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Report a player - Jack Richards - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jason Dee

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Jack Richards

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/08/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 300

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We had previously been going around the server robbing people as something to do, and whilst doing so we had bumped into Jack. Now once we had bumped into him the original plan was that we were just going to rob him and leave, but jack proceeded to get rude within character.

We moved him down to the radio station building in sandy to try and make him sing for us whilst we had guns held to him, but he refused to do the task given to him for his life, after this had occurred we then put Jack into zip ties and started to drive up mount chillad, may I add that throughout this whole RP sit with him he was just going on about peoples mums and calling us derogatory words during the whole thing.

Within RP our characters were getting mad at this point and quite frankly it was getting boring as we could not have a laugh with him, once we had arrived at mount chillad we got Jack out of the car he was told that he was going to have to 'hike with locals' all the way back down to the city, we were going to stay with him throughout this and drive/walk next to him just to keep the scenario going and to make it fun for both parties and to have a laugh with him.

Jack was then asked to start walking, this is when he turns round to me and demands to be cut out of the zip ties, he was told no and then proceeded to say fuck you and started just walking off the cliff (Clip is in the evidence), this to me is NVL as quite clearly he knew that walking off of that cliff was going to kill/down his character and kind of just force ended the RP situation behind this if he did walk he was going to be left alone when we got to the bottom of mount chillad as we wanted him to stay alive and had no intentions of killing him.

I reached out to Jack in OOC and called him into liaison just to try and get an idea as to why he just kind of walked off the cliff and why he did not want to continue with the RP. This is when Jack basically turned around to us and said that he did not want to spend 40 minutes of his time walking back to the city and that he just wanted the RP situation over and done with because he wanted to go back to "grinding" (Clip provided here:https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/LfWLy87oPN6gB/d1337xt8zqih?invite=cr-MSxBaUQsMTI4MjYwNTY5LA )

he also continued with his attitude through the liaison still with the continuation of the derogatory words even OOC, and once again was bringing up IRL and other things within them lines, I personally did not feel like this did get resolved as he just could not see our side as he was mentioning times that he had taken people hostage and just overall comparing our RP to his own so this conversation was going around in circles.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

We moved him down to the radio station building in sandy to try and make him sing for us whilst we had guns held to him, but he refused to do the task given to him for his life

Did sing , next 

RP sit with him he was just going on about peoples mums and calling us derogatory words during the whole thing.
My character was frustrated that he was robbed , complied and still got taken as hostage being kidnapped , shit day for him 🙂

Within RP our characters were getting mad at this point and quite frankly it was getting boring as we could not have a laugh with him, once we had arrived at mount chillad we got Jack out of the car he was told that he was going to have to 'hike with locals' all the way back down to the city, we were going to stay with him throughout this and drive/walk next to him just to keep the scenario going and to make it fun for both parties and to have a laugh with him.

If this is fun then you have a serious problem mate just do it put a bullet in my head  at least when i gave u all stuff and complied if you already decided to kill me dont mock it and waste my time its disgraceful that you even lie in these reports , just be professionals explain to me that i cant remember anything so im gonna be sleeping with the fishes fine by me to be honest .

Jack was then asked to start walking, this is when he turns round to me and demands to be cut out of the zip ties, he was told no and then proceeded to say fuck you and started just walking off the cliff (Clip is in the evidence), this to me is NVL as quite clearly he knew that walking off of that cliff was going to kill/down his character and kind of just force ended the RP situation behind this if he did walk he was going to be left alone when we got to the bottom of mount chillad as we wanted him to stay alive and had no intentions of killing him.

My character felt like he was held by madmans at this point just how cruel and evil they are and how far they go just to have FUN and destroy other people time and money but on top of that continue to complain when their victim jumps from frustration off the cliff .

I reached out to Jack in OOC and called him into liaison just to try and get an idea as to why he just kind of walked off the cliff and why he did not want to continue with the RP. This is when Jack basically turned around to us and said that he did not want to spend 40 minutes of his time walking back to the city and that he just wanted the RP situation over and done with because he wanted to go back to "grinding" (Clip provided here:https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/LfWLy87oPN6gB/d1337xt8zqih?invite=cr-MSxBaUQsMTI4MjYwNTY5LA )

You are mixing IC and OOC basicly making u look bad ( My character could have 1000 reasons in that situation to go end it - one of them being tortured for hours in a studio with my penis cutted off and me being forced to sing like a mad person over my life plus on my injuries you wanted to force me to walk back to the city , Jack felt like trying to jump of that cliff can end in a broken arm , leg , spine but he over did it beacuse of confusion and distortion beacuse of the wounds when u cutted his penis off inside the studio . Personally i think it was normal reaction to start running from fear , loss of blood possible halucinations , adrenaline rush 3 guys on a mountian with guns being agressive demanding stuff all the time from you even when you complied before your penis got cutt so basicly that doesnt give me a lot of trust in you or your people that you aint gonna kill me so animal instict kicked in if its finished im gonna try at least to survive and make it thru the woods ) this seems like a logic reason and its filing in with all the RP we had so i dont know why are you reporting this when u got your stuff when you robbed me got your RP when u tortured me but when i ended it with my jump off the cliff you are sad beacuse u could not tourcher me for like 40 mins more like 30 mins to 50 mins of roleplay is not enough to you guys so you just want to even mock it more and make me walk like im a slave of ours and i shall obid by your time you had nothing better to do at that time and wanted me to lose time and thats end of it with no thinking does this person need to go to sleep or maybe has a job to attend so even that you got some time from me for RP you are still not happy and do stuff like this when the RP scenario ends how you dont want it ...

he also continued with his attitude through the liaison still with the continuation of the derogatory words even OOC, and once again was bringing up IRL and other things within them lines, I personally did not feel like this did get resolved as he just could not see our side as he was mentioning times that he had taken people hostage and just overall comparing our RP to his own so this conversation was going around in circles.

You dont let other people have opinions and just bait in discord calls so someone always gets triggered with u guys 60% of the community and i can vouch for this . How can we solve anything if you only want to keep your side of the story as 100% correct and not 1 percentage would you give to my side as why would somebody actually do that

Final message on top of all you had in the roleplay for you lot nothing is enough you are forcing too much petty shit to a deegre where people are talking about you guys in diffrent manner this is not only my opinion just enjoy the game more dont push people and maybe you get respect with scenes that you are doing baiting people in discord always fighting you dont need to do that with me anymore i say NOW PUBLICLY that i will never again join a discord call with Yakuza members i promise that now and for the RP side im gonna keep trying my best maybe there were mistakes in the past but now i can see that you just forcing it by now. 

Staff will do the case i felt like these words that i used are too much but its just a report so i dont want to be unspoken .

Wont be replying until Staff asks me to wish you the best mate 

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Morning @fatexb

The clip provided showing the user walking off the cliff instead of following your commands despite being a hostage and you clearly having weapons is cut and dry NVL. The user's attitude at the start of the clip set the tone and it went downhill (pun intended) from there. As such, the following action will be taken:

82557 | Permanant Ban | G2.4

Now, @KillerCurseyou have thrown out a huge amount of accusations in your response and have come across as incredibly hostile. Ultimately though, it boils down to you trying to justify breaking server rules because of your character's feelings. Your character and your justification of your actions does not override server rules, the rules always come first. If you decide to appeal and return, I hope you take that onboard for any future interaction that you have.


Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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