionies ID: 914
Date: Jun 10, 2024
Time: 23:32
What best describes this incident: G2.4 - Value Of Life
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Clip speaks for itself.

Ballas and Chippionies had gotten into a gunfight which then lead to Ballas wiping Chippionies. James (914) had went down in the house where Gus is located. A good while later James starts to talk about how he wants to give us his gun that he had on him at the time, so we decided to try and pick him up from inside the house to bring him to the dodgy doctor.

Once we arrive to the doctor, we get him up on his feet to which we had 3 guns pointed at him (3rd person was standing to my left). Then he decides to drop £1 on the floor and pull out an Assault SMG, which then leads to him being downed again.

I personally feel this is clear as day NVL as James was fully aware of the 3 guns pointed at him when he was brought up on his feet.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/i2Kg4JStxfQgObo4C/d1337K9ghFk1?invite=cr-MSxDeUksNjkzODQyMjks
Hi there patchyyy.
Sorry for the late response been busy with a lot of stuff.

I don’t really see where your getting NVL from as whenever i so called "dropped my weapon" i did this to bait you which it worked and you did not have your gun to my head as you were distracted, at this moment i pulled out my assault smg as i felt that i would have a very good chance against you guys as you only had pistols and i had an smg.

Along with this there was only 3 members from your gang compared to the 9+ you guys usually roll with therefore i felt i had a little bit of an upper hand as im guessing your members were occupied.
Hi mate, hope you’re well, i understand everyone has their busy days so no need to apologise there.

I don’t really see where your getting NVL from as whenever i so called "dropped my weapon" i did this to bait you which it worked and you did not have your gun to my head as you were distracted
See here’s the thing, looking back closely at the clip, you actually started to pull out your gun before i had even put my gun down to look inside the box

Pulling out gun animation -
This clearly shows that even if i didn’t put my gun down to look in the box, you would’ve still NVL’d.

Also if possible, can i get your POV from this please?

hope you have a great day 🙂
Hey @Patchyyy thank you for taking the time to report this incident.

After reviewing the evidence it is clear that @bwateu - James Burns was in breach of G2.4 this is because simply put you were surrounded by 3 people, 2 of which had their weapons aimed at you and the 3rd person who approached you with his guns still draw was going to check what you had dropped, although as seen from the evidence you began to draw your weapon before @Patchyyy checked what had been dropped. You mentioned that you thought you "had a little bit of an upper hand" since there was no longer 9+ but you still had 3 members all of them with guns 2 of them were pointing at you leaving you clearly outnumbered / at an obvious disadvantage

Report Approved:
CharID: 109266
Action: 1 Day Ban (following FBS)
Rule(s)broken: G2.4

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.
Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.
If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.
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